Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 667 Seeing Purple Gold Gourd Again

Chapter 667 Seeing Purple Gold Gourd Again
Lin Tian walked on the street, frowning from time to time, feeling that the city gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

But he couldn't find out where the specific feeling was.

I just feel that this feeling seems to be faint, as if it is a little familiar, as if I have met it somewhere.

Lin Tian frowned and lowered his head in thought.

Suddenly, a lonely picture flashed across his mind, and Lin Tian was startled.

It is the secret realm of good fortune!

This feeling of death, which he had experienced in the Creation Secret Realm, was exactly the same as the breath that permeated from the suddenly dead bamboo forest.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Xiao Hei on the shoulder noticed Lin Tian's abnormal state, and asked curiously.

Lin Tian shook his head and didn't answer, but he quietly left a thought in his heart.

He didn't like this smell very much.

Moreover, Emperor Wu also reminded him that the owner of this aura is by no means ordinary, so let him be careful.

In this regard, Lin Tian did not forget easily.

They strolled in the city, looked at the scenery in Fengdu City, and then found a restaurant to live in. They planned to rest here for a few days, learn more about it, and then visit the Soul Eater Ghost Sect.

Anyway, the Soul Eater Ghost Sect was established outside Fengdu City, and it is also the owner of this big city, so you can see it anytime.

For three days, Lin Tian, ​​Wu Sanhan, Princess Tianhuang and Xiao Hei wandered around in Fengdu City.

I also bought a lot of weird things to play with.

Of course, the money was paid by Xiao Hei and Princess Tianhuang.

One of them is Peng Zu, who was once famous in Kyushu, and the other is the princess of Yaozu, so naturally they will not be short of money.

As for Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan, the two of them are just poor.

Or it is not an exaggeration to say that the sleeves are empty.

However, the group of them scanned and bought all the way. Although the appearance of being rich and powerful was very cool, it also attracted the attention of many people.

Especially Princess Tianhuang, she came out with Lin Tian this time, although she was still covered with a veil, she still couldn't stop her alluring appearance.

Along the way, I don't know how many people watched.

It's just that because they don't know their details, no one has ever done anything.

Fourth day.

In Fengdu City, on a street where all kinds of rare treasures were being bought and sold, Xiao Hei's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he fixed his eyes on the purple gourd lying quietly on the stall in the distance.

Judging from the appearance, this gourd must have been damaged. It was cracked and dull. It seemed that the ordinary ones could no longer be ordinary.

But just such a gourd made Xiao Hei excited, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Lin Tian was also startled by Xiao Hei's strangeness, and followed its gaze suspiciously.

In an instant, Lin Tian froze there like a lightning strike.

Looking at the purple gourd, he was in a daze, his mind went blank. For some reason, he just felt that this gourd was very familiar.

As if he had been with him for a long time, there was some kind of important meaning in his life.

Princess Tianhuang gave Lin Tian and Xiao Hei a weird look, not knowing what happened to them.

But she is not stupid, and she can naturally see why Lin Tian and Xiao Hei lost control of their emotions.

She walked to the stall, pointed at the purple gourd that looked like it was about to break, and asked, "How do you sell this gourd?"

Hearing Princess Tianhuang's crisp and sweet voice, a scrawny old man with yellow teeth in front of the stall couldn't help turning his head.

When he saw Princess Tianhuang's beautiful eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly scanned her up and down with his gaze.

Seeing this, Princess Tianhuang frowned slightly.

Just when she was about to speak again, the scrawny stall owner chuckled and said wretchedly, "Beauty, you really have eyes, this gourd is the most precious thing in my stall."

"If you really like it, how about 100 million top-grade spirit stones?"

"One million top-quality spirit stones?" Hearing this price, even Princess Tianhuang, who is the princess of the Yaozu, couldn't help being shocked, and then asked in disbelief: "This gourd that is about to break is worth 100 million top-quality stones." Lingshi?"

You know, 100 million top-grade spirit stones is not a small sum, no matter where they are placed.

At this price, one can buy a very good sage weapon, and even several sage medicines.

To exchange for a broken gourd, crazy?

Princess Tianhuang's face immediately turned cold. If she didn't want to sell it, she didn't want to sell it. Why was she so dishonest?
It seemed that Princess Tianhuang was angry, and the stall owner was not in a hurry, he laughed again and said, "Little girl, do you know what this is?"

Princess Tianhuang fixed her eyes slightly upon hearing this, and then shook her head. She really didn't know what this broken gourd was.

There is no breath at all, and it doesn't look like a treasure at all.

Seeing that Princess Tianhuang was not clear, the stall owner smiled, and then proudly introduced: "This is an innate treasure that is second only to emperors, and it is still the kind that can grow. The future potential is unlimited. Compared with it, 100 million Are top-grade spirit stones expensive?"

"Innate treasure?"

Hearing this, Princess Tianhuang couldn't help being stunned. As a princess of the demon clan, how could she not know what the innate treasure represented.

But this gourd...

No matter how she looked at it, she didn't see that it had the slightest appearance of an innate treasure.

But soon, she remembered the appearance of Lin Tian and Xiao Hei again, and her delicate body couldn't help shaking, and she suddenly came back to her senses.

That's right, how can something that can make them both so excited be so bad?
After pondering for a moment, Princess Tianhuang was about to take out something equal to the value of spirit stones from the void ring in her hand and buy it.

This is also the basic method of external transactions.

After all, it is too difficult to trade only by Lingshi, especially for large amounts, it is not easy to carry it with you, even if you have a magic weapon for storage.

Therefore, when trading abroad, most people barter, taking out items equivalent to spirit stones in exchange for what they want.

"Even if this is the most precious purple gold gourd, even if it looks like it is now, it won't cost this price, right?"

Just when Princess Tianhuang was about to pay, Xiao Hei's voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan walked into the crowd slowly.

Hearing this, the stall owner's originally agitated expression suddenly froze, and he looked in Lin Tian's direction, his face immediately turned ugly.

This gourd has been in his hands for almost a year, but it has not been sold because the price is too expensive.

Even if someone wants to buy it and go back to play, but looking at the number of millions of top-grade spirit stones, they will stop there.

As Xiao Hei said, this gourd is like this, no matter how amazing its origin is, I am afraid it will be useless.

Take 100 million top-grade spirit stones and buy such a crap to go back, just to see what the innate treasure looks like. Either there is a hole in the brain, or it has been flooded.

After all, that's not how money is spent.

(End of this chapter)

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