Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 601 You Beheaded the Great Emperor and Flattened the Forbidden Zone...

Chapter 601 You Beheaded the Great Emperor and Flattened the Forbidden Zone...

Xiao Hei didn't know what happened in those years, whether Lin Tian really fell like the rumors he heard.

Lin Muyu didn't tell it, Lin Longxiao didn't tell it, even that bastard Chen Nuo kept silent.

But the more they were like this, the more Xiao Hei understood that something must have happened to Lin Tian, ​​and, moreover, he might have really fallen.

And what Lin Muyu and the others are doing may be to find a way to find a chance to revive Lin Tian.

Xiao Hei knows it all.

It knows all.

But it doesn't say.

Keep all of this in your heart.

It has traveled all corners of the world, constantly looking for traces of Lin Tian, ​​because it firmly believes that Lin Tian is not dead.

It is impossible for this peerless young master to die!

Thousands of emotions erupted all of a sudden, and a sense of sadness spread throughout the world.

Xiao Hei wailed and said: "My lord, you are the greatest existence in the Nine Heavens ever."

"In the nine days, how many people can compare with you?"

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, everyone was shocked at first, feeling a little unbelievable, and soon fell into silence.

Because the identity of the person speaking in front of him is Tuntian Pengzu.

The words that come out of its mouth, not to mention whether it is true or false, just its "son" alone, few people in the world can bear it.

If it is said that Lin Tian, ​​in Jiutian, few people can match it, it is normal.

Princess Tianhuang was even more silent to the extreme, because she knew that what Xiao Hei said was true.

And really couldn't be more true.

If the identity of the man in front of him is not strong enough, how is it possible to enter into her uncle's painting and get that high evaluation?
For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Lin Tian.

Everyone wants to know who he is.

Who is this mysterious strong man who came out of the declining Lin family?

Xiao Hei took a deep breath, seemed to be lost in memory, and then murmured: "You used to be the ruler of the Nine Heavens, who overwhelmed all Dao, suppressed the whole world, all emperors shunned you, and you are all ministers..."

"You were also the unrivaled emperor who saved the world and the common people in times of crisis, defeated the whole world with one force, and overthrew the nine heavens. You are unparalleled in the world..."

"You have beheaded the Great Emperor, slaughtered the Heavenly Emperor, and leveled the restricted area..."

"Starting from the endless splendor, and disappearing in the endless splendor..."

Xiao Hei said one sentence at a time, murmured, and talked a lot.

Its voice was flat and not as loud as before, but every sentence fell on everyone's hearts, like a bomb, exploded in everyone's hearts.

One way to overwhelm all the way?

All the emperors retreat, are they all courtiers?

Doesn't this mean that no one in the world dares to honor him?
As for the latter, it is even more terrifying, beheading the Great Emperor, slaughtering the Heavenly Emperor, and leveling the restricted area, what the hell is this, isn't it earth-shattering?
Why don't they know?

The crowd was stunned.

Only Princess Tianhuang seemed to have thought of something.

She had seen in the inheritance letters left by their lineage of the immortal phoenix that there were ten forbidden places in the world during the Nine Heavens Period.

But before that era came to an end, only eight of the top ten forbidden areas remained, and two more had long since disappeared.

No one knows where they are.

There are records about them, even now there are many ancient religions in Kyushu, dusty ancient books, proving their past glory.

But now, they have indeed disappeared.

Inexplicably disappeared in the long river of history.

Unlike the chaos in the remaining forbidden areas, it was as if they hadn't appeared.

"In this oppressive world, no one dares to be respected? The emperor who pushes the nine heavens? Could it be..."

Luo Yuchou seemed to have thought of something, her pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but exclaimed in shock, "How is this possible?"

Because of the particularity of Tiandao Academy, there are mixed forces in the academy, but the more this is the case, the more information they have access to.

As for Tiandao College, as a college that has been passed down for millions of years, although it is not inherited from the ancient era of Jiutian, it is a product of a recent era, but there is also a lot of understanding of Jiutian's history.

