Chapter 638

The pitch-black coffin fell in front of the clean hall of Changqing Mountain, very eye-catching. The crowds of people who were bustling just a moment ago were completely silent at this moment.

Apart from the whistling wind, there was no other noise.

However, the phrase "please die the ancestor" echoed in everyone's heart, making people shocked and tongue-tied.

That's the holy ancestor.

But this person in front of him, on the day of his birthday, carried the coffin up the mountain and invited people to die. How overbearing and insane is this?

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, feeling that the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth seemed a little depressing.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​some people's pupils shrank slightly, some people looked surprised, but most of them were shocked.

As for him, everyone here naturally knows, and knows better, that almost all of Shenzhou is now looking for his traces.

It's just that no one thought that he would appear on this occasion today.

"Emperor of All Souls?"

In the square that had been silent for a long time, a voice finally sounded, and I saw the skinny Changqingshan Patriarch slowly walking towards Lin Tian from the gate of the main hall of Changqingshan.

Everyone backed away one after another, making way for him.

"it's me."

Lin Tian didn't deny his identity, he looked at the ancestor of Changqingshan with a smile, and asked: "My coffin has already been delivered, the ancestor will not give me this face?"

The ancestor of Changqingshan was not angry because of Lin Tian's words. He glanced at the ordinary coffin next to him, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​and said slowly: "Since it's the Emperor of Heaven who visits, it's natural for me to be old-fashioned." To give."

"It's just that I really can't bear the coffin of the Emperor of Heaven. Otherwise, I should leave it to the Emperor of Heaven."

After Chang Qingshan Patriarch's words fell, everyone's expressions turned serious. This guy has such a big tone.

But think about it, Lin Tian is no longer the real Emperor of Heaven, and there is nothing wrong with Chang Qingshan's ancestor talking to him like this.

It's just that I don't know who the two people in front of me today will be lying in this coffin.

After all, these two people, judging from their current performance, both intended to kill each other.

From Chang Qingshan's ancestor's words, Lin Tian also heard the murderous intent, and understood that the other party was testing his depth and wanted him to do it first.

But Lin Tian didn't care.

Because probing is only needed by people of comparable strength, and when one party can crush the other, probing and provoking will only make oneself die faster and more miserable.

Lin Tian smiled, "Whether you can bear it or not is not up to you, the Holy Ancestor. Since I have brought the coffin, I said you can afford it, so you can afford it."

"Even if you can't bear it, you have to bear it!"

In the end, Lin Tian's tone has completely changed, becoming extremely strong and domineering.

The smile on his face also turned to frost.

A terrifying murderous intent spread from him, causing the complexion of Chang Qingshan Patriarch in front of him to change.

"What a terrifying killing intent!"

Everyone was shocked.

At this moment, a ray of golden light suddenly struck, with an extremely sharp aura, descended from the sky, and went straight to the ancestor of Changqingshan.

This sudden change not only shocked the others, but even Lin Tian couldn't help being taken aback.

Because this is not what he is doing.

The ancestor of Changqingshan naturally also felt this, and he couldn't help being startled. He didn't expect that there would be someone hiding around here secretly and wanted to attack him. He couldn't help shouting: "Who? How dare you come to my Changqingshan to make trouble? Get out of here!" come out!"

As he spoke, he punched him forward, with terrifying power, he shattered the golden light with one punch.

Immediately afterwards, there was an angry shout from the sky: "I am your grandpa Peng!"

As the voice fell, a roc with a pitch-black body and bright golden eyes swooped down from the clouds with a terrifying aura, and slapped Patriarch Changqingshan with one paw.

"not good."

Feeling that the aura of this roc that came suddenly was not weaker than his own, and even stronger than his own, the ancestor Chang Qingshan secretly groaned in his heart, said "no" repeatedly, and hurriedly avoided it.

But he avoided it, and Lin Tian also took Wu Sanhan back to the side, but the Evergreen Mountain under their feet would suffer.

Because I didn't expect that someone would come to make trouble on my birthday, and the mountain protection array in Changqing Mountain was not opened on this day.

Faced with the terrifying blow of this top monster of the holy ancestor level, the mountain was shaken immediately, and it was split in two halves from top to bottom.

The representatives who came to celebrate the birthday were also rushed out by the aftermath of the blow. Their faces were pale, blood was boiling in their bodies, and they couldn't help vomiting blood. Some weak people were severely injured on the spot and fell into a coma.

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment. They never thought that this monster would not let them go, allowing the aftermath to spread and hurt them.

Isn't it afraid that after they go back, they will report the matter, and eventually the forces behind them will be liquidated?
Ancestor Chang Qingshan stood in mid-air, turned his head, looked at his home, the main hall that had collapsed, his face was extremely gloomy.

"I don't know which fellow daoist came here, and where did Chang Qing go, offended fellow daoist, and made fellow daoist want to kill me so much."

Patriarch Chang Qingshan's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and asked, if he hadn't lost a lot of force in that blow just now, the aftermath alone would be enough to kill more than half of the people who came to celebrate his birthday.

At that time, the entire Shenzhou will probably become crazy about it, and Changqingshan will also be unlucky.

After all, this is their territory.

And the representative sent by everyone to celebrate his birthday died here. What will the major forces in China think?
It is estimated that they will all vent their anger on Evergreen Hill.

No matter how conceited and pretentious the ancestor of Chang Qingshan was, he would not dare to offend almost the entire Shenzhou all at once.

That is undoubtedly courting death.

Facing his questioning, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the terrifyingly powerful Yaopeng in front of him, and then he slowly vomited: "My son told you to die, you have to die, if you don't die, you have to give it to me!" die!"

The Yao Peng who was killed suddenly was none other than Xiao Hei who had lived out his second life. After breaking through to the extreme, during his return, he heard Lin Tian's words in the void and killed him.

"He is the ancestor of the swallowing peng!"

Suddenly, I don't know who it is, and suddenly exclaimed, it seems that he recognized Xiao Hei.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Swallowing Peng Zu?

This is a famous monster clan boss.

But if it is it, it is not surprising that it appears here.

"Is this his trump card?"

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at Lin Tian, ​​they naturally knew that Xiao Hei had a close relationship with him.

Now that Lin Tian came here carrying the coffin, it is normal for it to come out to support the field.

(End of this chapter)

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