Chapter 732 Please God
Ask Xianzongli.

Ask the Sect Master of Xianzong, this time it can be said that he followed Wu Qitian the whole time through the mirror of chasing immortals, and wanted to see what happened before, and what kind of means did Lin Tian and others have to kill them Ask Xianzong, So many strong people.

But soon, after seeing Lin Tian and the others, the Immortal Chasing Mirror lost its effect.

As if being cut off by a strange force, there was only a blank space, and nothing could be seen.

This made Wen Xianzong's suzerain sink in his heart, and he immediately had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

An elder came quickly and told him in a panic that the soul card of an ancestor was broken, and this ancestor was one of the four people who were chasing after him.

Before asking the lord of Xianzong to come back to his senses, two more bad news came.

It turned out that two more ancestors had fallen.

Without exception, they all asked the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect, this time, please come out.

It was one of the biggest backgrounds they asked about Xianzong.

"Sovereign, have we offended someone we shouldn't have?" An elder said in a panic, his face was full of fear, that was the Holy Patriarch, and there were more than one of them, and he fell like this , No one even knows what happened.

It's really, really weird.

"Where's Patriarch Wu? He, is he alright?" Hearing the news one after another, the Patriarch Wen Xianzong's face paled for a while, and then he seemed to think of something, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Old Ancestor Wu is fine for the time being, but the soul card is also flickering, and it seems that he is going through a great battle." The guardian elder who was in charge of monitoring the status of the important figures in Xianzong couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Wen Xianzong's suzerain breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Wu Qitian is fine, then this matter is not too bad.

At least, they asked Xianzong, and they were not without resistance.

Unfortunately, dreams are beautiful, but reality is extremely cruel.

After less than a stick of incense, a disciple of the Wenxian Sect who was usually responsible for guarding the hall of soul cards came in a hurry, and shouted in a panic: "Sect Master, it's not good, the ancestor's soul card is broken."

Although this disciple hadn't said who it was yet, but when he asked the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect, he already guessed it in his heart. At this moment, at this juncture, besides them asking Wu Qitian, the quasi-emperor patriarch of the Immortal Sect, who else could it be?
Asking the Sect Master of Xianzong, he only felt a tightness in his chest, then his eyes turned black, and he fell down.

"It's not good, the suzerain fainted, come quickly!"

Seeing this, the people next to him shouted hastily.

All of a sudden, Wen Xianzong went up and down, everyone was in a mess, panicked, everyone was in danger, and many people even thought of running away.

No way, who asked Xianzong what happened recently, it was too scary.

It's fine if the elders are wiped out one after another.

Now even the several ancestors that they asked the Xianzong to be proud of, have also fallen one after another.

After this battle, even if you ask Xianzong, if he is not liquidated by those who take action, I am afraid that it will not be the same as before. Without the top powerhouse to sit in the town, decline is already inevitable.

"Hurry up, burn incense and open the altar, I want to report to Shangxian!"

When Wen Xianzong was carried back to the room, he opened his eyes, yelled, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, and passed out again.

When he woke up, it was already night.

Wen Xianzong suzerain did not delay, hurriedly bathed and burned incense, then opened the altar, and the remaining elders helped to preside over it, using blood as a guide to communicate with heaven and earth.

This is an ancient sacrificial method.

It's called Please God.

It is something passed down from the Protoss.

In the altar, the strong man who left the divine sense can be invited down.

Of course, the one who invited here was not the deity, but a ray of divine sense, and the main purpose was to tell the other party what happened here.


On the altar, the light shines brightly.

A terrifying coercion erupted from the altar.

The elders at the sage level couldn't resist at all, and knelt down on the spot.

Let alone those disciples who asked Xianzong.

They all knelt down and shouted: "See Shangxian!"

"Call me here, what's the matter?"

A phantom appeared on the altar, glanced contemptuously at the people present, and then said indifferently: "If nothing happens, do you know what will happen if you disturb me?"

"This subordinate knows, but this subordinate really has something important to report."

Ask Xianzong suzerain said hastily.

"Oh, it's you?"

Hearing the words, Xu Ying glanced at Wen Xianzong Sect Master lightly, and Wen Xian Sect Sect Master hurriedly replied: "I am the Sect Master of the Great Wilderness Heaven Fen Sect."

"What's the matter with you?"

Asking the Sect Master of Xianzong not to dare to hide anything, he told the ins and outs of the matter, Xu Ying didn't take it seriously at first, and then his face gradually became serious.

"You mean, someone entered the secret realm of the ancient desert city, and it seems that they got something extraordinary, and killed all the elders and strong men of your Great Wilderness Sect?"

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

Ask Xianzong Sovereign nodded hastily.

"It is said that there are still dragons born, right?" Xu Ying asked again.

Hearing this, the Sect Master of Wenxian Sect was startled, and looked at the person unexpectedly, wondering how this 'Shangxian' knew that there was a dragon appearing in the ancient desert city.

After all, he didn't talk about this matter just now.

However, doubts are doubts, but when asking the Sect Master of Xianzong, he dared not delay, and hurriedly nodded and replied: "That's right, according to the people who went in, they did see people."

"Sure enough, that's right. I didn't expect that Yazi would be let out. That's weird..." the 'Shangxian' muttered to himself.

Ask the lord of Xianzong couldn't help asking: "Shangxian, have you seen that dragon?"

"Well, I have seen it. Just recently, this dragon was in the upper realm, stirring up wind and rain. It came out of your Great Desolate Heaven and rushed all the way to the 22nd Heaven. Along the way, it harmed many forces. Asking Xianzong also suffered a lot from it, but recently, some strong people have spoken, and they are ready to join forces to hunt it down."

"As for the few people you mentioned, show me their appearance, and I will ask people to pay attention to them in other heavens. If they find anything, kill them without mercy." Speaking of this, the "Shangxian" He couldn't help but sneered, "After all, it's not so easy to kill the people we ask the Xianzong, even if it's just you people who belong to the sect."

Hearing this, Wenxian Sect Master hurriedly portrayed Lin Tian's appearance from his mind, and reflected it in the air.

"Hey, why does this person look so familiar?"

'Shangxian' didn't pay attention to Xiao Hei and Wu Sanhan, let alone Lin Tian, ​​but suddenly, his eyes jumped on Princess Tianhuang, his brows were tightly frowned, and he felt like he had seen this person somewhere before.

There is a very familiar feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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