Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 605 Dissatisfied?

Chapter 605 Dissatisfied?

But Xiao Hei thought about it in a blink of an eye, and felt that it was not good to say this, and immediately said: "Young master, don't worry, this guy is a scourge. I believe that even if everyone else is dead, this guy will not die so easily."

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked a little better, and then nodded, no matter what, there is still hope to find the answer.

One person and one rook, traveling all the way, disappeared into the mountains in the blink of an eye.

And this trip to seize the treasure, under Lin Tian's disturbance, also turned into a tragedy, and the four sages of the human race all fell.

Not one left.

Yaozu also lost two sages.

Even the true spirit left in this world by the Divine Phoenix Queen was forced out.

All kinds of news spread from the depths of this mountain, quickly sweeping across the Eastern Wilderness.

Beyond the mountains.

On a lone peak.

Huang Qing'er in a red robe stood gently on the peak, she looked into the distance with complicated eyes.

And behind her, standing naturally is Princess Tianhuang.

Only Princess Tianhuang is qualified to stand in front of this person who is astonishing in the past.

"Mother, is he... really the Emperor of All Souls?"

Princess Tianhuang hesitated for a moment, and asked out the doubts in her heart.


Huang Qing'er didn't deny it, she nodded lightly, she didn't know what she was thinking of, she suddenly turned her head, looked at Princess Tianhuang with an extremely solemn expression, and said: "Huo'er, remember, if you meet him again in the future, no matter what, you will never miss him." Don't offend, including those related to him, you must remember."

Seeing her mother being so solemn, Princess Tianhuang hurriedly nodded, but in her eyes, she seemed a little puzzled.

In the eyes of Princess Tianhuang, although the Emperor of Heaven is strong, he is not invincible. There are not none in this world who are stronger than the Emperor of Heaven.

For example, her uncle is definitely much stronger than ordinary Heavenly Emperors.

Her mother is at least comparable to the existence of the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, the undead divine phoenix that has been cultivated to perfection can be compared to the existence of the fairy king.

They are true beasts.

Instead of Garuda Dapeng, the existence of this pseudo-divine beast.

The strength is much stronger than the average person.

Therefore, Princess Tianhuang didn't understand why Huang Qing'er was so afraid of Lin Tian.

She even saw awe in the eyes of her own mother.

Seemingly seeing what was going on in Princess Tianhuang's mind, Huang Qing'er smiled faintly and asked softly: "You don't understand, do you?"

Princess Tianhuang hesitated for a while, but finally nodded, and said honestly: "He is the Emperor of Heaven, but I don't think you are weaker than him."

Huang Qing'er laughed when she heard this.

At that moment, the wild flowers all over the mountain were in full bloom.

a long time.

She shook her head, and sighed helplessly: "Silly girl, do you think he is as simple as a heavenly emperor?"

"The history of Jiutian is so long, but from ancient times to the present, how many people can be the only one for a lifetime? He is the only one, Lin Tian."

"That's because the times are different. If he was born in Taikoo, Uncle can overwhelm him." Princess Tianhuang said somewhat dissatisfied.

Isn't it just beheading the Great Emperor, slaughtering the Heavenly Emperor, and destroying the forbidden land?
In the dark age, her uncle did it too!

When Huang Qing'er heard her words, she was startled for a moment, then she sighed helplessly: "Yes, the times are different."

Speaking of this, Huang Qing'er suddenly changed the subject again, and said, "But do you know that Wan Ling is just his life?"

"As far as I know, he appeared in several different eras in ancient times and ancient times during the Nine Heavens period."

"Every life can be said to be the strongest in the current world."

"Your uncle is strong, but your uncle is willing to bow down in front of him. He is your uncle, the person you admire the most in this life. He has done a period that many people dare not do."

Speaking of this, Huang Qing'er didn't know what she thought of, she looked a little emotional, and sighed quietly: "It's just that everyone in the world thought he was dead, and he fell into this world completely."

"I didn't expect that he came back to life..."

"It seems that this is what the two of the Lin family are going to do regardless of everything..."

Hearing this, Princess Tianhuang opened her mouth wide. She never expected that the man she almost killed by mistake would have such a shocking story and origin.

"I don't have much time, you must remember, you must not provoke that man, remember, remember..."

Huang Qing'er looked at Princess Tianhuang with reluctance in her eyes, but her figure gradually faded away.

No matter how strong she used to be, this is just a true spirit after all. Now that a true spirit appears, it will naturally disperse when its power is exhausted.

Seeing this scene, Princess Tianhuang nodded sharply, and then asked with red eyes: "Mother, are you... still alive?"

Princess Tianhuang asked the question she was most concerned about. Huang Qing'er had been away from Kyushu for thousands of years.

Almost no one knows where she went.

Many people thought she had died.

Just like the great emperors in the past.

But Princess Tianhuang knew that she had gone to the starry sky, and together with Immortal Emperor Changsheng, she broke into the Ancient Immortal Road together.

The long-cherished wish of the Immortal Emperor Changsheng has always been to teach him to ascend and live forever. When he was attacked back then, he couldn't swallow that breath no matter what.

After quelling the darkness and chaos, he explained everything, and then killed the fairy world again.

Huang Qing'er, who was cultivated by the Immortal Emperor of Longevity, naturally followed and killed her.

This time, it will be thousands of years.

Princess Tianhuang stared closely at Huang Qing'er's distracted Liying, with her heart raised in her throat, for fear of hearing some bad news suddenly.

Fortunately, things in the world are not all that bad.

Huang Qing'er shook her head, and said: "I am just a true spirit that I left behind at the beginning, and there is no connection with the main body."

"So I don't know how I am now."

"But Huo'er, don't worry, there are many people stronger than me in this world, but there are not many people who might kill me."

"In the past, your uncle, as the head of a sect, couldn't get away, and could only be surrounded and killed by the opponent. But now, the few of us are just barefoot commanders. If we can't fight, we have to run, even if it is the strong man It is impossible for the cloud-like fairy world to stop us."

Hearing these words, Princess Tianhuang breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could speak again, Huang Qing'er's voice sounded again.

"Huo'er, you have to be good and live, I'm leaving..."

Princess Tianhuang heard the words and looked subconsciously, only to see Huang Qing'er now, only a little bit of fire was left, and only vaguely could she distinguish the human figure.


Accompanied by Princess Tianhuang's reluctant cry, Huang Qing'er's figure also completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.


Princess Tianhuang stared blankly at the place where Huang Qing'er disappeared, lost her mind, after thousands of years, she finally saw her mother again.

I didn't expect the separation to come so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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