Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 769 Is it going to be repeated again?

Chapter 769 Is it going to be repeated again?

"Thanks to the blessing of the Emperor, I survived by luck. How about it, I am not dead, are you disappointed?"

The visitor glanced at Lin Tian, ​​then smiled at Wenxian Wang and others.

Behind him, a thick fog of chaos surged.

It's like an ocean.

It is almost the same as the vision that manifested when the Chaos Stone Emperor appeared.

The only difference is that the chaotic sea behind the middle-aged man is more cyan, and a green lotus slowly takes root in that vision, and then shines on the heavens.

"A lotus plant in the chaotic blue sky, he is the Qing Emperor!"

In the fairy world, someone recognized this middle-aged man who suddenly appeared, and his face was full of horror.

In recent years, who has stirred up the most wind and rain in the fairy world.

Not Lin Tian.

Nor are they the Immortal Emperor of Longevity thousands of years ago.

It was the Qing Emperor of the ancient times countless thousands of years ago.

A blue lotus shocked the ages!

This is a top ruthless person who has killed 33 heavens by himself.

If the 'Emperors' hadn't teamed up, he might not have fallen.

What he did back then was much crazier than Immortal Emperor Changsheng's attempt to elevate his family to immortality.

But it is also because he is too conceited.

In the end, it will come to a point of death.


No one thought of it.

After so many years.

This legendary figure who was once famous in the fairy world and changed the color of the entire 33 heavens has returned again.

"Are they really going to upset the fairy world?"

Some people watched this scene, terrified.

Almost nine fairy kings.

Among them, the Chaos Stone Emperor is probably only one step away from reaching that realm.

And the last one came out even more terrifying.

It is a half-step immortal emperor.

Although only half a step.

But this is almost equivalent to the top combat power in the fairy world.

They join forces.

If the Immortal Emperor does not come out, who will compete with him?

It stands to reason that this combination can almost sweep the entire fairy world.

But today.

But now.

Those strong men of the fairy clan don't have any confidence.

Because what they have to face is not an ordinary strong man.

One of them once suppressed the entire god race, pulled this supreme race from the altar, and created the first heaven to rule the fairy world for an era.

And another.

Although not as brilliant a resume as the former.

But he was also an existence who dared to challenge the immortal emperor.

Any one of them, alone, is enough to walk sideways in the fairy world, but now, they are standing together, which makes the expressions of those strong immortals extremely solemn.

"Emperor Qing, I think it's not easy for me to practice, so I retreat quickly. In the past, I can represent the fairy clan, so let's not blame the past." The half-step fairy emperor of the fairy clan said in a deep voice: "But if you talk to Lin again Crazy together, stubborn, but don't blame me for being merciless!"

"No mercy? How is there a way to be merciless? Let me have a look?"

Qingdi said disapprovingly.

He stretched out his hand.


The chaotic sea behind him rolled over in an instant.

Like a tsunami.

The seemingly weak green lotus growing in it grew rapidly, and it took up most of the starry sky in a short time. The lotus had nine leaves, and the blue light shone brightly for 33 days.

Almost all the heavens have changed their colors.

The terrifying Supreme Daowei suppresses Hengyu.

"The Immortal Emperor?"

Sensing that terrifying aura fluctuation, the face of the half-step immortal emperor of the fairy clan changed suddenly.

"Tell me, why are you showing no mercy to me?"

Qingdi smiled lightly and stepped forward.

Step by step for a lifetime of lotus.

The surrounding starry sky seemed to be covered with lotus seeds.

The lotus blossoms quickly.

They form a mysterious picture.

printed on the sky.

As the Qing Emperor moved forward, the Die Emperor Star below trembled violently.

As if it would explode at any time.

Asking the Immortal King and the others, I felt a little out of breath.


Immortal emperor-level powerhouses are not people in the realm of immortal kings like them, who can contend, even if there is only a realm between them.

But this realm is so far away from Nine Heavens to Immortal Realm.

The difference between the emperor and the king.

It's like a moat.

The faces of the Chaos Stone Emperor and the half-step Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan gradually became serious.

"Emperor Qing, even if you have returned to your peak state, so what? You can't deceive my immortal clan without an emperor? My immortal emperor, if you can kill you once, you can kill you a second time!"

The half-step immortal emperor took a deep breath and threatened: "It's still too late to retreat now, otherwise this time, you will die and be buried in the place of death, and you will never be reborn forever!"

"If you want to kill me, maybe you can do it, but if you want to kill us both, are you immortals ready to make the entire immortal world sink for it?"

Emperor Qing glanced at Lin Tian and said disapprovingly.

"As long as you can get rid of you, even if you smash half of the fairy world, what's the problem?"

At this time, another strong man from the immortal clan gradually manifested in the starry sky. When the real body descended, the starry sky couldn't bear the terrifying fluctuations on his body and trembled.

Same as Emperor Qing.

Another Immortal Emperor powerhouse.

"It's Immortal Emperor Yuhua!"

Someone looked at the young man who suddenly appeared, and his heart trembled, and he recognized him.

Ascension Immortal Emperor.

The youngest immortal emperor powerhouse of the immortal clan.

Beyond the Supreme 50 years ago.

He is the founder of Yuhua Xianzong.

"The Immortal Emperor!"

Seeing him coming, the Immortal King of the Yuhua Clan quickly appeared and saluted him.


Upon seeing this, Immortal Emperor Yuhua just nodded slightly, then looked at Emperor Qing and Lin Tian, ​​and said indifferently: "Things have developed to this point, you don't even think about leaving, just stay."

"I'm going to bury you with half of the fairy world. Is it worthy of your status?"

His voice was not loud.

But it shook the entire fairy world.

Half of fairyland!

What a great handwriting!
The powerhouses of various races who lived near the Star of the Falling Emperor suddenly felt chills in their hearts. All the powerful forces made a decision immediately without even thinking about it, and began to move crazily.

Those who are close to the deepest part of the fairyland migrate to the deepest part.

Those who lean towards the edge of the fairy world flee for their lives to the wild sky.

Anyway, this place is definitely not going to stay any longer.


According to the plan of Immortal Emperor Yuhua.

They will all be buried with Lin Tian and Emperor Qing.

"Young master, they will be all right?"

Xiao Hei, who was taken far away by Yai Zi, looked at the end of the starry sky, the star field shining with blue light, and asked tremblingly, he heard what Immortal Emperor Yu Hua said just now, it was really scary.

Sacrifice half of the Immortal World.

and countless creatures.

To exchange the lives of Lin Tian and Qingdi.

How crazy is it to make such a decision.

"Should...not...something...?" Yazi looked into the distance and muttered to himself, not sure in his heart. After all, the changes in front of him, whether it was the arrival of Emperor Qing or the succession of immortal emperors of the immortal clan, Arrival has exceeded its estimate.

"Could it be that what happened thousands of years ago is going to repeat itself?"

Yao Ziyue's eyes were filled with grief.

Thinking back to the time when the Immortal Emperor Changsheng and the Queen of the Phoenix Heaven killed them in the Immortal Realm, I am afraid that the scene is almost the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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