Chapter 675 admit defeat

Lin Tian and Xiao Hei didn't know You Yu, but the people in Fengdu couldn't help opening their mouths after hearing his name.

You Yu's name is known to almost everyone in this ghost state.

Even Princess Tianhuang couldn't help being surprised.

Young Master You Yu, on the Guizhou Nether Ranking, the well-known Heaven's Chosen One, his status is much higher than Chang Hui's.

Although the two are listed in the top ten of the Nether List, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

The first place on the list is this Mr. Youyu.

Moreover, in addition to this, he has another identity, the Young Sect Master of the Soul Eater Sect.

There are even rumors that he is the heir of the Soul Eater Ghost Emperor.

Whether this is true or not, no one knows.

Young Master You Yu has never admitted it in public, nor has he refuted it, so it is unpredictable.

But regardless of whether he is the emperor's son or not, his cultivation and talent cannot be faked.

This Young Master Youyu is indeed the number one pride among the younger generation in Guizhou, this is a recognized existence and has nothing to do with his identity.

Facing such a person, Princess Tianhuang couldn't help flashing a blazing fighting spirit in her eyes.

Like Young Master Youyu, in Yaozhou, Princess Tianhuang is also the No.1 of the younger generation in Yaozhou. Although she rarely makes a move, this identity has always been attached to her from the beginning to the end.

It's just that it's different from Mr. Youyu, in Yaozhou, there are still people who have a lot of criticisms about her No.1 title.

After all, she hasn't done much.

Although everyone knows that she is very strong, after all, as a real incarnation of a divine beast, how could she be weak.

But people, before they fail, they always think they can do it.

The same is true for those Tianjiao of the Yaozu. Among them, there are many existences with noble blood, such as the descendants of the golden-winged roc.

They thought that in the same realm, they would not be much weaker than Princess Tianhuang, or in other words, they didn't think that Princess Tianhuang's cultivation would be stronger than themselves.

Therefore, they are still dissatisfied with Princess Tianhuang's title of No. 1 among the younger generation of Yaozhou.

In a word, this name is different from the one that Mr. You Yu used his strength to make, so everyone is not convinced.

"Ghost State No. 1?"

Princess Tianhuang glanced at You Yu, her gaze flashed, and the Chihuang Sword struck out across the sky.

Seeing this, Young Master You Yu chuckled lightly, then retreated violently, dodging the sword.

Seeing that Lin Tian and the others didn't say anything, and Princess Tianhuang also made a move, Mr. Youyu knew that they agreed to this battle.

Under the attention of everyone, Young Master You Yu took out his weapon. It was a folding fan engraved with undead. I don't know how many undead sacrifices were used to make it.

I saw countless dim lights coming, and a vague black-robed man gradually gathered behind him, and as time passed, it became more and more clear.

As soon as the black-robed man appeared, everyone seemed to see a sea of ​​undead, and there were wailing souls everywhere. The strange crying sound was breathtaking.

As soon as he appeared, the world behind Young Master You Yu became gloomy.

"It's the Soul Eater Ghost Emperor."

Everyone looked at the sky, and the tall man in black robe couldn't help but gasped, and naturally recognized the manifested figure in the vision.

At the same time, everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, this young master Youyu is so powerful, just summoning the vision, and before he started to make a move, it has already affected the minds of others, how terrifying would it be if he really started to make a move?
Everyone couldn't help but glanced at Princess Tianhuang, only to see that in the sky, the woman with a graceful figure and a long skirt, who looked like a goddess walking out of flames, didn't have much fluctuation on her face.

It seems that he didn't have any worries because of the terrifying strength displayed by Young Master Youyu.

However, Princess Tianhuang still took countermeasures without fear, at least she did not hide her strength anymore.

Young Master You Yu's strength really made her feel a bit of pressure.

The power of vision is driven to the extreme.

An illusionary sea of ​​flames appeared faintly behind Princess Tianhuang, and the Divine Phoenix emerged from the sea of ​​flames, striking the nine heavens.

There was no extra words, the two looked at each other, and shot abruptly, everything was in such a tacit understanding, the rain of fire filled the sky, and collided with the howling undead.

One red and one green, two figures shuttled back and forth among the terrifying supernatural powers, and a big battle broke out.

All of them were fully motivated and watched the battle with full concentration.

You know, this is the No. 1 battle of the younger generation in Guizhou, and you can't usually see it even if you want to see it. It is even more exciting than the Jihad.

The endless supernatural powers and means, everyone who watched applauded again and again.

However, what is somewhat surprising is that the woman opposite Young Master You Yu is not weak at all.

All kinds of supernatural powers, one after another.

Seeing this scene, someone couldn't help asking curiously: "What is the origin of this woman, why have I never heard of it before?"

Unfortunately, this question has not been answered.

How could they have thought that the precious lump on Shenhuang Mountain would be brought out by Lin Tian this time.

"It's time for a decisive battle."

After half a stick of incense, both of them were a little tired. After the final blow separated, they did not launch another violent attack, but stopped.

It seemed that they were resting, but everyone knew that they were about to draw their hole cards.

After all, it's not the case if the stalemate continues like this.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, at the next moment, Young Master You Yu raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, like a devil crying.

A gloomy light descended from the sky, pierced through, and landed on his body, his aura rose rapidly.

In just a moment, he had surpassed his peak state.

This is the secret technique of the ghost sect, the possession of the dead.

And under the blessing of the Heavenly Emperor's Vision, Young Master Youyu can even activate a ray of imperial prestige.

This level of strength, not to mention invincible in the Transcendent Realm.

At least, the strong men of the older generation will not come out, and there are really few people in the younger generation who can check and balance him.

He and the Soul Devourer Heavenly Emperor behind him slowly raised their heads together and looked towards Princess Tianhuang, a soul-stirring light burst out from their eyes.

"You are very strong, but if you don't have more cards, then today, that's the end of it."

Young Master Youyu looked at Princess Tianhuang, and the voice, together with the vision behind him, slowly spit out, shaking the world.

He said indifferently: "I don't want to hurt you, just admit defeat, otherwise this blow will either kill you or hurt you."

The purpose of Young Master You Yu's battle was actually to save Chang Hui from Princess Tianhuang, and he didn't intend to cause the other party to die.

After all, Lin Tian and Xiao Hei are still here.

Therefore, it would be great if Princess Tianhuang could admit defeat, and he didn't really want to hurt her.

(End of this chapter)

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