Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 692 At the snap of your fingers

Chapter 692 At the snap of your fingers
The Soul Eater Ghost Emperor has fallen, and the majestic generation of Heavenly Emperor, in the hands of Lin Tian, ​​didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Under the two powers of time and space, all resistance was disintegrated, life was obliterated, and no trace was left.

Only an ancient bronze coffin remained, floating in the air.

Between heaven and earth, there is silence.

Everyone was frightened by this scene and remained as still as a chilling cicada.

Gu Shaobai and Emperor Ji Le couldn't help shivering, looking at all this in disbelief.

I can't believe that such a powerful Soul Eater Ghost Emperor can't survive a single move in Lin Tian's hands.

They didn't even understand what Lin Tian did, the Soul Eater Ghost Emperor, and fell into this world.

Even the fall of the emperor of heaven, the phenomenon of the fall of the emperor, did not appear, and was completely wiped out by Lin Tian.

Terrible, really terrifying.

You know, that is the realm they have been pursuing so hard, but they can't get it.

But the existence of such a realm is in Lin Tian's hands, and he can't survive a face-to-face meeting before being wiped out.

This made them dare not imagine how powerful Lin Tian should be.

"As the quasi-emperor, it's true that you are dedicated to the Tao, but the Tao has no virtue, and people must be virtuous, so you should cut yourself off."

Lin Tian didn't go to see Gu Shaobai and the others, but looked up at the Yaoyao starry sky and whispered.

Hearing this, Gu Shaobai and the others turned pale.

"Emperor of Heaven, I'm fascinated by Dao for a while, and I still hope that Emperor of Heaven will forgive me." Emperor Ji Le suddenly knelt down and bowed to Lin Tianyao.

At this point, he couldn't care less about his dignity.

After all, being alive is more important than anything else.

This is what he has learned over the years.

As for resistance, it's not that they haven't thought about it, but the example of the Soul Eater Ghost Emperor is the first. Such a powerful figure has not been able to escape Lin Tian's palm. They, even the Emperor Realm, have not been able to really step into it. How can people escape?
Seeing this, Gu Shaobai quickly bowed down, "Please forgive me, the Emperor of Heaven."

As for those strong ghost sects, they were completely stunned, at a loss, with panicked faces.

beg for mercy?

is that useful?
You know, they almost killed Lin Tian, ​​and they are the leaders of all today.

Whoever Lin Tian let go, I'm afraid he won't let them go.

As if knowing his fate, the Sect Master Guizong suddenly looked at the sky, the body with eyes closed and without any breath, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and then he shot suddenly, killing Lin Tian's body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was startled, even the strong ghost sect couldn't help but be frightened by the action of the ghost sect master.

But in an instant, they understood the intention of the Sect Master Guizong, and without hesitation, they joined hands and killed Lin Tian in an instant, trying to put some pressure on Lin Tian, ​​so that Lin Tian could not take care of it.

Although neither the lord of the ghost sect nor the powerhouses of the ghost sect understand whether this body is important to Lin Tian.

But if he could bite off a piece of flesh from his opponent before he died, his death would not be considered in vain.

"Can it succeed?"

Gu Shaobai and Emperor Ji Le stared at this scene blankly.

next moment.

In an instant, the master of Guizong came to Lin Tian's body, then raised his palm, and slapped it hard.

If he is allowed to implement this palm, even the quasi-emperor will not be able to withstand it.

What's more, the one in front of me is just a body without a soul, and it has no ability to resist at all.

Everyone, almost at this moment, held their breath, wanting to see if the master of Guizong could destroy Lin Tian's body.

As for Lin Tian in the sky, when he saw this scene, his face did not change in any way, but his eyes froze slightly.

That is, at the moment when his eyes narrowed, everyone could only feel that the surrounding air suddenly froze.

Those strong ghost sects who rushed towards Lin Tian were all frozen in place.

"go to hell!"

The Sect Master of Ghost Sect roared angrily.

I saw 'Lin Tian' opposite him opened his eyes suddenly at the moment the palm fell, and silver light flowed in his pupils.

The palm of the Sect Master Guizong's palms aged quickly in Lin Tian's eyes.

This palm seemed extremely fast, but in fact, in the eyes of everyone, it seemed to be very slow.

In just a moment, it seems like a century has passed.

"I...I want to kill you..." By the time the palm of the Sect Master Guizong fell on Lin Tian, ​​he had already become an old man who couldn't grow old anymore, and there was no strength in his palm.

A light wind blows.

Picking up the Sect Master of Guizong, the unwilling voice finally blew away his body, carried him, and disappeared into the world.

"It's time to end..."

Under the starry sky, Lin Tian glanced at the Guizong expert, sighed lightly, and continued playing without interest.

The sky is full of stars, shining down.

It fell on one after another, the strong in the eyes of the world.

In an instant, these people only felt that their bodies were aging rapidly, and their vitality was lost to a very exaggerated level.

In a blink of an eye, they felt that they seemed to have reached the end of their lives.

The Emperor of Bliss and Gu Shaobai, who were originally like gentlemen, instantly turned into a dying old man.

"Emperor Heaven, spare me, I will die for you!!!" Emperor Ji Le begged loudly with a face full of fear.

Unfortunately, there was no fluctuation on Lin Tian's face.

Although the Emperor Zhun is strong, he doesn't need to leave someone who wants to kill him to work for him.

During the struggle, all the strong men in the sky fell.

There are only two phantoms left, looking at each other remotely.

The Divine Phoenix Queen looked at the white-clothed figure in front of her with complicated eyes. After so many years, he still had the same demeanor.

Just like back then, when we met each other.

"It seems that back then, for your brother's sake, it was right not to care about you. I never thought that after so many years, you would also stand at the pinnacle of this world. How are you and your brother doing now?"

Lin Tian seemed to be feeling a little emotional, looking at the Divine Phoenix Queen and said.

Hearing this, the Divine Phoenix Queen remembered what happened back then, and couldn't help giving Lin Tian an angry look, and then sighed: "I don't know, brother, he wants to settle with the people from back then, but you also know that those people , and how many are simple?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help being silent.

Indeed, how could it be easy to kill Immortal Emperor Changsheng, an invincible existence who cultivated the way of life to the extreme?

Immortal Emperor Changsheng made a comeback, and he might not be stronger than before.

After all, his way has come to the extreme.

It is the strongest existence in this world.

It is almost impossible to make another breakthrough.

If you imagine yourself like this, it will not be accumulated in just a few tens of millions of years.

Although the Divine Phoenix Empress didn't say it clearly, Lin Tian could also feel that this time, Immortal Emperor Changsheng would be more or less fortunate.

Above the nine heavens, the so-called fairyland is not a good place.

Even Lin Tian, ​​who used to be there, almost suffered a disadvantage.

The powerful existence of the Qing Emperor has not yet fallen there.

(End of this chapter)

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