Chapter 628 Who Did It? (Second more)
Mr. Chang Qing’s voice still lingered in the valley, and everyone couldn’t help being silent for a while when they heard the words. This world is actually like this. When you are strong, you can ignore the people in the world like nothing, but when others are stronger than you, you are like nothing. And it became you.

Mr. Chang Qing, this is also a self-inflicted disaster.

If he hadn't gone too far, maybe Lin Tian wouldn't have killed him today.

Looking at the dozens of Tianjiao who disappeared in an instant, Tang Qiubai and others standing in the Hall of Creation were silent for a while, and then looked up at the sky. Lin Tian, ​​who looked calm, couldn't help but sigh in his heart. They knew that after this incident, Shenzhou was afraid. There was another shock.

Most of those who died were carefully cultivated by the major forces, and they were the spokespersons who walked outside.

Even if it's not a figure at the level of the Holy Son, it's not too far away.

But now all of them have been obliterated by Lin Tian in this secret realm of good fortune. Even if he was once the emperor of heaven, I am afraid that those people outside will not give up easily, right?
After all, the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven does not represent the real Emperor of Heaven.

At least, Lin Tian is not the real Emperor of Heaven now. He has the name of Emperor of Heaven, but not the reality of Emperor of Heaven. There are still many forces in Shenzhou who can deal with him. However, do people like Lin Tian have other people in their hands? No one knows the hole cards.

Therefore, as long as it does not touch the interests, no one is willing to provoke him easily.

But now, this matter is no longer a matter of interests. So many people have died, such as Gong Leyou and the forces behind them, will definitely be very angry. As for whether they will become enemies with Lin Tian, ​​this Tang Qiubai can't be counted. .

After all, although the Blissful Heaven Palace is strong, Lin Tian is not something to be messed with.

Whether they will fight together for a dead person, no one can count.

Because of the fall of Mr. Chang Qing and others, the Secret Realm of Creation became quiet. Under the shock brought by Lin Tian and Emperor Wu, he could not speak for a long time, as quiet as a chilling cicada, but the outside world was not so peaceful at this time...

In the west of Zhongzhou, in a place shrouded in clouds and mist, full of Qionglouyuyu, like a heavenly palace, an old man suddenly woke up, and behind him, there were jade tablets one after another, with many names engraved on them.

This is not the tablet of the dead, but the soul tablet of the living.

All the important people in the Paradise of Paradise will leave a ray of soul here, locked in the jade, and the jade will be shattered when people die.

But at this time, placed in the center of the third row, the jade tablet engraved with the words "Gong Le You" cracked suddenly a moment before, and it came without warning, which made the elder Tiangong who was guarding here look very pale. Great change, hurried sound transmission, calling people to come.


Several figures flew over, their auras all overbearing, and the power of heaven and earth surged around them faintly.

Obviously, without exception, these people, all of them are powerhouses above the mortal realm, at least at the level of sages, and the middle-aged man who is somewhat similar to the head of Gong Leyou is exactly The owner of the Paradise of Paradise.

"Why did the Seventh Elder call us so urgently?"

Gong Yuye, the lord of the Bliss Heavenly Palace, glanced at the elder who was guarding here, then looked at the broken piece of jade behind, frowned slightly, and asked, "Did the elder who was outside be killed?"

The old man known as the Seventh Elder didn't speak, but gave up his seat with an ugly face.

Seeing this scene, Gong Yuye had some doubts in his eyes, but he didn't delay, and walked forward, but when he saw clearly the names that probably appeared on those fragments, he couldn't help but tremble.


Gong Yuye exclaimed.

The Seventh Elder nodded, and said in a deep voice, "It's the Second Young Master."

"What's going on? Something happened to the Second Young Master, why didn't you tell me right away?" Gong Yuye turned her head abruptly, staring at the Seventh Elder, her eyes were red with killing intent, Gong Leyou didn't just walk out of the Paradise of Paradise The top Tianjiao, also the palace owner of the Paradise of Paradise, Gong Yuye's youngest son, whose talent is comparable to that of his eldest son, is one of the treasures of Paradise of Paradise.

Gong Yuye had put a lot of effort into Gong Leyou's body. Unexpectedly, she fell outside without a sound. How could Gong Yuye not feel heartbroken and angry?
"Palace Master, don't worry, just listen to the Seventh Elder speak slowly."

Seeing that Gong Yuye's emotions were agitated and unstable at this time, several elders who came with him hurriedly stood on both sides, fearing that Gong Yuye would not be able to hold back all of a sudden, and poured out his anger on the On the Seventh Elder.

Regarding this, the Seventh Elder was also very helpless, but he also understood Gong Yuye's mood at this time, so he was not dissatisfied in his heart, but said truthfully: "I am practicing here, and at the same time, I am paying attention to the movements and actions of all the outstanding people in Tiangong. The situation, but not long ago, the soul card of the second son suddenly cracked, and before I had time to react, the jade card was already broken here."

At the end, the Seventh Elder sighed helplessly.

Although the jade card was too fast, he didn't react, and he didn't even have a chance to save it.

Hearing this, several elders looked solemn, nodded and said: "It seems that Second Young Master must have encountered some accident outside and was instantly wiped out by someone, otherwise the soul card would not have been broken in an instant, but... two Shouldn’t you be in the Creation Secret Realm now? With his strength, who can kill him in that kind of place?”

Everyone was puzzled and frowned tightly.

The Seventh Elder said: "It is rumored that a month ago, someone broke into the Heavenly Emperor Dojo in the Secret Realm of Creation and obtained the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance. The young master is planning this matter. Perhaps the fall of the second young master is related to this matter."

After a period of buffering, Gong Yuye also gradually calmed down. He knew that the fall of Gong Leyou was definitely not the deliberate action of the Seventh Elder. The other party did not have the courage. At this moment, he frowned He frowned slightly, and then said coldly: "Let me investigate, no matter who dares to kill my son, he will have to pay in blood!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Yuye turned around and left.

And this scene was also happening at the Gu family.

As the Gu family, one of the most suitable children to inherit the inheritance of the Gu family's sword emperor, Gu Siyuan's status in the Gu family is beyond doubt. He is the current head of the Gu family and the third child of Gu Yuanfeng. He has already cultivated to the peak of Nirvana at a young age. One step, you can break through to the Transcendent Realm, and become a real big man. Unexpectedly, today is like this, inexplicably buried in the Creation Secret Realm, and fell instantly.

How can the Gu family accept this?

"Check, check it out for me! I want to see who in Shenzhou dares to do such a cruel thing to my son, Gu Yuanfeng!" In the northern part of Zhongzhou, on the Wuji Sword Peak, the Patriarch of the Gu family had a grim expression on his face. In his angry roar, the chair was instantly chopped into pieces by the sharp sword energy.

(End of this chapter)

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