After all, as an academy, historical documents are absolutely indispensable. Anyone who knows the history of Nine Heavens will know that that period has a long history.

There are countless outstanding figures in the world who came out of that period, such as Immortal Emperor Changsheng, Divine Phoenix Empress, etc., are all supreme beings who came out of that period.

It can be said that that period was enough to become an era alone.

In fact, people who are sensible also know that the end of the Nine Heavens is actually the end of the era, but this era has not been completely destroyed like before.

Instead, it was carried on.

And in that glorious period, there were many brilliant figures, but the most prominent ones were only those few.

The only one who is so overwhelming that no one dares to be respected in the world is the Wanlingtian Emperor who is astonishing in the past and the present in the ancient times of the Nine Heavens.

One word, the world follows.

In front of him, no one dared to call himself emperor.

To be able to do this, in the entire Nine Heavens Era, Luo Yuchou would not be able to find anyone other than the Emperor Wanling.

It was a glorious and lonely era.

As for the unrivaled emperor, anyone who knows the history of Nine Heavens probably knows that in the ancient times, there was a realm, the Heaven and Stone Realm, where countless emperor-level powerhouses once appeared.

Even the Heavenly Emperor, there are two out.

It can be said that the stone people of that life were brilliant to the extreme.

But this brilliance, when it was about to spread for nine days, was ended in the Human Sovereign Realm.

The myth of the stone people was ended by a strong human race.

Even now, this race is still in a slump.

But now, Xiao Hei told him that Lin Tian is Wanling, and Lin Tian is Human Emperor, which made Luo Yuchou, really unbelievable.

Because of this, it is really incredible.

The distance between these two is too long, even if it is the hardest stone in the world, this time is enough to decay it.

What's more, is it human?
After all, whether it is Wanling or Renhuang, what you practice is not the way of longevity, not the way of life like the immortal emperor.

It is impossible for him to live for so long, even if he is the Emperor of Heaven.

The rest of the people also reacted to Luo Yuchou's exclamation. Although they didn't raise any doubts on the spot, their faces were full of disbelief.

They believed that Lin Tian had an extraordinary background, and also believed that Lin Tian was very powerful, but they couldn't accept that Lin Tian was such a terrifying existence.

If he was so powerful, why didn't he kill them all at once when they attacked him just now?
Facing everyone's doubts, Xiao Hei just snorted coldly, "It's impossible, what does it have to do with you?"

"Why do I need to explain my son's identity to you?"

Xiao Hei's eyes were cold, staring at Luo Yuchou.

Luo Yuchou came back to her senses immediately, met Xiao Hei's gaze, and then remembered herself, who was questioning just now, and her heart shuddered.

An ominous premonition subconsciously rose up.

Luo Yuchou turned around and wanted to run away, but the person who was targeted by Xiao Hei, who could be more powerful than Lin Tian in the presence?

next moment.

A sharp claw reached out, piercing Luo Yushou's body on the spot, and passing through his chest from behind.

Luo Yuchou turned around with difficulty, never expecting that Tuntian Pengzu would strike at the slightest disagreement.

Facing his remorseful and unwilling eyes, Xiao Hei gave a cold snort without any fluctuation in his eyes.

"My son, is it something you can question?"


The sound fell, and the claws suddenly exerted force, and in an instant, Luo Yuchou, a terrifying existence whose strength had reached the extraordinary seventh level, was directly crushed.

The blood mist filled the sky, making people chill.

Everyone looked at Xiao Hei and couldn't help but shudder.

This Tuntian Peng ancestor was really terrifying, he killed people when he disagreed with each other, and the remaining two human race powerhouses stood aside, trembling.

As for Princess Tianhuang and the others, their complexions were not very good-looking, and they felt a little panicked. They didn't know when, this lunatic-like Tuntian Pengzu had his eyes on him.

 The next chapter will be updated at night.

(End of this chapter)

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