618 Threat
"Brother Lin, eating alone is not a good habit..."

Seeing Lin Tian's cold eyes, Gu Siyuan didn't care. Instead, he said meaningfully: "There are some things that can't be touched by one person."

"Gu Siyuan, the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, those who are destined to get it, since Brother Lin can get it, it is Brother Lin's ability, do you still want to grab it by force?"

Tang Qiubai was beside him and said suddenly.

Gu Siyuan glanced at him lightly, and then said: "Tang Qiubai, what is your business here? If you have nothing to do, you can go out now. Anyway, you are not interested in the so-called chance."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Tian again, and continued: "Brother Lin, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to steal your inheritance."

"It's just that the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, we also want to see what it looks like. I don't know if Brother Lin can share the inheritance with us? If Brother Lin is willing, Gu will definitely treat it as a brother in the future."

With a faint smile on Gu Siyuan's face, what he said was so literary and artistic.


And the other people who followed Gu Siyuan did not feel ashamed at all, but echoed and said: "Yes, Brother Ruolin is willing to pass on the inheritance, let me have a look, if we climb to the top of Kyushu in the future, we will surely Remember Brother Lin's great kindness today."


Standing beside him, Tang Qiubai couldn't help shouting, his face was full of shame, and he felt that the group of people in front of him were too hypocritical.

However, Lin Tian, ​​who was the person involved, kept a calm face all the time, facing the oppression of the crowd, which was oppressive, open and secret, without any fluctuations in his expression.

Everyone said something to you, and I said something to each other, and they promised Lin Tian many empty conditions. As long as Lin Tian is willing to hand over the exercises, they will be considered to owe Lin Tian a favor.

It's just their favor, is it worth the price?
The corner of Lin Tian's mouth was a little disdainful.

Not to mention that he didn't get the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, even if he got it, he wouldn't hand it over.

Because these people in front of him are not yet qualified to let him compromise.

"I just want to ask you, where is Wu Sanhan?" Lin Tian said suddenly, interrupting everyone's promise.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned. They didn't expect that at this time, Lin Tian was still paying attention to that casual cultivator.

"Brother Lin values ​​love and righteousness, but don't worry, your friend is resting outside now, and I will take care of him with food and drink from the Holy Dao Sect. As long as Brother Lin is willing to share the things he got in the bamboo forest, Come out and meet him right away."

Gu Siyuan smiled lightly.

He said that if Lin Tian handed over what he got in the bamboo forest, he would be able to meet Wu Sanhan.

What about the other way around?
As long as Lin Tian doesn't agree, Wu Sanhan's life may be in danger.

"Oh, Gu family."

Sanxiu Dao Wuhen, who was sitting not far away, opened his eyes and took a look here with a sarcasm on his face.

And that saintess from Nanman appeared here for some unknown reason. She looked here, although she didn't say anything, but there was disdain in those exposed purple eyes, but she didn't hide it.

Although they are very interested in the so-called inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, after all, there are very few people in this world who can refuse such temptations.

However, if they want to, they will only take it by themselves, and take it openly, instead of threatening or persecuting it openly or secretly.

They even arrested people's friends and threatened them.

Such an approach is really despicable and shameless. Not everyone likes to do this.

People like Tang Qiubai also have their own pride, and their pride makes them disdain to do such things.

But if they don't do it, it doesn't mean that others won't do it. A young man strolled over, walked up to Lin Tian, ​​and said with a faint smile, "I heard that Brother Lin has a treasure that can resist the power of the ladder, but I don't know. What kind of rare treasure it is, I want to take a look at it, but I wonder if Brother Lin will be satisfied?"

This man's name is Gong Leyou, and he is also a well-known Divine Proud of China. He comes from the Supreme Dao Lineage of Zhongzhou, Bliss Heavenly Palace. He can compete with the sages, but he is a true pride of heaven.

As soon as he came, the atmosphere at the scene became tense again.

And behind this Gong Leyou, Lin Tian also saw a familiar face, it was Fang Shu, the self-proclaimed young master of the Fang family from the Fang family in Zhongzhou.

In addition, there are still many Tianjiao on the list of Shenzhou Tianjiao, around Gong Leyou, with him as the center, forming a large force, which can almost rival Gu Siyuan.

After Gong Leyou arrived, the other three, top ten beings on the Tianjiao list, also came over.

And beside them, there are even many strong men of the older generation. Although these people are not as talented as those young Tianjiao, their strength is definitely top existence, and they are all peak existences at the ninth level of Nirvana.

In this secret realm of good fortune that sages cannot enter, it is the top combat power. Wherever they stand, even if they don't say anything, everyone feels a huge pressure.

Tang Qiubai's face was not very good-looking, and he couldn't help reminding Lin Tiandao in a low voice: "Brother Lin, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. If they really want to seize the inheritance, you can just give it to them."

Speaking of this, Tang Qiubai couldn't help but sighed, even if he wanted to help Lin Tian, ​​he was powerless in the face of this situation.

After all, the power temporarily formed by the other party is really too strong. Although he and Gu Siyuan are both on the top ten list of top talents, their appeal is far inferior to them.

Moreover, by helping Lin Tian, ​​others may not get any benefits, and offending Gu Siyuan and the others with a deep background in China, it is far less cost-effective to help Gu Siyuan and deal with Lin Tianlai.

At that time, we can share the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor.

As long as your head is not confused, you basically know how to choose in the face of the current situation.

Lin Tian also knew what Tang Qiubai meant, to keep the green hills, and not worry about no firewood.

Tolerance, this is something only for the weak.

Although Lin Tian has forgotten everything now, he is not someone who can be bullied.

A group of people who didn't even set foot in Chaofan dared to snatch things from him, and even flaunted their might, threatening him with his friends.

Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slowly, and under the half-smile and playful gaze of the crowd, he slowly said, "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

"How do we want to die?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, looked at Lin Tian incredulously, and thought, maybe this guy hasn't figured out the current situation yet?
Tang Qiubai, Dao Wuhen, and the Nanman Saintess who were watching were also full of astonishment. They looked at Lin Tian in shock, wondering if everyone was crazy.

At this time, he still dared to say such a thing. Isn't he afraid of angering Gu Siyuan and the others, and being beaten to death by the group?
You know, among the group of people in front of you, none of them are simple, and picking out one at random can cause a lot of headaches. Lin Tian actually asked, how do they want to die?
Could it be that he can still fight a group?
The corners of Tang Qiubai's mouths twitched.

Gu Siyuan and the others were also full of astonishment, and looked at Lin Tian in disbelief. It can be said that they have lived for so long, and they have never seen such an arrogant person.

(End of this chapter)

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