Chapter 706 The Three Realms
Hearing that Lin Tian refused his invitation without hesitation, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of the Chen family, and he was obviously very upset, but on the surface, he did not show the slightest bit.

Just looking at Lin Tian, ​​he shook his head regretfully and said, "It's a pity..."

After that, he seemed to be unwilling to say: "If a few fellow Taoists change their minds, they can come to the Chen family to look for me at any time. I will definitely treat you with respect."

As the saying goes, the ancestors of the Chen family are so polite when they reach out and don't hit smiling faces. Lin Tian naturally has nothing to say. Home.

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Chen family nodded contentedly, then said his farewell, turned around and led behind him, Chen Yuguang, who was full of resentment but didn't dare to show it openly, disappeared into the street.

Watching the two leave, the people around also knew that today's excitement was over, so they couldn't help but disperse. At the same time, they were also shocked by the news they got from the old ancestor of the Chen family, and started discussing again.

"My lord, where is the ancient desert city?" Xiao Hei glanced at the place where the ancestor of the Chen family left, and then turned to Lin Tian and asked.

Obviously, seeing the shocked faces of the people around it, it also became interested in this ancient city.

Although Princess Tianhuang and Wu Sanhan didn't speak, they looked at Lin Tian with curiosity.

Seeing this, Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and introduced the information of the ancient desert city to them while walking.

This ancient city was built in the prehistoric period.

At that time, there was no distinction between the nine heavens in the fairy world, and the three heavens were even more interconnected, collectively referred to as the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans.

Immortal Realm, which was also called Heaven Realm at that time, and 33 Chongtian, came from then, and it is the territory ruled by the most powerful race in the world, the Protoss.

This family, coming from chaos, was born powerful and possessed terrifying abilities, and had ruled the fairy world for countless years.

That period of time was called the mythical period by later generations.

And the Immortal Realm, at that time, was also called the God Realm.

As for the land boundary, it is naturally a foreign land, also known as the demon world, and the human world is the current Kyushu.

And among the Three Realms, the Human Realm has always been the weakest.

Whether it's the group of demons living in the endless darkness in the foreign land, or the gods who are high above, they don't take all the tribes of Kyushu as one thing.

In their eyes, the human race is nothing more than slaves, while other races, in their eyes, are just livestock and pets.

Relying on their inborn powerful abilities, they enslaved all races, and they were called gods. The name of the god race also came from that time.

It's just a pity that the reproductive ability of the Protoss is really poor. Because of their inherent strength, it is difficult to reproduce offspring.

As for the ten thousand races in the human world, apart from a few races, the big races such as the human race and the monster race are rapidly multiplying and growing.

Gradually, there are also strong ones, emerging one after another.

Although it is not as good as the Protoss, it is not without the power of resistance, one ebbs and another, and as time goes by, the power of the human world becomes stronger and stronger.

But at this time, it was too late for the Protoss to completely suppress it.

At that time, those few primitive gods who walked out of the chaos had almost all fallen in the struggle with the demons from other lands. The gods had already declined, and in the end they had to go to the heavenly road to completely block the heavenly realm .

But the gods retreated, but it didn't mean that the foreign demons would also retreat. The foreign lands, immortals, and humans were born to be sworn enemies, so after repeated conquests, the gods finally couldn't resist.

And the leader of the God Race at that time was none other than the famous Undead God King. He was the leader of all the God Race at that time, and his strength was as high as the heavens.

It's just that the Protoss had already declined to the extreme at that time, and apart from the Undead God King, there were not many existences who could carry the banner of the Protoss with him.

In addition, at that time, the power of the human race and the ten thousand races in the human world had accumulated to a certain extent, and they rose up one after another, and they were no longer enslaved by the god race.

The battle at both ends made the mighty Protoss exhausted to the extreme. Some people advocated the battle, while others advocated peace. There were even faint signs of splitting.

That's why the Undead God King decided to sacrifice the human world and take countless creatures from the human world in exchange for peace in the god world.

Naturally, no one would object to this proposal.

After all, in the eyes of the protoss, no matter how weak the creatures in the human world are, they are nothing more than humble slaves, and it doesn't matter if they die.

What's more, this group of slaves dared to rebel.

This made the protoss powerhouse more determined in this battle strategy.

Sacrificing all races in exchange for his peaceful cultivation.

It's just that the undead god king and the gods didn't expect that the hidden strength of the human world has exceeded their imagination.

In the God Realm, there is a God King.

In the Demon Realm, there is the Demon Emperor.

In the human world, there are naturally leaders in the human world.

The leader of the human world is known as the emperor of heaven, which means the master of the heaven, and is no longer under the command of the gods.

It was also under the crusade of the first emperor of the human world that the gods lost their absolute right to rule in the heaven.

And this force is the Heavenly Court.

The ancient city of the desert was the station established in the Great Wilderness when the Heavenly Court ascended to the Heavenly Realm, and it was the first city of the Heavenly Court in the Heavenly Realm at that time.

It used to be the base of the Heavenly Court.

Today, the Heavenly Court also perishes in history, the Protoss also gradually recedes into the years, and the Immortal Clan rises later.

Finally, with the support of the Protoss, dominate the heavens.

Therefore, this world has gradually been called the Immortal Realm by people. In fact, there are no immortals in this world as everyone thinks.

The so-called immortals are nothing more than the protoss, a race derived from interbreeding with other races.

Like the barbarians in Kyushu.

They inherited the talent of the gods and the ability to reproduce of all races in the human world, so they naturally became stronger and once again suppressed the human world.

It's just that, like the gods, these self-proclaimed immortals also look down on the spirits of the human world.

Think they are all humble creatures from the underworld.

But their fairy race is an existence that can keep pace with the god race.

Therefore, the contradiction will inevitably be triggered again.

And the human world is the world of Nine Heavens. It is true that there is no fairy world suitable for cultivation, and it is inevitable to fall into a disadvantage again. Although it is not enslaved again, it is gradually difficult to compare with the fairy world.

This is why later, in the human world, everyone believed that emperors were not as good as immortals.

And now, in fact, it does.

The gold content of the Heavenly Emperor in the human world is far inferior to that of the ancient times. Now, not to mention being comparable to the Immortal King, it is already very good to be compared with a Heavenly Immortal.

 When the chapter was copied, it was messed up a bit, and I just changed it, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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