Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 77 Returning to the Monster Forest

Chapter 77 Returning to the Monster Forest
For Wang Dehua's apology, Lin Tian just shook his head, expressing that he didn't care.

Because of this, he had already expected it.

Wang Dehua and the others did not abandon him in the first place, which exceeded his expectations.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't intend to pursue it, the people of Yanyang Academy were relieved.

"Young master, I'm Zhao Yong, I wonder if I can make a friend?"

At this time, the young disciple headed by Tianjianzong came over, stretched out his hand with a kind face, and said to Lin Tian with a smile.

Lin Tian glanced at him, and then said one word coldly: "Get out!"

Zhao Yong's smile froze, he didn't expect that Lin Tian would be so shameless, his face would turn blue and white, and he was a little annoyed.

But here, he dared not get angry.

I had no choice but to hold back the anger in my heart, forced a smile and said: "Since this young master doesn't look down on others, then forget it."

After all, Zhao Yong no longer made fun of himself, turned around and left.

Seeing this, the disciples of Tianjianzong hurriedly followed.

Lin Tian looked at the direction in which the group of people left, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

He clearly remembered how superior the group of people had been to him before.

Now, do you want to be friends with him again?

Sorry, Lin Tian doesn't like them either.

Soon, Lin Muyu brought Lin Longxiao over.

On the way, Lin Longxiao also knew what happened just now, and he was still amazed up to now. He didn't expect that Lin Tian is now so powerful.

At the same time, Lin Longxiao also vaguely understood that the child he brought in by accident had an extraordinary status.

"Bastard, come here."

Lin Tian shouted towards the sky.

Those heavenly horses pulled the golden chariot, neighed twice anxiously, then came across the air, landed in front of Lin Tian, ​​rubbed his arm docilely, as if they had forgotten that this one was the one who caused the death of their master the culprit.

"Father, Mu Yu, you go up."

Lin Tian greeted.

Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu didn't ask where Lin Tian was going, they got into the spacious chariot directly, and Lin Tian sat directly outside and became the driver.

If anyone who knew Lin Tian saw this scene, they would be so shocked that their teeth would fall off the ground.

When did Crazy Lin become a coachman?

Lin Tian lifted the reins in his hand, and the six heavenly horses in front of him immediately raised their heads and neighed, and then walked away on the clouds.

"If that girl comes back, let her find me in the monster forest."

Lin Tian's voice rolled slowly and fell into the ears of Bai Changfeng and others. They nodded quickly, and they naturally understood who Lin Tian was referring to.

It's just that this monster forest...

Could it be that he was heading for the emperor's tomb?

Everyone looked at the distant sky in unison, that little golden spot of light, their hearts were full of surprise, and they faintly guessed Lin Tian's thoughts.

After all, Lin Tian is fully qualified to enter the Monster Beast Forest with a demon emperor guarding the way.

And as long as anyone has a little strength, I am afraid that they will not be able to resist the temptation of the emperor's inheritance.

Therefore, it is only natural for Lin Tian to go there.

"God, where are we going?"

After leaving Yanyang Academy, Lin Longxiao asked with some doubts, feeling that this direction looked familiar.

"Go back to Yunyang City first, and settle you down. I'll go out to do some errands, and I'll take you away when I come back."

Lin Tian pondered for a moment, then said.

What he was going to do next, although not dangerous to him, was rather troublesome.

As for Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu, the current state is too weak.

When I went there, I didn't even have the strength to protect myself.

Being spiked is a normal thing.

No matter how strong Lin Tian is, in his state, he can't guarantee that he will be safe.

In addition, it is not convenient to move with the two of them.

Therefore, Lin Tian prepared to leave them in Yunyang City first.

After he dug out his palace, he took them away.

Although the speed of these celestial horses was not as fast as Xiao Hei, they were not too slow. After more than an hour, the golden chariot descended majestically on the Lin family compound.

"This is the Lin family in Yunyang City, who would dare to make a mistake here?"

Sensing that someone had broken into the Lin residence, the elder of the Lin family shouted angrily, and flew out of the hall with a murderous aura.

"Elder, long time no see."

Lin Tian jumped off the chariot, looked at the elder of the Lin family and smiled faintly.

"why you?"

When the first elder of the Lin family saw Lin Tian, ​​his face changed slightly, and he took a few steps back. Remembering the tragic death of the third elder that day, he couldn't help turning his eyes, wanting to see if the woman in black was here.

Fortunately, the woman in black didn't show up, and it was Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu's father and daughter who stepped down from the chariot, which made the First Elder heave a sigh of relief.

"Lin Tian, ​​you have offended the Su family now, why don't you hide in Yanyang Academy well, why come to my Lin family? Don't forget, you have been expelled from the family now!!"

The Great Elder asked with a gloomy face.

"It's nothing, just drop a foot here."

Lin Tianyun asked calmly: "Why, do you have an opinion?"


Of course the Great Elder had an opinion.

However, those heavenly horses suddenly raised their hooves towards him, neighed and pressed him to the ground with a terrifying breath.

"This, these are big monsters?"

The great elder fell to the ground, looking at the horse behind Lin Tian in horror.

Lin Tian didn't answer, just gave him a look, and then walked inside.

"I want it from Dongyuan. If it's okay, don't let anyone come over to disturb you." When the figure disappeared, Lin Tian's voice came slowly.

At this moment, the great elder was so frightened by the six heavenly horses in front of him that they were at the level of the vision realm, that he forgot to think. Hearing Lin Tian's words, he nodded numbly.

After Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu settled down, Lin Tian left.

This time, he didn't take Xiao Hei away, but let him stay here to protect the two of them.

After all, he has offended many people now.

Although Lin Tian himself was not afraid of the revenge of these people, he had to guard against them. These people retaliated against Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu.

With Xiao Hei here, Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu would be much safer.

Leaving Yunyang City, Lin Tian sat on a golden chariot, pulled by six heavenly horses, and headed straight for the monster forest.

Now, almost all the fish have been hooked.

It's time for him, a fisherman, to prepare to take the hook.

"Look, is this the arrival of those powerful people from the Eastern Territory?"

Seeing the golden chariot speeding past overhead, the casual cultivator who was still adventuring in the Yunyang Mountains and going to the monster forest inside to try his luck, couldn't help raising his head, and looked enviously at Lin Tian who was going away.

After several hours of galloping, Lin Tian came to the monster forest again.

The moment he entered, the six heavenly horses pulling the cart neighed uncomfortably.

"Humans, this is the ancestral land of the monster race, it's not the place you should come to, hurry up and get out of here, or else... kill without mercy!!!"

In the distance, a vermilion bird covered in fiery red, with flames faintly flowing from its feathers, soared into the sky, staring at Lin Tian with a murderous look, and issued a stern warning.

(End of this chapter)

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