Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 694 Apprenticeship

Chapter 694 Apprenticeship
Feeling his lost vitality, in a blink of an eye, it quickly replenished, Xiao Hei was a little pleasantly surprised.

Although at the moment it rushed out, it had already regarded death as home, and it might be alive, but who would want to die just like that.

What's more, it has a more magnificent world, which I haven't seen.

Haven't gone to the nine heavens with the young master yet.

If he died like this, although Xiao Hei would not regret it, he really felt sorry.

"Huang'er, kneel down."

At this moment, the Divine Phoenix Empress suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, Princess Tianhuang was taken aback, and looked at her mother suspiciously, not knowing why.

But Princess Tianhuang didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately knelt down in front of the Divine Phoenix Queen.

"I didn't tell you to kneel down to me, but to him." Divine Phoenix Empress said, pointing at Lin Tian.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian's eyes flashed, as if he realized something, but he didn't speak to stop him, but looked at the other party silently.

Hearing her mother's words, Princess Tianhuang was even more confused. Although she was a little unwilling in her heart, she did not dare to disobey her mother's words, so she knelt down in front of Lin Tian obediently.

With a wave of the Divine Phoenix Queen's hand, the aura of the surrounding world was drawn away, spun in her palm, and then condensed into a spiritual cup.

Immediately afterwards, she waved the heavenly water drawn from the clouds and mist, and found spiritual tea in the mountains, and boiled it with the fire of the Phoenix.

Ordinary cups, ordinary water, and ordinary tea leaves, but now in the hands of the Divine Phoenix Empress, they brewed a different taste.

The aroma of tea is overflowing.

Princess Tianhuang looked at her mother suspiciously, not knowing what she was going to do.

After a while, the tea is ready. The Divine Phoenix Queen handed the cup of tea to Princess Tianhuang, who subconsciously took it.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the Divine Phoenix Queen saying: "Perform the ceremony of worshiping the teacher."

After finishing speaking, before Lin Tian could speak, she hurriedly looked at Lin Tian and said first: "Although this place is a bit rough and the etiquette is not in line with the rules, I believe that you don't care about these."

Lin Tian naturally understood what the Queen of Heaven was thinking, she was worried, and she was perfunctory to her, so she wanted this relationship to completely bind Princess Tianhuang and herself.

However, Lin Tian did not feel disgusted by this.

After all, whether it is for the face of Immortal Emperor Changsheng, or for the sake of the Immortal Phoenix family who fought for him, he should take care of their descendants.

Accepting as an apprentice is actually nothing.

Although Princess Tianhuang did not understand the intention of the Divine Phoenix Queen, she still followed her will.

Lin Tian stood there, smiling lightly, and after all the proper etiquette was over, he waved and lifted Princess Tianhuang up.

"For the sake of your Immortal Phoenix Clan, since you worship me as your teacher, I will naturally not refuse."

"However, there is one thing that I must tell you in advance. If you take me as your teacher, I can't teach you anything. On the contrary, you will encounter many, many dangers because of me."

Having said that, Lin Tian paused, then looked at Princess Tianhuang with a puzzled face and smiled, "Of course, don't think that I'm hiding something for myself."

"You have your way, I have my way, my way is not suitable for you, and what you should learn, what your mother left you, is no worse than what I want to know."

Hearing this, Princess Tianhuang became more and more puzzled. Since this is the case, why did the mother ask him to be her teacher?

Princess Tianhuang gave her mother a puzzled look.

Seemingly knowing what Princess Tianhuang was thinking, seeing Princess Tianhuang, the Queen of Heaven shook her head, stroked her head, and smiled softly: "Silly girl, what you taught you, you really You can’t learn it, at least for now, it won’t do you any good if you learn it.”

"You can't chew too much, you have to walk step by step."

"I asked you to worship him as a teacher because, as long as you have him as your guardian, your future journey will be much easier."

With Lin Tian around, not to mention anything else, at least there is no problem for Princess Tianhuang to achieve the Emperor Realm.

As for the danger in Lin Tian's mouth, it is even more of a joke.

He has indeed made many enemies, and all of them are terrifying.

However, as long as Lin Tianhe is not dead, these people will not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, although it is dangerous to hang under Lin Tian's name, it is not the safest?

At least, the existences in those forbidden areas in Kyushu would no longer dare to attack Princess Tianhuang, otherwise, they would declare war on Lin Tian.

This is something that those supreme beings in the forbidden area are unwilling to do.

After all, thousands of years may be long, but for them, it is not enough to forget.

The fate of Shangcang Ancient Mine and Moyuan are vivid in their minds now.

Naturally, Princess Tianhuang didn't understand all of this. When she heard her mother's words, she nodded with a vague understanding.

Although he was puzzled about this apprenticeship in his heart, he did not object.

After all, her mother wouldn't harm her either.

Besides, Lin Tian is not unqualified to be her master because of his status as Emperor Tiantian.

Therefore, Princess Tianhuang has nothing to resist, and accepts this identity frankly.

The Divine Phoenix Queen explained a few more words to Princess Tianhuang, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "I'll leave Huang'er to you."

"it is good."

Lin Tian didn't say much, it was just one word, but it made the Divine Phoenix Queen breathe a sigh of relief.

There is no guarantee, as long as Lin Tian agrees, she believes that Lin Tian will not let Princess Tianhuang have an accident.

At least, as long as nothing happens to him, Princess Tianhuang will definitely be fine.

The burden in her heart had already been put down, and the Divine Phoenix Queen had nothing to miss. She glanced at Princess Tianhuang with a smile, and then gradually turned into light spots with the wind and disappeared in this world.

"Mother..." Looking at this scene, Princess Tianhuang's eyes turned red, and she didn't know when she would be able to see her again.

Perhaps, this farewell is a farewell forever.

Lin Tian looked at the place where the Queen of Heavenly Phoenix disappeared, and said to Princess Tianhuang without turning her head: "Silly girl, don't be sad. After a while, I will take you into the fairy world. Then, maybe you will be able to be with me." Your mother may not be reunited."

Hearing this, the originally sad Princess Tianhuang was startled, and then looked at Lin Tian in disbelief.

What did he just say?
He is going to fairyland?
But, does he have that strength?

It's not that Princess Tianhuang doesn't believe in Lin Tian, ​​but that place in the fairy world doesn't mean that you can go if you want to.

Even her uncle, such a powerful person, has no confidence in his trip to the fairy world.

What's more, without the exact time, and without the exact space nodes, it is impossible to open the fairy road.

Unless, now that Lin Tian has the strength of her uncle, enough to forcibly open the road to immortality, there is only a slight chance to rush forward.

But in the end, it may also be encountered, intercepted by the people above.

After all, according to what her uncle said, the powerful people in the fairy world don't like them, who came from Kyushu.

Because for those people, this place of Kyushu is a place of crime, a place of exile, at the edge of the universe.

And the fairy world is high above.

People born there naturally don't like the existence of Jiutian, or in other words, they look down on strong people born in Jiutian.

Not to mention, in the more distant years, the powerhouses on the Kyushu side have defied the sky and defeated the gods and gods, and pulled down the gods and immortals who were once high above the altar.

Breaking their rule of enslaving all nations.

Although the power of these two clans in the fairy world is not as good as before, they still represent the will of the fairy world, but they cannot, as before, completely rule.

Under such circumstances, it is only a ghost that they can like the strong born from the world of Kyushu.

(End of this chapter)

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