Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 80: All Beings Are Equal

Chapter 80: All Beings Are Equal
"Everyone, although this is the ancestral land of your monster clan, but now, this place is Shenzhou, the territory of our human race. Even if the emperor of the monster clan is buried inside, we will not give up."

"Instead of fighting to the death with us here, how about joining hands and opening this place first?"

On the ice phoenix, an old man walked out.

Wearing a snow-white robe, he walked through the air, looked in the direction of the Yaozu and said, "You guys are no match for us after all."

Hearing this, the demon emperors fell silent.

This is the ancestral land of the monster clan, but the overall strength of the monster clan here is not strong.

It's okay to face one or two sects, but at this moment, there are at least a dozen sects present here, large and small.

And each of them has at least one emperor present.

In addition, the Yingyue Tiangong and many people who fished in troubled waters were hiding in the dark.

Putting it all together, they, the eight demon emperors, had no match at all.

As long as the other party is ruthless and pays a small price, they can join forces and kill them all here.

So at this moment, no matter how unwilling and angry they were, the eight demon emperors had no choice but to compromise.

The headed one had an unusually strong aura. The big black snake with the head of a cow and the body of a python hissed and vomited snake letters. It was silent for a while, and said with cold eyes: "Okay, we agree, but I also have a request."

"Please say."

"The things in the ruins belong to whoever gets them. Inside, they can be robbed, but if they get out of the ruins, whoever does it will be killed!"

"I'm fine here."

The strong man from Yingyue Tiangong readily agreed.

"We're fine."

The rest of the people also nodded, agreeing to this rule.

After all, they are all here for the baby, and the endless scrambling and killing is not good for anyone.

"Since you agree, then we can join hands."

The demon emperor with the head of a cow and a python body nodded, dragged his huge body, looked in the direction of the Grand Canyon and said, "According to my calculations, the chaotic energy here will be weakened enough for us to enter in about a day." degree."

"And the ruins are buried very deep underground, and it will take all of us to work together to bring it up. So when the time comes, please don't hide your clumsiness. It's not good for anyone."

The demon emperor with the head of a cow and the body of a python warned.

Hearing this, everyone nodded to express their understanding, and no one doubted its words.

After all, as a relic left by the great emperor, it is normal that it is difficult to open it.

Moreover, whether it is true or not, they can know if they go in and take a look.

Therefore, there is no need to lie about such words.

After everyone reached an agreement, they all sat down around the Grand Canyon and began to adjust their breathing to ensure the best condition, waiting nervously and expectantly.

At this moment, Yue Qingying was driven far away and was protected by an emperor outside.

The same is true for other sects, sending their disciples away one after another.

As night fell, needles could be heard falling near the Grand Canyon, and the tranquility was terrifying. The hundreds of kings and dozens of emperors who gathered here all kept silent tacitly, enjoying the last tranquility.

Because everyone knows that the tranquility at this moment is just an illusion.

And tomorrow, here will be a sea of ​​blood.

No one has absolute confidence that they can guarantee that they can get out of here alive.

Lin Tian looked here from a distance, smiled strangely, then turned and turned back to the cave.

The next day arrived as scheduled.

On this day, the weather was gloomy.

After the chaotic energy weakened to a certain extent, the strong people near the Grand Canyon all sensed it. First, the emperor jumped into it.

Immediately, they shot at the same time to disperse the few chaotic energies here again, and the remaining king-level powerhouses from both sides rushed in one after another.

"let's start!"

The bull-headed and snake-body old man from the Yao Dynasty Yingyue Tiangong nodded, and then towards the center of the canyon, he spit out a long line of dark energy from his mouth, piercing through the ground.

This is the rope it turned into spiritual power, binding the palace buried underground, trying to pull it out.

Seeing this, the rest nodded and followed suit.

Because at the moment they came in, they also found out that these monsters did not lie to them.

Hundreds of kings and dozens of emperors shot at the same time, and the scene was very spectacular.

I saw that the Grand Canyon was colorful.

The aura in this area dried up instantly.

These strong men who fought in the Grand Canyon are not only using their own spiritual power, but also desperately replenishing their spiritual power to maintain their own state and avoid disadvantages.

The surrounding spiritual energy was also sucked in one after another.

Vegetation quickly withers.

The surrounding green mountains and green waters also gradually disappeared.

In less than half an hour, within a thousand miles, it turned into a piece of red land.

Only where Lin Tian was, there was still no change in the surrounding area, because he took action to stop these people from plundering.


For a moment, the Grand Canyon shook violently.

The surrounding mountains began to collapse.

The stones rolled down, the dust rolled, and everyone rushed to the air. Looking down from a distance, the empty grand canyon gradually bulged up, as if something was about to break through the ground.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, a vast and magnificent palace emerged from the wasteland.

This palace is very large, and it covers ten thousand hectares at a glance.

However, most of the periphery of the palace was destroyed, leaving only ruins, dilapidated.

Only the area in the center was not harmed.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

This is a great tomb left by a great emperor. It is not impossible for it to be immortal.

But now, this place has become ruins.

Who on earth destroyed it like this?

No one dared to think about it, and they couldn't think of it.

Because in their impression, since the Yaozu withdrew from here and moved to Yaozhou, there have been countless years without a war.

They didn't even know which emperor this imperial palace belonged to.

However, everyone didn't bother with this.

Because these things can be put into understanding, but the treasures left here cannot be delayed.

After a short amazement, chaotic killings followed.


A demon king sprinted towards the ruins, but was slapped down by a human emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the human emperor was also attacked by other powerful human beings.

In short, there is no camp at the moment.

Everyone went their own way.

No one cares whether you are a human race or a demon race.

The pungent smell of blood wafted through the Grand Canyon, and the entire sky was covered in blood.

Lin Tian looked at this scene from a distance with a cold expression, and he didn't feel half guilty because he was the creator of this killing.

The wages of avarice is death.

This is the eternal truth.

Since these people want Depot, they must be prepared to pay.

Lin Tian glanced at the gray sky, and murmured: "It's almost..."

As soon as his voice fell, countless exclamations came from the imperial palace in the Grand Canyon.

"What's going on? Why do I only have the cultivation of a king?"

"My state is also like this. It seems to be suppressed by an invisible force. What's going on?"


The emperors in the palace, feeling the change in themselves, were suddenly terrified, not knowing what happened, they dispersed one after another, looking at each other vigilantly.

In the end, it was a formation master of the emperor level who revealed the reason for this strange phenomenon. He seemed to have thought of something, and shouted in horror: "No, this is the formation of equality of all beings!!!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

 PS: The fourth update is here.

  Thank you guys for your rewards today, I want to sleep with birds, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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