Chapter 699

"Blue Dragon!"

Without waiting for everyone to be surprised, Lin Tian shouted again, and saw a place hidden in the void. It had been countless years, and no one had set foot in the small world, and it suddenly shattered.

All the big trees turned into blue light, surged together, turned into a green dragon, broke through the void, and landed in the east. Terrible vitality radiated from it.

Under it, even in the crevices of the rocks in Ruoshui City, new shoots grew, and then quickly rose up.

Not to mention, the green hills outside the city.

All the grass and trees grew wildly after the arrival of this green dragon transformed into the spirit of wood.

Then Lin Tian shouted one last time.

The incarnation of the power of gold representing killing, the white tiger also came from the sky, roaring in the sky.

The most shocking thing is that this white tiger was transformed by the legendary fairy gold, which made countless strong people in Kyushu and even the starry sky breathe quickly.

Immortal Gold, that is Immortal Gold!
It is said that the existence of being able to create immortal artifacts, unexpectedly, it actually appeared in their eyes today.

And the spirit of flames, the spirit of ten thousand waters and the spirit of wood, these are the purest spirits in the world.

Unexpectedly, this time, four things appeared.

This made countless people feel hot in their hearts.

However, under the intimidation of the white-clothed figure surrounded by the four spirits, no one dared to do anything to snatch the thing that was enough to help someone become an emperor.

"The four spirits of the sky, the four elephants formation, is he going to go up?" Kyushu, in a calm black ocean, someone opened his eyes and looked at Tianyu, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes .

The next moment, I saw Lin Tian's handprint on the sky, and the four spirits returned to their positions, with him as the center, reflecting the heaven and the earth, a terrifying force, coming from nowhere, rushing towards the void, as if to Open something like that.

A long and ancient time is revealed from the void where the divine light rushed.

Feeling this breath, Princess Tianhuang's complexion changed drastically, and she looked at the sky in disbelief. Could it be that she, a cheap master, can really forcibly open the road to immortality?
The next moment, it seemed that something was shattered by the divine light, and the world couldn't help shaking.

A more majestic aura, revealed from the void, seems to be somewhat incompatible with Kyushu, not the same.

"Is this... the breath of the fairy world?"

In Kyushu, an ancient existence that had been sleeping for many, many years was awakened, feeling the aura that had been felt between heaven and earth, and his face was full of shock.

"He is forcibly opening the fairy road." A strong man looked at Lin Tian in the sky in disbelief with horror on his face, and finally understood what Lin Tian was doing.

I saw a gap between heaven and earth was abruptly opened by Lin Tian, ​​and the four spirits guarded all sides to stabilize the passage.


Lin Tian ignored the shock of Kyushu and the thousands of creatures in the starry sky, opened the sky with a sword, then shouted at Xiao Hei, and rushed into the crack first.

And Xiao Hei, as a quasi-emperor, naturally did not move slowly. The moment Lin Tian's voice fell, he rushed out with Princess Tianhuang and the others, and fell into the crack of lightning and thunder.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing this scene, I don't know who it is, shouted loudly, and suddenly rushed out from the void, trying to break into the legendary fairy road.

In addition, there are more than a dozen figures behind, also coming one after another, rushing desperately towards the crack that the four spirits are broken and has begun to close rapidly.

Immortal road, this is an immortal road!
It may not be possible to open it once in millions of years.

How difficult it is to become a fairy.

Now, if there is even a chance to kill them, they can't let them go.

More than a dozen figures rushed into the crack in succession.

There were two other figures, a beat slower, and were cut down by the closed space crack in an instant.

There was a strong man from Kyushu who recognized them and couldn't help but exclaim when he saw this scene.

It turned out that these two people were actually one of the famous quasi-emperors ten thousand years ago, who once fought against Gu Shaobai and the others. Unexpectedly, they were now cut in half in this world.

The divine soul was also hit by the terrible divine lightning in that crack, and was shattered on the spot. Even the quasi-emperor could not escape the fall.

Lin Zongyao saw that Lin Tian and the others had completely disappeared, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Even Emperor Zhun couldn't bear it, what happened to the thunder in the crack, Lin Tian and the others?


Great Wilderness, above the nine heavens, the so-called Immortal Realm, in the 33rd heaven, the lowest level, is barren everywhere, and the spirit of the fairy is not as good as the other 32 heavens.

Therefore, the creatures and forces of the fairy world living here are also the lowest existences in the fairy world.

Compared with Kyushu, it is actually not much better.

The strongest orthodoxy is at the saint level.

The power of imperial lineage is basically established after the tenth heaven, and only after the fifteenth heaven, can there be the possibility of the emergence of the power of celestial lineage.

The higher one goes, the more abundant the spirit energy is, and the more suitable it is for cultivation. Therefore, the higher one goes, the stronger the forces or people one may encounter.

And the last three heavens are the real important places in the fairy world.

The former Immortal Dynasty was built on this, ruling the entire fairy world.

But now, it is under the joint control of the three major forces.

It is the holy land that countless people yearn for in the fairy world.

There is a strict hierarchy here.

Without permission, the people of the fairy world who live in the lower heaven are not allowed to step into the higher heaven.

Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy.

Compared with Kyushu, this place is more like solidification.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people. If you are really capable and qualified, then the so-called rules will definitely not be able to stop you.

Wild days.

In a piece of yellow sand.

Four figures broke through the void and fell down. One of the figures in white staggered and fell forward the moment it landed.

"Sir, are you alright?"

A big man behind him quickly grabbed his shoulders with a worried look on his face.

Recalling the terrible scene he experienced just now, he couldn't help but palpitate.

Terrible, really terrible.

That terrifying thunderbolt had the power to destroy heaven and earth, and seemed to be able to swallow all power. Ordinary people couldn't resist it at all. Under the bang, those quasi-emperors who followed intruded in fell one after another.

Not even the strength to resist.

"I'm fine, let's talk after a while." The young man waved his hand, and then sat down in the yellow sand.

Seeing this, the big man, the woman, and the demon peng immediately stood aside.

They are none other than Lin Tian and the others who crossed from Kyushu to forcibly open the immortal road.

And almost all the quasi-emperors who broke in with them fell into the sea of ​​chaos.

This road is not accessible to ordinary people.

Compared with Guxian Road, it is not much more difficult to walk.

Although Lin Tian wanted to help them, it's a pity that with Xiao Hei and the others, in his current state, he couldn't bring everyone across together.

(End of this chapter)

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