Chapter 9 Doubts (for collection)


The Eastern Region of Shenzhou, Xuandao Sect.

On a fairy mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, there is a long river of aura flowing down from the top of the mountain.There are countless pills piled up in the long river, and many disciples sit on the stone platform beside the Dan River and practice with their eyes closed.


At this moment, a bell resounding through the sky suddenly alarmed everyone.

Moreover, the bell continued to ring, nine times in a row.

This made everyone's faces change, and the nine bells rang, which meant that the Zongmen had encountered a matter of life and death.

Countless old men in white robes flew into the air with solemn expressions.

A moment later, a middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament appeared among the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, four old men appeared beside him one after another.

These five people are none other than the current suzerain of Xuandao Sect and the four great elders.

Seeing that the strongest lineup of Xuan Dao Sect has come out, the disciples of Xuan Dao Sect finally started to panic, and they took out their weapons nervously, thinking that they encountered an enemy invasion.

"Sect Master, do you feel it too?"

Beside the middle-aged man, a white-haired old man with immortal demeanor asked solemnly, with a sharp aura exuding from his whole body, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

"Well, I can feel it, this breath is very strong..."

The middle-aged man nodded slowly, looked in the direction of Yunyang City, and said solemnly: "Although I have never seen Di Jie before, such a terrifying aura is probably not far behind."

"Sect Master, this statement is wrong."

The other Supreme Elder next to him frowned slightly, and said with some hesitation: "Since tens of thousands of years ago, the way of heaven suddenly collapsed, and the order of heaven and earth has been chaotic since then, unable to withstand the power of many powerful men in the imperial realm. The strong ones have all fallen to the realm because of this."

"Since then, the nine heavens and ten earths have been disconnected, and the way of heaven has always been flawed. In each era, only one emperor-level powerhouse is allowed to appear, and every time the emperor-level powerhouse appears, he will enter In an extremely difficult era, everyone will be suppressed by the way of the powerful man in the imperial realm."

"Thousands of years ago, that rare evildoer even emptied the power of the entire era, making the world silent for thousands of years, and all the strong withered. Only in the last thousand years have they gradually recovered. Let alone the strong in the imperial realm, Even those who are strong in the holy realm are hard to find in the world."

Having said that, the old man shook his head and sighed.

Another person also echoed: "Yes, in this era, there is no way to get out of the emperor's realm. Although the aura just now is strong, but according to my opinion, it should be the reappearance of a certain ancient ruins from a distant period, which attracted the attention of the emperor. It's heaven."

These words were approved by everyone, the middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then said: "According to what the elders said, this must be a relic left by a strong person above a holy realm, have the elders sensed that the relic In which direction?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this relic should be in the Monster Beast Forest in the east. It used to be the ancestral land of the Monster Race, the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. More than one Monster Emperor once sat there, so this relic is very likely. It is the ruins of the Demon Emperor."

The white-haired old man with sword-like momentum who spoke first analyzed.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement, and the location they sensed was also in the direction of the monster forest.

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment, and then said: "In this case, then select a few disciples and go to the monster forest. One is for experience, and the other is to inquire about news. Once you find anything suspicious, report it back immediately."

"Yes, Sect Master."

An ordinary elder of Xuan Dao Sect immediately surrendered his hands and took the order, and then went down to announce the task directly.

"I believe it won't be long before there will be news, let's wait..."

The middle-aged man smiled at the four Supreme Elders, then turned around and disappeared. Seeing this, the other four also left one after another, without any intention of searching for the ruins themselves.

Because, they all know that even if there are relics, it is not so easy to obtain, especially the relics left by the ancient strong, basically there are restrictions, even if ordinary people find it, they cannot enter.

So everyone is not in a hurry, it is better to let the disciples look for it, and experience it by the way, and it will not be too late to start after it is confirmed that the relic has appeared.

After all, if the judgment is wrong, wouldn't it be a joke for others to mobilize people to run out?

This kind of scene didn't just happen in Xuan Dao Sect.

The major forces in the Eastern Region of Shenzhou basically responded similarly.

All of a sudden, countless flying boats, carrying talented children from various sects and aristocratic families, headed towards the Monster Beast Forest at high speed.

It's just that the location of the monster forest is too remote, with poor resources and thin aura, so the nearest big sect is more than [-] miles away, and it will take about ten days at the fastest to reach it at the speed of an ordinary treasure weapon flying boat.


After Pengniao kept flying for an hour, Lin Tian crossed the Yunyang Mountains and came to the outskirts of the Monster Beast Forest.

"Brother, where are we going now?"

Pengniao asked respectfully.

On the way here, Lin Tian felt that it was getting old by calling him "my lord", so he changed it to call him brother son.

At the same time, Lin Tian gave Pengniao a name, Xiao Hei.

Although Pengniao didn't like the name and always felt like a puppy, but because of Lin Tian's lust, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. Instead, he happily agreed.

This made Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on his back, couldn't help muttering in his heart, is being a monster now so hypocritical?

After waking up last time, it has been ten thousand years, and the landscape has changed a lot. Lin Tian sensed for a moment, and then noticed a trace of familiar aura, then shook his finger and said: "Go to the Grand Canyon to the west."

Hearing this, the little black bird trembled violently.

"Master, brother son, are you really going there?"

Xiao Hei asked in a stiff tone, his voice trembling faintly, obviously very afraid of where Lin Tian pointed, which made Lin Tian feel a little confused.

"What happened to that place?"

Lin Tian asked curiously.

"There, there is now a forbidden area for all monsters in our monster forest. Anyone who dares to enter will die."

Xiao Hei seemed to have remembered something terrifying, and said in a trembling voice: "When I was young, I once saw a demon emperor-level jiao enter and be instantly strangled, turning into a blood mist..."

Hearing this, Lin Tian frowned.

If he remembered correctly, the formations he left in the mausoleum were basically protection-oriented, and the killing formations were all in the core area.

If the protective formation outside was not broken, it would be impossible to touch the killing formation inside.

Now listening to Xiao Hei's description, the killing array he set up has obviously been activated.

That is to say, someone blasted away the protective formation outside him.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lin Tian's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, he vaguely guessed in his heart that during the period of his deep sleep, someone must have shot him.

And this person is very strong, and there may even be a group of people.

Otherwise, based on his personal strength alone, Lin Tian can guarantee that after he shattered the way of heaven, no one in the nine heavens and ten lands could have the combat power to blast away the formation he set up alone.

Not to mention, there is still a Nine Serenity Demon Dragon dormant in the mausoleum, which is not in the Emperor Realm, but can attack the powerful in the Emperor Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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