Chapter 718
"I'll do it, can't I do it?"

Yazi said with a sad face.

Compared to being immediately stewed by Lin Tian, ​​it still thinks it is better to go to the fairyland to make a fuss.

After all, in the Immortal World, with its strength, as long as it doesn't offend the Immortal King, there is no problem in protecting itself. Besides, if it can't beat it, won't it run away?Lin Tian just let it make trouble, not let it kill people.

Thinking of this, Ya Zi is not so sad.

Even for a while, I was a little excited.

"Those hateful guys cheated Master Long back then, and made Master Long a sinner of the dragon clan through the ages. I must settle this account, Master Long!" Sinister spirit.

Jai Zi's mind is not big at first, he has a small stomach and a small stomach, and he loves to hold grudges.

It is precisely because of this character that Long Zu dislikes it.

Although they are both the nine sons of the Dragon Ancestor, the other eight don't like to deal with it very much.

This also made Yazi's character more withdrawn, and finally made the Protoss take advantage of it.

In fact, although Yazi likes to make trouble and make troubles, sometimes it seems to do all kinds of evil, but it has absolutely no hatred for the Dragon Clan. What happened back then was completely deceived by the Protoss Clan.

As for fighting against Lin Tian, ​​it was because he missed a treasure in Lin Tian's hands.

And this treasure actually belonged to the Dragon Clan.

It is the treasure of the Dragon Clan, the Chaos Spirit Orb, which is also known as the Dragon Ball in the outside world.

It is the companion treasure of Long Zu.

Like the purple gold gourd, it belongs to the treasure of heaven and earth, but its ranking is higher and stronger than the purple gold gourd. They are all born in chaos. I am afraid that only the chaotic green lotus can really compare with it. baby.

Yazi just wanted to take back this Dragon Clan treasure from Lin Tian, ​​and then take revenge on the God Clan.

With its strength in its heyday and the blessing of this Dragon Clan Supreme Treasure, although it can't compete with the various tribes of the God Clan who ruled the heavens back then, it is still no problem to cause them trouble. It is more powerful than ordinary real dragons.

It is an existence that pursues the invincible.

It's a pity that he was defeated by Lin Tian, ​​imprisoned here for tens of millions of years, and his body was destroyed. Even if he was strong back then, comparable to the Immortal King, he still doesn't have much strength to use now.

"Lin, Lin Shishu, I don't know if Xiaolong can be released now?"

Yazi asked cautiously.

Lin Tian didn't hesitate when he heard the words, since Yazi had already agreed to his request, there was no need for him to continue to imprison him.

His hands formed seals, which seemed unfamiliar and difficult to understand for a while, like an old saying from a long time ago, slowly spit out from Lin Tian's mouth, and the world suddenly darkened, and then, the bright moon hanging high in the night sky suddenly burst into light.

The twelve iron chains made of unknown materials that imprisoned Yazi were also broken one after another with a "bang bang".

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

A very frightening aura rushed out from the abyss, causing the faces of everyone in the secret area to change drastically.

"This aura... Could it be that there are still powerful emperors in the secret realm?"

In a certain mountain stream, Liu Changtian turned his head back in horror, and looked towards Lin Tian's direction, his face was full of shock, and he felt that terrible aura.

Not long after, a creature with a body that didn't seem very big, but with two horns on its head, a black body, and four limbs, soared into the sky, and countless people witnessed its appearance.

"This is... a dragon?"

Some people couldn't help opening their mouths.

Although the lineage of the real dragon is gone, and the dragon clan has suffered a devastating blow, it does not mean that this clan has completely fallen into the fairy world.

In the fairy world, there are still many descendants of the dragon clan.

But most of them are pseudo-dragons.

The blood is not pure.

But the dragon in front of him was different.

That majestic Longwei, even if it is not far away, can still be clearly felt.

Such an existence, even if it is not a real dragon, is the closest to a real dragon. It can even be said that it is a real dragon now that the lineage of the real dragon is completely extinct!
"So strong."

Liu Changtian couldn't help taking a deep breath, looking at the dragon shadow in the distance, he never thought that there was such an existence hidden in the secret realm of the ancient desert city, they had never heard of it before .

But soon, everyone went from being shocked to panicking.

In this ancient desert city, there is such an existence. Doesn't that mean that this is its territory?
There was a trace of panic in everyone's eyes.

From the hands of a dragon strongman whose strength is at least at the emperor level, plundering the treasure that originally belonged to it, isn't it courting death, what is it?

For a moment, everyone lost their minds of treasure hunting.

I just hope that the strong dragon clan in front of me will not take his anger out on me and think about leaving quickly. Even strong men like Liu Changtian who came here full of confidence are no exception. They restrain their breath and prepare to leave immediately.

It's not the same as coming in.

If you want to come in, without the exact coordinates, no one knows where this secret realm is hidden in the void. If you want to find this secret realm and then call in, it is as difficult as climbing the sky, but if you want to go out, it is much easier.

Anyone who is stronger than a real person can do it.

Just break through the void and escape.

However, because the location is unknown, no one knows where he will fall if he rushes out like this.

The lower the strength, the less likely it is to go back alive.

But now, everyone can't care about anything.

Regardless of whether they were alone, or those who got together later, they basically started to leave through the air, and Liu Changtian and the others were no exception. After all, compared to the treasures here, their own lives are more important.

Besides, fleeing into the void, although it is possible to die, but staying here and disturbing such a strong man is almost certain to die,
Only a few people, those with high skills and courage, chose to stay.

Lin Tian didn't know, because his actions scared away most of the people in the secret realm for a while.

At this moment, he was looking at the dragon shadow in the sky, looking at Yazi, laughing loudly there.

"Hahahahahahaha, it has been tens of millions of years, Master Long, my dragon soul has begun to grow grass, and it finally came out today, God Realm, oh no, it should be called Heaven Realm now, tremble , Your Dragon Master, I am back again!"

Yazi laughed and grinned, looking a little smug.

But soon, it seemed to have noticed the four strange gazes below, and its face froze.

"Uh...hehehehe, I'm sorry, Uncle Shi, I haven't come out for a long time, and my mood, um, is a bit hard to suppress." Yazi looked at Lin Tian and said in embarrassment, at the same time, his eyes kept gurgling on Lin Tian Turning around, I don't know what I'm thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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