Chapter 655 Illusion?

Yingyue City is magnificent and huge.

The city walls are all made of pure white jade. Under the sun, it looks like an exquisite jade carving, which makes people have a desire to collect it for themselves. Just getting closer, Wu Sanhan felt a strong aura, and was attracted by it. Locked in this world.

"As expected of the city built by the former holy land of practice, just living in this city is at least [-]% faster than practicing outside." Wu Sanhan looked at the white jade city in front of him and couldn't help admiring.

Even though the figure of [-]% seems small, as time accumulates, the gap opened by the [-]% that is about to come out, I don't know how big it is.

In fact, it does.

Walking into Yingyue City, the aura of the monks walking in the city was much stronger than that of the people in Tianyang City.

Most of the cultivation bases are above the vision.

Among them, the kings of the realm of escape and the emperor of the realm of the gods are not uncommon.

Occasionally, one or two real people can be seen walking by.

The carriage drove slowly into the city. Under Lin Tian's order, Wu Sanhan stopped in front of a restaurant integrating board and lodging, and paid a lot of money to let the young man who went out to greet him take care of the carriage.

Lin Tian, ​​Wu Sanhan and Xiao Hei walked into the restaurant.

They are going to rest here for a day, take a stroll, and ask Wu Sanhan to inquire about the news about the teleportation formation.

After all, the rules of each place are different.

In some places, spirit stones are charged for one teleportation, while in some places, other things are required.

Lin Tian didn't want to rely on his own strength to force others to open the formation.

In that case, it would be better to let Xiao Hei carry them and cross them directly.

On the restaurant, by the window.

Lin Tian sat alone at a table, while Xiao Hei lay on the table chatting in every possible way, watching the busy city below, with people coming and going.

The food and drink were served, and Wu Sanhan came back. He wiped the fine sweat from his brow, then sat down opposite Lin Tian and said, "My lord, I have already inquired clearly about the matter. The teleportation array in Yingyue City can be borrowed, but only It is used within the scope of China, and even farther away, it cannot be teleported from here."

"According to the distance, there will be special people who will charge different amounts of spirit stones. They also have special void spirit boats for people to rent. However, in recent days, Yingyue City is holding an alchemy conference. After tomorrow is over, after all the major alchemy masters in the Eastern Wasteland have left, the teleportation array can only be lent to outsiders."

"That is to say, if we want to go from here, we have to wait until after tomorrow at the earliest."

Hearing Wu Sanhan's words, Xiao Hei said impatiently: "In this case, son, why don't I take you there, not only do you not have to wait, but it's also fast."

Xiao Hei is not lying. Although he does not have the power of space and does not have a deep grasp of the art of the void, if he travels across the void, it is definitely much faster than traveling through the space teleportation array.

But Lin Tian didn't think so.

He lightly tapped the table with his fingers, signaling to Xiao Hei to be calm, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Just wait, it's not too late anyway."


Hearing this, Xiao Hei seemed to be listless, and lay down on his stomach, looking listless.

According to it, they should go there quickly to understand the situation of the ghost gate and prepare for it.

But Lin Tian obviously didn't mean that.

He glanced at the distance lightly, then picked up the teacup, lowered his head and sighed lightly.

However, neither Xiao Hei nor Wu Sanhan noticed that the moment Lin Tian lowered his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After drinking and eating, Lin Tian did not rest directly in the restaurant, but took Wu Sanhan and Xiao Hei to the city to watch the alchemy conference. This alchemy conference was indeed very lively as Wu Sanhan said. It was held in the center of Yuecheng, and the crowd almost surrounded it.

The fragrance of Dan is overflowing, refreshing.

However, Xiao Hei obviously has no interest in these things, and looks drowsy.

Seeing this, Lin Tian asked him to go back to rest first.

After Xiao Hei left, Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan walked through the crowd alone.

Then it moved to an empty alley corner.

Lin Tian walked around, seemingly looking at the cultural scene in Yingyue City, but in fact, it seemed more like he was testing something.

"Did I feel wrong?"

Lin Tian walked, looked back, frowned slightly, and couldn't help muttering.

Ever since he entered Yingyue City, he felt a divine sense that seemed to be staring at him all the time. As for what the master of this divine sense wanted to do, Lin Tian didn't know, so he sent Xiao Hei away and walked alone. Far away, the purpose is to draw the master of this divine consciousness out to have a look.

It's just that the master of this spiritual consciousness seems to be a little too cautious, no matter whether Xiao Hei is there or not, he has no intention of coming out at all.

Looking at Lin Tian now, he seems to have realized what he meant, and even disappeared directly.

This made Lin Tian very suspicious, whether he felt wrong.

However, Lin Tian is not a person who likes to be entangled. Since the consciousness is gone and there are no clues to be found, then he is too lazy to wander around here anymore, and brought Wu Sanhan back to the restaurant.

As for why he was not in a hurry, Lin Tian actually had his own ideas.

The gate of ghosts, or the underworld, from his current understanding of it, is definitely not a simple place, let alone there, whether there is the same supreme existence as Xiaohei said, the legend about the underworld alone is all Such a mystery proves that that place is by no means ordinary.

If you want to go in, you must be careful, and then be careful.

Lin Tian would not conceitedly think that he is now invincible and immortal.

Coupled with his identity, it is destined to be a trouble.

So, when it's time to be cautious, be cautious.

Use this month to digest all the things that Emperor Wu passed on to him, so that he will be better able to deal with all unknown possibilities.


The center of Yingyue City.

The magnificent white jade mansion was deep underground.

The moment Lin Tian walked back to the restaurant, a pair of eyes slowly opened from the darkness. At that moment, in the dark underground palace, there was a round of bright moon rising in it, and the faint moonlight illuminated the in all directions.

I saw a fair-skinned young man with sword eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, sitting there cross-legged, with silver lights shining in his eyes, muttering: "That man didn't lie to me, it really was him..."

Dressed in white clothes, the young man stood up slowly, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, he fell on Lin Tian in the restaurant, and muttered: "Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian, ​​I was defeated by you in the ancient battlefield. Now, following your news, I thought you were dead, but who knows, you didn't die, but appeared in Beiyuan, backed by a saint, and started killing there."

"But later, I heard that the saint who supported you died, and wanted to find you to fight again. Unfortunately, you disappeared as if you were dead, but the emperor paid off. After thousands of years, I finally let me wait for you."

"It must have been the work of your younger sister to survive until now?"

Speaking of this, the young man in white couldn't help laughing, his spiritual thoughts turned to Xiao Hei, his eyes turned cold, "Hehe, and this dead bird, you were very arrogant back then, I don't know, how many are there now?" Divide the momentum of the year."


 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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