Chapter 679

In the Soul Eater Sect, the suzerain personally came out to receive Lin Tian and Xiao Hei and the others, treating them as honored guests.

Different from the general ghost clan strongman's appearance of not getting close to strangers, the ghost sect master is like a kind middle-aged man, and his face is not as pale as Mr. You Yu and the others.

It seems, on the contrary, more like a normal person.

But the more this is the case, the more it proves the strength of the ghost sect master.

If Xiao Hei is not mistaken, the cultivation level of the Guizong suzerain is already infinitely close to that of the quasi-emperor, and he has reached the state of returning to basics.

After he proves the emperor's way and becomes a real emperor, it will be difficult to detect any aura about the ghost race from him.

It is almost only when he releases his own breath that he can recognize his identity.

That is the realm that all ghost races dream of.

Unfortunately, over the years, there are very few people who have reached that level.

The birth of the ghost race meant that they were more difficult than others.

After all, they are 'the people who hate the sky'.

Compared with the blessed Heavenly Spirit Clan, it is far worse.

At the banquet, Lin Tian brought up the matter about the underworld again. Xiao Hei, Princess Tianhuang, and Wu Sanhan all pricked up their ears curiously, and looked towards the Sect Master.

Obviously, everyone is very curious about this place full of mysteries and legends.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the Sect Master of Ghost Sect was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, Heavenly Emperor, the Ghost Emperor and his old man only left a few words about this matter, so I dare not make a conclusion."

"However, what I'm sure of is that even if the backside of this ghost gate is not the underworld, it is definitely related to the underworld."

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, suzerain, for letting me know."

Although the content of this news is not much, it is enough for Lin Tian, ​​as long as the underworld really exists.

As long as it exists, there is always hope to find it.

Just be afraid, it's just a fabricated legend.

Lin Tian felt emotional in his heart.

At the banquet, everyone talked a lot about things about the age of the emperors and about the dark ages.

Lin Tian, ​​Princess Tianhuang, and Xiao Hei asked the Sect Master a lot about the ghost gate, and learned from him that there is a great horror behind the ghost gate, and those who enter the gate are almost dead.

The Sect Master of Ghost Sect also asked Lin Tian and the others many puzzles in their hearts, but unfortunately, most of them were answered by Xiao Hei and Princess Tianhuang.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he didn't even know those things, so how could he answer the other party's questions.

The banquet lasted for more than an hour, and finally ended with Lin Tian resigning.

Faced with Guizong's suzerain's persuasion, Lin Tian did not agree, but brought Xiao Hei and the others back to Fengdu City.

It's just that this time, no one dared to provoke them anymore, not even Princess Tianhuang dared to look more.

After all, Chang Hui's lessons are still vivid in his mind.

These people are not as good as Chang Hui, so how dare they offend them.

On the ghost mountain.

The Sect Master Guizong stood at the entrance of the main hall, looking in the direction of Fengdu, which is the direction where Lin Tian and others left, and murmured: "What do you think of their strength?"

The voice of the Sect Master Guizong was very low, but at the moment it fell, there was a black shadow, walked behind, and replied in a hoarse voice: "Tuntian Pengzu's strength is not bad, but he has only just broken through to Zhundi. No matter how many methods he has, at this level, it is difficult to be strong."

"As for that Lin Tian, ​​although he is said to be the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, his strength is not strong, and his cultivation has not yet touched the emperor's realm. No matter how strong he was, such a person is still very limited. As for Princess Tianhuang, although she has unlimited potential, But potential is potential after all, not strength, and with the current strength of our Ghost Sect, there will be no problem at all in killing them all."

Speaking of this, the black shadow revealed a terrifying murderous intent, and whispered: "Sect Master, do you want to do it?"

"No, we don't need to worry about this matter now, we just need to keep them in Fengdu until the gate of hell opens."

The Sect Master of Guizong shook his head and said, "As for whether we want to take their lives..."

Speaking of this, the Sect Master Guizong felt a faint breath coming, and immediately closed his mouth.

He knew that he couldn't say more.

Hearing his words, the black shadow felt a little regretful, and shook his head, not knowing what the Sect Master Guizong was thinking.

More than ten days, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Lin Tian and others randomly found an inn in Fengdu to stay, and they didn't show up again during the period, let alone deal with the ghost sect.

Because neither Lin Tian nor Princess Tianhuang and Xiao Hei liked the atmosphere of the Ghost Sect.

Especially Lin Tian, ​​the last time he went to Guizong, he always felt that something was wrong, which made him uneasy.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

It's annoying like a cat scratching.

Time passed little by little.

On this day, the sky and the earth changed suddenly, and the originally dark sky suddenly became completely dark.

The sky, you can't see your fingers.

Only by relying on the lights in Fengdu city can we see a little bit of light.

The space vibrated, and the ancient breath leaked out from a crack that suddenly shattered.

Countless ghost qi hidden in the vicinity of Fengdu poured out one after another.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is this gloomy and cold atmosphere everywhere, which makes people outside the ghost clan feel very uncomfortable and feel cold all over their bodies.

For the people of the ghost clan, this is a rare carnival.

After being stunned for a while, there was a wild cry in Fengdu City. Obviously, these people didn't know that the gate of ghosts would be opened during this time.

The surging ghost energy is poison to others, but it is a complete tonic to them.

Especially the ghost gate, the ghost aura drawn out can be said to be the purest ghost aura in the world.

For ghost monks, there are many benefits.

Quite a few ghost monks didn't bother to say anything, and immediately sat down and practiced, devouring the ghost energy between heaven and earth greedily and crazily.

I don't know how many figures came from all directions and landed on Fengdu City. Looking at the crack that opened between the sky and the earth, they murmured to themselves: "The gate of hell is opened, and the hell is revealed. In this life, who can enter?" Woolen cloth?"

Lin Tian and the others also walked out of the inn, looking at the crack in the sky, their eyes narrowed slightly.

That crack is nothing else, it is the gate leading to the place in the legend, the gate of ghosts.

The gate of ghosts opened. On this day, there was a huge earthquake in Guizhou and a big shock in Shenzhou.

It's a pity that this good fortune seems to only belong to the ghost clan. After countless years, countless strong people other than the ghost clan have entered, but none of them can come out.

So, gradually, the world also lost interest in this place.

After all, no matter how good the place is, so what, if you can't come out alive, it's useless after all.

(End of this chapter)

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