Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 648 Are You Sure To Win?

Chapter 648 Are You Sure To Win?

After Lin Tian's voice fell, a terrible tearing force suddenly broke out in the silent space.

The place where the Qiu family patriarch's holy sword was located was distorted on the spot, and under a terrifying force of space, it was crushed on the spot without even taking a breath.

This frightening scene fell into everyone's eyes, and everyone's pupils could not help shrinking. Even if they couldn't move, they still couldn't help but gasped in their hearts, and their hearts trembled slightly.

You know, that is a holy soldier.

What's more, it is also the natal holy weapon of the ancestor of the Qiu family. It goes without saying that it was sacrificed and refined by spending a lot of treasures.

Anyway, this sword is stronger than the average saint-level powerhouse who practiced physical skills. Even if the quasi-emperor came, he might not be able to break it.

But now, it was truly broken in front of my eyes.

If just now, the power of space did not fall on the sword, but fell on them...

Thinking of this, everyone in the Fang family turned pale, even the Patriarch of the Fang family was no exception.

If the blow just now fell on him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive even one blow.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the laws in Lin Tian's hands are really too strong.

Among the three thousand avenues, it is recognized as the top ten existence.

Especially the way of time, which has always been sitting high in the first place, and almost no one can shake it.

Even if it is fate and reincarnation, which are equally terrifying, it can only be said that it can be compared with it, and I dare not say that it can surpass it.

But now, the law of time and the law of space, these two extremely terrifying laws, have appeared in the hands of one person at the same time.

What a horrible thing.

Not to mention them, even if there are two more holy ancestors today, it would be useless in front of Lin Tian.

Because in terms of laws, Lin Tian has surpassed them too much.

If you want to suppress him, you must use the power of the great way, and use the order of heaven and earth to suppress Lin Tian.

And this, at least the quasi emperor, is able to do it.

As for the quasi-emperor, what he came into contact with was only the preliminary power of law.

With such power, at the same level, it is almost impossible to suppress Lin Tian, ​​who has mastered the law of time and space at the same time.

"No wonder, people say that the Heavenly Emperor of All Souls, who was once in the Nine Heavens, was able to dominate the whole life, so it turns out that he cultivated these two kinds of avenues..."

The head of the Fang family couldn't help but marvel in his heart, although Lin Tian is only using the power of law now.

But who can guarantee that he has not comprehended the profound meaning of these two great ways?

He is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, and the profound meaning of the Dao, in his eyes, I am afraid there is no mystery at all.

Such a person has mastered such a terrifying power, even if the quasi-emperor came, it would be difficult for him to get benefits.

The Patriarch of the Fang family took a deep breath, suppressed the trembling heart in his heart, glanced at the dark coffin on the ground from the corner of his eyes, and clearly knew that he might die soon, but he didn't know why, it was just like that easy.

Across the river.

Then his natal holy weapon was destroyed, and the ancestor of the Qiu family who was hiding in the ground of the Qiu family felt as if something was broken in his body, and a rush of reverse blood followed.

It's just that under the law of time, you can't open your mouth to spit it out.

For a moment, the ancestor of the Qiu family's expression turned extremely ugly.

At this moment, Lin Tian also slowly put down his hand.

next moment.

The solidified river surged up in an instant.

Shen Guang and the Patriarch of the Qiu Family, who were going straight towards Xiao Hei, also rushed over one after another, but, compared to the resoluteness before, the Patriarch of the Qiu Family now has more despair in his heart.

And because of Xiao Hei's mistake just now, his heart was filled with anger, and two fierce cold lights flashed in his sharp eyes.

Without further ado, he rushed forward immediately, and his style of play was very fierce, or rather, rough.

It's not like before, using any kind of supernatural powers, and slapping down fiercely with one claw after another. The huge body is so flexible, and the offensive is like a storm. In just one or two blinks, he has already shot more than a dozen times.

Under its serious attack, the Patriarch of the Qiu Family, who has not even reached the strength of the Holy Ancestor, could not resist at all, not to mention, the Patriarch of the Qiu Family was almost desperate because of the strength Lin Tian showed.

He didn't think at all that he had any chance to be buried with Xiao Hei, even with their ancestors.

After losing confidence, the Patriarch of the Qiu family was crushed by Xiao Hei's claws in just a moment, the holy body exploded, and the bright red holy blood spilled on the world.

Some floated into the river, and the terrifying power contained in the blood made the river boil.

After dealing with the Patriarch of the Qiu Family, Xiao Hei casually threw his body away, and then locked on to the Patriarch of the Qiu Family, who had recovered from the backlash brought about by the shattering of the Saint Armor just now, and immediately killed him.

At that moment, the Qiu Family Courtyard, which had almost completely collapsed, exploded again, and an old man with disheveled hair, white beard, and blood stains appeared in front of everyone.

The ancestor of the Qiu family was not in a hurry to make a move. He raised his head and glanced at Xiao Hei who was staring at the tiger in the sky, then moved his gaze to the opposite side of the river, leaned on the carriage, looked at Lin Tian quietly, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"This time, the old man fell."

He did fall, and it was a very miserable one.

Because of his final decision, the entire Qiu family has now been dragged into the abyss, beyond redemption.

Xiao Hei looked at him quietly and said, "Are you done? I'll see you off when you're done."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Qiu family raised his eyes and smiled bitterly: "Do you think that if I lose, you will definitely win?"

"Time is not out, space is respected, fate is hard to change, cause and effect are hard to determine... You who have mastered time and space at the same time are indeed very strong. I also believe that even if you look at the entire Kyushu, it is nine days of history. Absolute top character, there are few people in the world who can rival you."

The ancestor of the Qiu family looked at Lin Tian and said slowly: "But have you ever thought about it, the you now are no longer the you you were back then."

"How precious are the mysteries of the two laws of time and space, so I don't need to say more?"

"Take a step back, even if those people are not tempted, how can they allow your existence? Will they watch you helplessly, and if they suppress you for the rest of their lives, they will not be able to hold their heads up?"

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Qiu family couldn't help sneering, "I did lose today, but I believe that you will pay the price for your arrogance before long!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and a word popped up in their minds at the same time.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them,
Lin Tian's identity was already very unusual, but now he has shown such terrifying strength and potential.

One can tell with one's feet, if the news of today's incident is spread, it will cause a great sensation.

Presumably, there are many people who are going to have trouble sleeping and eating.

(End of this chapter)

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