Chapter 71 Bloody Means

"Su Xuemei..."

Looking at the girl on Qingluan, the students of Tianyun Academy focused their eyes slightly and whispered softly, while the rest of them also stared at her intently.

This girl is none other than that one, the eldest lady of the Su family who is famous in the Yunyang Dynasty and known as the number one pride—Su Ruyan.

"This time the Lord is here..."

The students of Yanyang Academy looked at each other in blank dismay.

They obviously know more than others.

Understand the relationship between Su Ruyan and Lin Tian.

Lin Muyu nervously held the jade hand, staring at the girl in the sky, with anger surging in her beautiful eyes.

Lin Tian didn't care about Su Ruyan's remorse, but she did.

Because in Lin Muyu's eyes, if Su Ruyan looked down on Lin Tian, ​​that was to look down on her.

If it weren't for the lack of strength at this moment, Lin Muyu would definitely go up and fight her.

"You, why did you kill my senior?"

Su Ruyan looked down at the young man below the stage from above, and asked indifferently, his eyes did not fluctuate because of Lin Tian's identity.

However, as if Lin Tian didn't hear it, he leaned against a big stone pillar, his face full of sarcasm, and he didn't answer Su Ruyan's question.

"You, can't you hear me?"

Su Ruyan's voice sounded again, but it was a little louder than before.

Obviously, Lin Tian's ignorance made her a little angry.

"Are you talking to me?"

After a long time, Lin Tian finally replied, he raised his head, looked at the girl standing on the green luan in the sky lightly, and said indifferently: "If it is, please come down, I don't like looking up at others talking .”

"But I like looking down at you like this."

Su Ruyan said in a flat tone.

"Oh, then there's nothing to say..."

Lin Tian shook his head, turned around and left, ready to leave here.

"If you dare to take a step here, I guarantee that your Lin family will not be left alone!" Su Ruyan's indifferent voice sounded again, with a smell of blood, which made everyone shudder, unbelievable look at her.

No one expected that Su Ruyan would be so strong.

Only people from Yanyang Academy were not surprised by this.

After all, Lin Tian was the one who almost killed her father, so it's not surprising that she wants to attack the Lin family.

"Hehe, what does the Lin family have to do with me? If you want to kill, please do so!" Lin Tian paused, then continued on his way.

"But what about her? You don't care?"

Su Ruyan's eyes were fixed, and her breath locked onto Lin Muyu who had been staring at her. A piercing killing intent pierced Lin Muyu's body, making Lin Muyu feel cold all over her body.

This time, Lin Tian stopped in his tracks.

He turned his head, his gaze was like a ray of cold light, and he flew over, fixedly staring at Su Ruyan in the sky, and said in a low tone: "You are looking for death."

Su Ruyan was unmoved when she heard the words, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her cold beautiful eyes.

court death?

What a joke.

"For the sake of the old friendship of the Lin family, you cut off your own hands and go to my Su family as a slave for generations. The matter between my father and Senior Long is fine."

Su Ruyan said lightly: "Otherwise, everyone who has the slightest relationship with you today will die here."

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded and speechless in shock.

As expected of the proud daughter of the Tianyun Dynasty, she is really, domineering.

They looked at Lin Tian one after another, wanting to know how this equally powerful person would choose.

"I hate when people threaten me..."

Lin Tian sighed softly, and immediately a chill came over his whole face, "Since the world has forgotten my preferences, so I have no choice but to use blood to remind you..."

After all, he shot instantly.

Seeing this scene, Su Jinghong, who was sitting on the stage, suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart for some reason.

Before he could react, he saw an afterimage appearing in front of him.

After he fixed his eyes to see clearly, he happened to see Lin Tian slapping him over.


Snapped! ! !
Su Jinghong was terrified, and when he reached the point of his mouth, he only yelled halfway before being pulled back by Lin Tian, ​​his head was slapped away from his neck, and blood was splashed all the way, causing countless screams.

Su Ruyan, who was standing above Qingluan's head in the sky, saw this scene, her face changed drastically. She was about to stop her, but she found that Lin Tian moved again.

Su Rujun on the stage didn't even think about it, he knew that Lin Tian was coming towards him, turned around and was about to leave.

However, just as he turned around, he was dragged back by Lin Tian, ​​and he threw it down the stage while carrying it. Immediately, Lin Tian stepped on it, and Su Rujun's head exploded instantly.

The bloody scene is horrifying.

The people around were trembling, looking at the side, Lin Tian, ​​who stepped on Su Rujun's corpse like a demon god, only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet and heading straight to the sky.

"you wanna die--"

Su Ruyan stared at Lin Tian, ​​paused every word, gritted her teeth and shouted, with killing intent in her eyes, instantly drew out the soft sword from her waist, and slashed at Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​including the people around him, could feel a cold and ruthless killing intent, accompanied by sword energy, roaring towards him.

The air trembled under this sword.

"It turned out to be a ruthless sword art!"

The young disciple of Tianjianzong couldn't help standing up when he saw this scene, his face was full of surprise, he didn't expect that this Su Ruyan joined the Wuqing Pavilion not long ago, and the Wuqing Pavilion taught him all the housekeeping skills. she.

It seems that the Wuqing Pavilion really values ​​this girl.

"This time, that kid is probably in danger..."

Among the group of people in Tianjianzong, some people shook their heads regretfully, thinking that it would be a pity for a talented person like Lin Tian to die here.

"Su Yatou, this is Yanyang Academy!!!"

Just before the sword qi was about to strike Lin Tian, ​​the dean of Yanyang Academy made a move. With a wave of his hand, the fierce sword qi dissipated.

"Dean Yan, what do you mean?"

Su Ruyan stared coldly at the old dean Yan, without any respect in his eyes.

"It's nothing interesting, but here at Yanyang Academy, no one should make a mistake here."

Old Dean Yan looked at Su Ruyan and said lightly.

"That is to say, do you want to stand up for him?"

Su Ruyan pointed at Lin Tian from a distance, and asked in a cold tone.

Old Dean Yan didn't make a sound, but he stood in front of Lin Tian and told Su Ruyan what he thought with his actions.

"Dean Yan, you have to think clearly..."

Seeing this scene, Su Ruyan's face was extremely gloomy, and there was a hint of threat in his tone.

"Yeah, Lao Yan, you can think clearly, don't make mistakes for some people who are unnecessary..." A chuckle came from afar, and a figure suddenly appeared in Yanwu Square .

This is an old man with an extraordinary bearing, and there is a looming aura of a king in his body.


Seeing the old man, Yun Shuishan immediately greeted him.

This person is none other than the dean of Tianyun College——Tian Yufeng, the uncle of His Majesty today.

(End of this chapter)

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