Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 771 You Are Really Different

Chapter 771 You Are Really Different

"You are still distracted by the Dao battle, Yuhua, how much do you look down on me?" Just as Immortal Emperor Yuhua was distracted, a self-deprecating voice suddenly came to his ears.

Immortal Emperor Yuhua was startled, and then quickly restrained himself, but it was too late.

A blossoming green lotus.

All around him, it bloomed instantly.

The terrifying power of chaos submerged Immortal Emperor Yuhua in the blink of an eye.

And Immortal Emperor Yuhua's Way of Ascension, although it claims to purify everything, can be melted and swallowed by Qingdi, the way of chaos from the beginning of all things.

hard to resist.

That moment.

Everyone felt it, and the fairy world was trembling.

It seems that there is a road that runs through the heavens and the earth and supports the fairyland, and it is collapsing.

That is the way of Immortal Emperor Yuhua!

Looking from a distance, everyone could clearly see that the fairy light around Immortal Emperor Yuhua quickly melted under the blue shadow of that one standing proudly in the starry sky.

"Is an immortal emperor about to fall like this?"

I don't know how far away, Xiao Hei and his party, who had almost reached the Chaos Sea, couldn't help but clenched their fists and cheered for Emperor Qing when they saw this scene.

Only Yazi, who is the strongest, knows that things are not that simple. It stares at the depths of the starry sky with a solemn expression: "Although Immortal Emperor Yuhua lost half of his moves due to negligence and fell into a disadvantage, but in the end, he is an immortal after all. An emperor-level powerhouse, his way has been cultivated to the extreme."

"Even if he is not as good as Emperor Qing, it is definitely not an easy task to kill him right away."

Jai Zi's words immediately brought the excited Xiao Hei back to their senses. Thinking about it, Qing Emperor was so dangerous back then, and finally survived.

In this, although luck and other factors are included.

But in the final analysis, it is still too difficult for a strong man of this level to perish after all.

Even with just a drop of blood, he could return against the sky.

Want to kill Immortal Emperor Yuhua.

No matter how strong the Qing Emperor is, he might be powerless.

as predicted.

next moment.

Then I saw a loud shout coming from the depths of the starry sky.

"Go away!!!"

That was Immortal Emperor Yuhua roaring.

The voice shook the entire fairy world, and the anger in that tone permeated the hearts of the people, making everyone in the fairy world feel his anger as if they were close to him.


The fairy light turned into a long sword.

Qinglian exploded from the starry sky.

A figure wrapped in fairy light rushed out from the radiant explosion. Although he looked a bit embarrassed, the terrifying aura emanating from him made people palpitate.

Even Emperor Qing did not dare to belittle him.

After all, there is no weak person in the battle for the Great Dao.

And the Immortal Emperor Yuhua who had just broken the game did not have the confidence he had at the beginning. His face was ugly, and he turned his head to look at the four people who faced Lin Tian on the other side and seemed to be at a disadvantage. He shouted in a deep voice: " What are you still hesitating about?"

"If you don't come out again, the fairy clan will never have peace!"

As soon as this remark came out, the four people paused, then looked at each other, and made a decision instantly.

"Crazy Lin, no matter how strong you are today, you will only die!"

One of them shouted loudly.

Then raise your hands.

I saw an illusory door slowly appearing from behind him.

A figure came across from the gate.

This is an old man!
His eyes are closed.

There was an aura of decay all over his body.

It's like dying.

But it was such a person, almost no one in the fairy world dared to despise him, including Emperor Qing, and everyone who paid attention to Lin Tian's side, their expressions became serious the moment he appeared.

"Even if you have fallen to this level, you can still force me out to fight you. I have to say, Crazy Lin, you are really impressive."

The old man spoke, but he still did not open his eyes.

As if asleep.

But the moment his voice came out, all the Taoists in the fairy world were wailing.

This is another existence that stands on the avenue.

He is the invincible emperor of the fairy clan.

at the same time.

There are three more, the same strong man, appearing in the starry sky.

They fell into the starry sky, standing in the four directions of Lin Tian, ​​without any movement, but the Emperor's Star under Lin Tian's feet could no longer bear it, and the invisible coercion had gradually collapsed.


Just showing up.

A star that even the Immortal King couldn't break was shattered, exploded in the starry sky, turned into a flame, and rushed in all directions, trying to engulf everyone around it.

But followed by a light "scattered" word.

The aftermath of the explosion that ordinary fairy kings would not want to face directly dissipated in the starry sky.

From the beginning to the end, it seemed that it had never appeared.

This is one of the immortal emperors making a move.

Just one word.

It wiped everything away.

This unfathomable strength made Xiao Hei and others on the edge of the Chaos Sea, who had observed all this through the forbidden technique, look pale, and their fingers were almost pinched into the flesh.

Although Lin Tian was strong just now.

With his own strength, he can defeat the four immortal emperors and win all the points.

But that's probably because it's the four avatars who came.

No matter how strong it is, it may be limited.

But now it's different.

Right now, the four real deities are all present, and they haven't made a move yet, but just inadvertently, the aura emitted seems to be enough to suppress the universe.

In this situation, no matter how confident Xiao Hei is in Lin Tian, ​​he has no idea at the moment.

Seeing the surrounding atmosphere suddenly becoming heavy, Yao Ziyue forced a smile, and comforted her: "Five Immortal Emperors, although the immortal clan's handwriting is big enough, it may not be easy to keep Qing Emperor and Lin Tiandi behind." .”

"After all, it's too difficult for a strong man of their level to kill them as long as he doesn't want to die."

Having said that, Xiao Hei and Ya Zi, people who are familiar with Lin Tian, ​​are silent.

Although they were all looking forward to Lin Tian being able to take the initiative to leave there, he took a step back and made a long-term plan. After all, the five immortal emperors shot at the same time, and it would be difficult to support whoever came.

But expectations are expectations.

But in fact, both Xiao Hei and Ya Zi knew that Lin Tian would not leave.

Because of the fairy clan, it is too much.

What they have done has touched Lin Tian's bottom line.


Lin Tian had already left.

Since he stayed, it meant that he wanted to fight.

And this battle.

If not satisfied.

Even if he falls, he will continue to fight and will not take half a step back.


At this moment, Xiao Hei seemed to see that scene again, his heart trembled, and his eyes suddenly became red uncontrollably.

A tense atmosphere permeated the entire fairy world.

Five Immortal Emperors.

Plus Qingdi and Lin Tian.

Seven real immortal emperors appeared at the same time.

Just the breath alone made the entire fairy world tremble.

It seems that it will be broken like nine days.

Everyone in the fairy world, thinking of what Lin Tian and the others said before, all looked pale.

Shattering the Immortal World...

This sentence, in the past, they felt, like a dream, unrealistic.

But this moment.

But they really felt that the fairyland might really be broken.

The heavy atmosphere, not to mention ordinary people, even the fairy kings, feel oppressed, and the less courageous creatures of the hundreds of clans, as well as the strong of the fairy clan, at this moment, there are countless people, their souls are broken, and they are alive. Scared to death directly.

(End of this chapter)

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