Chapter 562
"So, those members of the Lin family died in vain?"

Lin Tian looked back at Lin Zongyao.

Lin Zongyao's body froze, his mouth squirmed twice, but in the end he didn't speak.

Seeing this, Lin Tian understood his thoughts, and immediately looked at the elders of the Lin family behind him.

"Do you think so too?"


The elders of the Lin family heard the words, although their faces were a little embarrassed, they finally bit the bullet and nodded to meet Lin Tian's gaze.

"Old Ancestor, the dead cannot be brought back to life. The dead have already passed away, and we... uh, you also killed many of them. Since the three major families are willing to pay the corresponding compensation, I think this is the end of the matter." Let’s avoid further casualties.”

An elder of the Lin family said awkwardly.

Lin Tian heard the words, just looked at them, did not speak.

Everyone in the Lin family also knew that they had embarrassed their ancestors today, but there was nothing they could do.

After losing for so many years, this time, they really can't afford to lose.

If they continue to lose, the Lin family will perish.

Therefore, they all hope that Lin Tian can act safely, even if the Lin family develops slowly because of this, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, since that's the case, then you can figure it out yourself!" Lin Tian took a deep look at everyone in the Lin family, left a word, then turned and left.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Lin family looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

Although Lin Tian didn't say anything angry, they could still see in their hearts that their ancestor was probably angry.

However, things have come to this point, for the sake of the Lin family, even if the ancestor is a little dissatisfied, it doesn't matter.

As long as the Lin family can be kept in a more secure manner, it will be fine if they don't die in their own hands.

This is the only thought in the hearts of Lin Zongyao and the elders of the Lin family.

They had long since lost the ambition to restore the glory of the Lin family, and only hoped that the Lin family would be safe and sound in their own hands.

In order not to go down in the future, I will be ashamed of my ancestors.

"Hey, aren't you going to fight? Why did you just leave like this?"

Seeing Lin Tian approaching, he had no intention of fighting anymore. They were watching the lively crowd outside, and they were all taken aback.

"Is it possible that he accepted the apology from the Li family?"

"Well, it's no wonder that the Li family, the Wang family, and the Mo family are so strong. Although this young man is mysterious, his strength should not be very strong. In addition, the Lin family is really too weak. They each take a step back and are currently the most powerful. Good choice."

Someone saw this scene and couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, it's already pretty good that the Lin family can continue to survive, and it's just a dream to think about destroying the three major families!"

"That young man is just relying on his own strength, pretending to be aggressive, and coming to the Li family to ask for some benefits."

There are also people who show sarcasm and disdain, thinking that Lin Tian is just putting on a show, but in fact, he has no ability.

Even Li Pingtian and others couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts at this moment, and looked at Lin Tian who left in amazement.

Originally, they thought that even if there was no fight between them and Lin Tian, ​​there would definitely be some entanglements.

But he didn't expect that Lin Tian, ​​who was approaching fiercely and murderously, agreed so readily.

Although there are intentions of everyone in the Lin family in this, but this strong man of the Lin family is a little too uninhibited, right?

When Li Pingtian and others looked at me and I looked at you, they felt like they were in a dream.

Could it be that, as everyone outside said, this guy is actually a silver pewter gun head?

Hiding in the distance, supported by two people, Qin Guozuo Guardian, who was watching the battle quietly, was also taken aback when he saw this scene, his face full of surprise.

I wondered in my heart whether the Lin Tian I saw in front of me was the same person as the Lin Tian I saw at noon today.

Why has it only been a long time, that incomparably strong and decisive guy is so easy to talk to?
Although Li Pingtian and others promised attractive conditions, they violated Lin Tian's order after all.

Based on Zuo Hufa's understanding of Lin Tian today, he is an unscrupulous guy.

Even the royal family of the Qin State did not pay attention to them.

For such a person, if he violated his words, he would definitely not let it go easily.

But now, this scene has really appeared.

Lin Tian is really gone!

This is really surprising.

"Could it be that, as I guessed before, this kid's cultivation is actually not high, and he probably only looks like an emperor?"

Zuo Hufa's eyes flickered, thinking of his previous guess, and then looking at Lin Tian who gradually disappeared into the crowd, he became more and more certain in his heart that his thoughts were undoubtedly right.

Otherwise, if Lin Tian is a strong man at that level, surpassing the emperor, himself and others are just like ants in his eyes.

Even if he is protected by formations and an ancestor of the Li family, he is not his single-handed enemy.

No matter what the conditions are, it is useless to talk about them.

Just shoot and kill them all.

At that time, what is not his?

At this moment, not only Qin Guo, the Left Protector, thought of this point, Li Pingtian and others looked at each other, and also thought of this point.

However, they tacitly didn't wear any clothes.

After all, no matter what, Lin Tian is an emperor, and according to the description brought back by Qin Guozuo Protector, he is definitely the best among emperors.

Such a strong man is not something their three major families can compete with.

After all, the strongest among them is just the ancestor of the Li family who just broke through to the emperor not long ago.

Therefore, even if the conditions proposed by the Lin family were too high, they had to endure it.

When the news of Protector Zuo spread to the imperial capital of Qin and the ears of the royal family, there would naturally be strong people coming out to cut grass and roots.

At that time, what the Lin family took away will be returned sooner or later.

And, maybe double it!
Li Pingtian and the others looked at each other with a sneer in their eyes.

But the attention of everyone in the Lin family was gradually submerged in the back of Lin Tian in the crowd, and they didn't notice the changes in the expressions of Li Pingtian and others.

They watched Lin Tian leave with bitterness and helplessness on their faces, and they all shook their heads.

As the head of the family, Lin Zongyao took a deep breath, turned to look at Li Pingtian and others in the Li family compound, and first said a lot of scenes.

That is to say, the three big families have no way to attack his Lin family for no reason, and fight without declaring it, which is really excessive and useless nonsense.

Only then did he express his own conditions.

Whether it was spiritual stones, elixir, or some other unique resources mastered by the three major families, Lin Zongyao opened his mouth like a lion anyway, and took all of them fiercely.

This is estimated to be the three major families, all the family assets.

After speaking, even Lin Zongyao himself couldn't help but feel uneasy, thinking that the three major families would definitely rather work hard than their own conditions.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Li Pingtian and the others, after hearing Lin Zongyao's exaggerated proposal, not only did not resist as fiercely as Lin Zongyao imagined, but they agreed without even thinking about it.

Extremely refreshing.

This time, Lin Zongyao sat on the wax.

He never thought that Li Pingtian and others would agree to such an exorbitant request.

Even, he is ready to bargain.

But who knew that the three of Li Pingtian agreed so readily, and this sharp contrast made Lin Zongyao feel uneasy.

I always feel that there is some conspiracy in it.

But the point is, he doesn't know, what can Li Pingtian and the three big families do if he gives all the family property to himself!

 Oh, here I go again!
(End of this chapter)

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