Chapter 98

"In the past few days, people from Good Fortune Martial Sect have come to Qingyun City to set up barriers to assess disciples. The girl and miss Yue Qingying have passed the test, but because you are in retreat, they did not choose to go with Good Fortune Martial Sect. Go, but choose to go on your own."

Xiao Hei briefly talked about what happened in the past few days.

Lin Tian nodded when he heard the words, not surprised at all.

After all, although that woman Yueqingying is a bit stupid, she is also a saint of Yingyue Heavenly Palace, so her talent is naturally worth mentioning.

As for Lin Muyu, although her talent is relatively low, but she has Lin Tian to help wash the marrow and cut the bones, plus the "Tianshui Heart Sutra" left by the Supreme Empress, her cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds during this period.

Even if you can't catch up with someone like Yue Qingying, who is talented and has laid a solid foundation since childhood, there is no problem joining Good Fortune Martial Sect.

"Then where are they now?"

Lin Tian swept his mind, but did not find Lin Muyu and Yue Qingying next door, so he asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's expression was a little weird at first, and then he said with a strange smile: "Hey, hey, brother, you don't know, that girl Yue Qingying accidentally took off her veil during the assessment, and now the entire Qingyun City The pride of heaven is revolving around her."

"And Miss, these days, she has become more and more succulent. You didn't see these two standing together. That scene... tsk tsk."

Xiao Hei seemed to have thought of an interesting picture, with a crow-like face, he burst into laughter, and his sharp beak grinned.

When Lin Tian heard this, his expression was a little weird. He didn't expect these two girls to make such a big commotion when they first came to Zhongzhou.

Lin Tian still remembered that Yue Qingying reminded him not to cause trouble along the way, saying that this place is too close to the Eastern Region, and news may be sent back at any time, causing trouble.

Fortunately, he honestly didn't do anything, but the woman's own fame began to spread far and wide.

"Oh, woman..."

Lin Tian curled his lips, and then opened his hand, and there was a feather fan made of black feathers in his hand.

These are the waste hairs that Xiao Hei shed when he was recovering from his injuries. Lin Tian made use of them and refined them into a fan.

Although this fan is ordinary, it is a real treasure, but because of the formation engraved by Lin Tian, ​​this fan is not suitable for use as a weapon.

"Let's go, let's have a look."

Lin Tian waved his fan and swaggered out of the inn.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei hurriedly flew onto Lin Tian's shoulder. Its image of a crow, coupled with Lin Tian's disrecognizable pace, made Lin Tian look like a rich family who had nothing to do, playing with birds and walking dogs all day long.

"Brother son, over there!"

Every time Lin Muyu and Yue Qingying went out, Xiao Hei followed them in the dark, so it also knew where the two of them were now.

According to Xiao Hei's guidance, Lin Tian came to a place named 'Red Sleeve Pavilion'.

This is the most common place anywhere.

Here, as long as you are rich enough, you are an uncle, and you can get happiness that you can't imagine.

Of course, in a place like this, one would not go directly to a brothel to do some unscrupulous flesh and blood business.

They play more advanced games, such as reciting poems against each other, or competing in martial arts to recruit prostitutes... Oh no, you can't say prostitutes either, they call it the guest of honor, and they admire each other.

Lin Tian didn't see too much of this kind of tone.

As early as countless tens of thousands of years ago, he got tired of playing.

But it is undeniable that no matter in what era, this set will never go out of fashion, and those who call themselves arrogance really love this set.

These so-called arrogants, when they are bored, their favorite thing to do is basically to go to this kind of place to brag and feel about life.

Then he reluctantly showed his hands and acted modestly, shocking everyone and giving him the highest praise.

And for those who are not yet famous but desperately want to be famous, this is also one of the best channels.

As long as you are here and beat a certain famous arrogance, then you are guaranteed to be famous tomorrow.

Therefore, in the whole nine days and ten lands, as long as young people with a little talent like to drill into this kind of place.

Of course, these people are basically all men.

As for women, fewer people go in. This is not because there are no places for women to relax here.

There are also teahouses, piano buildings, galleries, etc...

These are the places women like to be.

However, in a place like this, the beauties bred are basically carefully selected beauties.

Therefore, women who have no confidence in themselves really dare not come here, for fear of becoming someone else's green leaf.

Of course, a stunning woman like Yue Qingying was not included.

At this moment, she was sitting in front of the guzheng in front of the piano building, smiling, and gently stroking the strings with her slender white fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the crisp and melodious sound of the piano was slowly transmitted to everyone's minds, which made people feel refreshed and addicted to it.

The Tianjiao in front of her all showed admiration, and were intoxicated by Yue Qingying's piano sound.

Lin Muyu sat beside her, looking at Yue Qingying enviously.

Although she also knows how to play the piano, compared with Yue Qingying, she is far behind and can only be regarded as a beginner.

However, Yue Qingying's piano sound has reached a state of perfection, with a faint sense of piano, which can soothe people's mood.

The feather fan in Lin Tian's hand swayed slowly, leaning against the door of the piano building like this, quietly watching his maid show her skills in front of everyone.

After a while, the sound of the piano stopped, and everyone slowly came to their senses, applauding in unison.

"Okay, Miss Yue's piano sound is just like a fairy sound, and the lingering sound is so lingering that people will be intoxicated by it without knowing it..."

Someone shook his head and said with emotion.

Some people, showing off their talents, looked up and sighed: "This song should only exist in the sky, it is rare to hear it in the world..."

"Thank you for your compliments, the little girl only understands a little bit."

Yue Qingying smiled back and said modestly.

Hearing this, a handsome, fair-skinned young man stood up with shame on his face, and said to Yue Qingying:
"I have practiced piano skills hard for 18 years, and today I saw Miss Yue's accomplishments in the piano, so I realized that there are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains... I really feel ashamed..."

"Miss Yue, I, Lu, let me toast to you first!"

The handsome young man picked up the wine bottle on the small table in front of him, finished speaking, then raised his head and drank it down.

Yue Qingying also picked up the white jade wine glass next to her face, covered her face, and sighed lightly.

"Hahaha, Miss Yue is refreshing."

When the young man surnamed Lu saw that Yue Qingying actually responded to him, his eyes lit up and he laughed happily.

Lin Tian watched from a distance and shook his head. Yue Qingying just responded because of his good family education and out of politeness. Look at this.

I don't know, I thought he could embrace a beauty.

 Today is the holiday, I will go out with my family for a walk, and there are two more at ten o'clock.

  Well, finally, thank you for your support and rewards, I wish you all a happy holiday~
(End of this chapter)

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