Chapter 90 Crisis (please recommend~~)

"Tell me clearly what's going on, take your time, don't worry."

Everyone hurriedly said that they had left all the previous things behind. Compared with the inheritance of the emperor, those disciples who died are nothing worth mentioning.

Seeing all the strong people present staring at him, the casual cultivator was a little nervous, and after a while, he began to slowly explain the ins and outs of the matter.

After listening, the strong men of each sect looked at each other with shock on their faces.

Even those demon emperors felt a jump in their hearts.

They guessed that Lin Tian might have something to do with this ruin, but they didn't expect that he could even enter that bedroom.

You know, that place, they have also tried.

However, those who approached, without exception, all died.

For this reason, the human race also lost two emperors.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian broke in unscathed.

Moreover, it seems that he has really obtained the rumored inheritance of the great emperor.

Otherwise, how to explain the Zijin gourd matter?

In the eyes of everyone, greedy eyes suddenly appeared.

"Stay here for me, even a mosquito can't be let out, I don't believe that he can hide here forever!"

The elder of Yingyue Tiangong gritted his teeth and said.

Inside, Lin Tian refined the purple gold gourd, and it is likely to be inherited by the emperor, they can't do anything about it.

But when he got outside, he didn't believe it. This guy in Qi Gathering Realm could go against the sky.

The rest of the people also issued the same order.

Not only for revenge, but also to snatch the so-called inheritance of the great emperor.

Compared to this, those disciples died as well.

Even those demon emperors are a little bit moved at this moment.

But they thought about it, and finally restrained their desire.

Let's not talk about whether these people can keep Lin Tian, ​​even if they do, they have snatched the inheritance, but they can't leave in front of so many powerful people.

Therefore, instead of working for others, it is better to leave first and wait and see.

Under the leadership of several demon kings, all the demons retreated one after another.

"These guys are quite interesting..."

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of the various human clans couldn't help but sneer, and they were quite satisfied with the behavior of these monsters in their hearts.

After all, less power means less competition.

Everyone stood guard at the entrance of the ruins and waited patiently.

It's just a day or two, or even three days, and Lin Tian hasn't appeared yet.

This made everyone a little annoyed.

Some people even wondered if this guy had slipped away from somewhere else. After all, if Lin Tian really took the inheritance of the Great Emperor, he would definitely know the ruins well.

It is not impossible to go out from other places.

This time, everyone was in a hurry.

"Go, find me all the people related to Lin Tian, ​​and find all the places he may go."

The strongmen of all sects ordered immediately.

After hearing the words, all the kings got up and went to do it.

Half a day later, there was news that Lin Tian's father, Lin Longxiao, and his younger sister, Lin Muyu, were hiding at the Lin family in Yunyang City.

At the same time, the demon emperor beside Lin Tian was also there.

The person who discovered this news was deliberately disclosed to him, so he did not go to the Lin family to scare the snake, but directly passed the news back to the Grand Canyon.

Immediately, the strong men of each sect sent out an emperor to attack Yunyang City aggressively.

Looking at this scene, Yue Qingying was very anxious, like ants on a hot pot, circling around in circles.

If things go on like this, their Yingyue Tiangong really wants to fight Lin Tian forever.

Yue Qingying found the elders of Yingyue Tiangong, gritted her teeth and told them her deduction, wanting them to withdraw their orders.

It's just that, under the temptation of the Great Emperor's inheritance, the people of Yingyue Tiangong have already turned red-eyed, and they didn't take what Yue Qingying said to heart at all.

Even, hearing that Lin Tian not only has superb alchemy skills, but also has a sacred furnace on his body, he strengthened his belief in his heart and wanted to capture Lin Tian alive.

"Qingying, don't worry, we will get you that sacred stove. During this time, you are here, so practice hard."

The elders of Yingyue Tiangong were afraid that Yue Qingying would spoil the good things, so they simply put her under house arrest.

Yue Qingying called out in despair: "Elder!!!"

It's a pity that the elder was not moved at all, and just closed his eyes and meditated.

Seeing this, Yue Qingying stopped talking, her face was full of despair, and she could only pray in her heart that behind Lin Tian, ​​there was no so-called unrivaled powerhouse.

Otherwise, this would definitely be a disaster for their Yingyue Tiangong.



In a remote corner of the mansion, the elder of the Lin family stood there, facing a masked young man in front of him, lowered his voice, and asked, "Is everything settled?"

The masked youth nodded, "The news has already spread."

"That's good."

Hearing this, the Great Elder immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face.

These days, every minute of his life, he lives in fear, for fear that one day, Lin Tian will remember the past and kill him when he comes back.

For this reason, he even escaped from the Lin family.

But, unexpectedly, after a few days passed, it was another turn of events.

He hid in a mountain village not far from Yunyang City, and suddenly learned that the strong men of various sects were looking for Lin Tian's traces everywhere, and even searched Yanyang Academy, and suddenly understood , Lin Tian is probably causing a catastrophe.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Elder conceived a plan, and secretly spread the news about Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu in the Lin family, and now he used this trick to kill people with a knife.

At this moment, Xiao Hei didn't know that the crisis was approaching, and it was lying lazily on the roof, basking in the sun as usual.

Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu still stayed in Dongyuan, practicing diligently day after day.

Just as dusk was approaching, more than a dozen terrifying auras suddenly surged from all directions. The powerful divine sense, like a big net, blocked the entire Yunyang City in an instant.

Xiao Hei, who was sleeping soundly, woke up suddenly, his shiny black hair puffed up all over his body, and he let out a low growl, "Be careful, there are enemies coming!"

Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu, who interrupted their practice by Xiao Hei's sound, came to their senses, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty, not knowing what happened.

"The devil Lin Tian, ​​killing my disciple of Yingyue Tiangong is an unforgivable crime, and he should implicate the nine clans, Lin Longxiao, Lin Muyu, you still haven't come out to accept the crime?!"

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the sky, resounding throughout the entire Yunyang City.

Everyone in the city was startled and raised their heads in fear, not knowing what happened.

Xiao Hei's face was solemn, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and then shouted: "What kind of skill is sneaking, come out if you have the guts!!!"

"A mere first-grade demon emperor dares to provoke this old man? Court death!"

The strong man from Yingyue Tiangong gave a cold snort of disdain, and then, a powerful ray of divine sense rushed towards Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei's face changed slightly, and he roared angrily, and also sent out a ray of divine thought.

Two invisible divine thoughts collided in the air instantly.


Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei let out a muffled snort, and flew upside down a few steps, his sharp eyes were filled with seriousness.

From this brief contact, it can be confirmed that the visitor is at least a third-rank emperor.

Moreover, this is one of the dozen or so emperors who came.

 PS: Sorry for being late, it’s snowing and my hands are a little cold~
(End of this chapter)

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