Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 727 I want to kill a fairy king

Chapter 727 I want to kill a fairy king

"Don't be so ambiguous, okay? I don't have any relationship with you." Lin Tian gave Huang a funny look. To be honest, he was serious and didn't want to deal with this guy.

Because meeting him meant that her identity was exposed.

At least, Huang knows that he is not dead, and has come to the fairyland.

Although Lin Tian didn't think that this lonely guy would tell those people about this, but well, this was a bad start after all.

Huang didn't entangle Lin Tian on this topic, but asked straight to the point: "What are you going to do?"

"How to do what?"

Lin Tian was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, don't you come up this time to prepare for liquidation? I heard that you lost your life in the human world thousands of years ago. Although I don't know how you survived, but Based on what I know about you, you probably won't take revenge on this revenge, right?"

Lin Tian pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said: "The debt must be settled, after all, the blood debt is paid with blood, but now is not the time."

Hearing this, Huang raised his eyes to look at Lin Tian, ​​and said expressionlessly: "You haven't recovered your strength now, are you afraid that you won't be able to beat it?"

Lin Tian: ...

Lin Tian was speechless for a long time, and after a long time, he finally choked out a few words: "Don't tell the truth, okay?"

Huang cast a contemptuous look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian ignored him, pondered for a moment, and said again: "Actually, it's not the reason. The main reason is that the person who led all this back then hid it too deeply. Although I have someone to suspect, I haven't confirmed it yet. Let's do it now. It will startle the snake."

"What if I say, I can give you a little clue?"

Huang didn't question Lin Tian any more, but said suddenly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed immediately, and he said slowly, "Who?"

"Immortal King Taibai!"

Huang said slowly: "Millions of years ago, there was a group of people who came from the human world and climbed the immortal road. According to the usual practice, there must be people in the immortal world, and they will not turn a blind eye. Immortal King Taibai was one of them who shot and killed that year."

Speaking of this, Huang paused, his eyes gradually narrowed, and then he said: "The reason why I suspect him is because I feel the breath of foreign demons from him."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that back then, he was also in the desert, setting up a bullying formation."

The desert is Huang's territory, and it is also the end point of the fairy road. If the strong in the fairy world attack here to intercept and kill the monks from the human world, they will naturally be unable to hide from Huang's eyes.

It's just that an agreement was reached between him and some people.

It's not easy to make a move in the fairyland.

But he still knows what he should know.

Hearing Huang's words, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed.

Foreign demons, bullying the sky.

These two things, no matter which one, are related to the events of that year.

Although, in this world, there are many people who can bully the big formation, but in the fairy world, there are not many people who can contaminate the foreign demons. Regardless of whether this Immortal King Taibai is one of those people back then, just The fact that he had dealt with foreign demons was enough for Lin Tian to sentence him to death.

"Well, I know, but why did you tell me this?" Lin Tian nodded, and then asked suddenly.

Huang was silent for a while, and then seriously asked: "I said I don't like him, does that count?"

Lin Tian: ...

"Well, in fact, the relationship between me and the fairy clan is really not good. I'm quite happy to be able to kill a fairy king with your hands." Huang shrugged and said.

Hearing this, Lin Tian didn't say anything anymore.

Because he knew that this guy probably really had this idea.

After all, back then, there was a very unpleasant quarrel between Huang and the Immortal Clan, and even the Protoss Clan.

If Huang is not so special, those guys can't do anything to him, or in other words, the price of killing him is too high, Huang's grave grass, I don't know how high it would be.

Therefore, it is normal for him to want to find fault with the immortal clan.

As for Huang, it should not be false.

After all, Lin Tian is not a fool. Before doing anything, he will definitely investigate and investigate first, and then confirm it.

Xiao Hei and Princess Tianhuang were dumbfounded by their conversation. They never thought that Lin Tian knew this person.

"How do I feel, the young master seems to have acquaintances wherever he goes." Xiao Hei couldn't help muttering.

Princess Tianhuang nodded approvingly.

Her cheap master is really too strong.

Although she didn't know what kind of character this 'Huang' in front of her was, she could guess that it was by no means simple, at least she was also a character at the level of Emperor Realm.

However, what attracted Princess Tianhuang's attention the most was Huang Qian's words.

Before, it was about the group of people who came to Immortal World from Kyushu millions of years ago.

Because her mother and uncle came to the fairyland during that time period.

Presumably, they were also the ones who were intercepted and killed.

After hesitating for a long time, Princess Tianhuang finally couldn't hold back, and interjected: "Dare to ask Your Excellency, I wonder what happened to those people who came from the Nine...well, the human world millions of years ago?"


Hearing Princess Tianhuang's sudden opening, Huang couldn't help but glanced at her, then looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, as if asking who this little girl was.

"She is the niece of Changsheng, a descendant of the immortal Phoenix family." Lin Tian explained.

"Oh, so it's that guy's junior..." Huang suddenly realized and nodded, obviously, he also knew Immortal Emperor Changsheng.

"Don't worry, your uncle is fine. After all, this guy is in the fairy world, but he dares to be called an immortal emperor. Do you think that anyone has this ability?"

Speaking of this, Huang didn't know what he thought of, and then said with emotion: "However, the battle back then was indeed miserable. A guy called Shi Wushuang was amputated by Taibai Immortal King with a sword, and finally he was killed by Wushuang Saint. God took him away, and I don’t know if he’s still alive.”

"Oh, there is also that disciple of Lou Tian, ​​who is known as the Great Deceitful Emperor. He was chased and killed by several heavenly immortals, and finally he seems to have left the Great Wild Heaven, and his whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "What? That guy Chen Nuo, was hunted down?"

Lin Tian's face also sank slightly at this moment.

Celestial Immortal, this is a kind of respectful title for the strong of the Immortal Clan, and its strength is probably equivalent to that of the Heavenly Emperor after Nine Heavens.

As for Chen Nuo, according to Lin Tian's understanding, he has just stepped into the emperor's realm, and he has no ability to compete with the emperor of heaven.

Although Huang didn't know who this person named 'Chen Nuo' was, he could guess from Xiao Hei's and Lin Tian's expressions that this Chen Nuo was the bullying emperor he was talking about.

Thinking of this, Huang couldn't help but comforted him: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, those heavenly immortals are not just chasing and killing him, there are also a few people who walked with him, those people are not bad, and, It's not like you don't have power in the human world, and in the fairy world, maybe it's okay?"

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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