Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1 Communicating with Immortal Souls

Chapter 1 Communicating with Immortal Souls

Outside the sky, there is a fairy gang, and there are countless fairy souls above the fairy gang.

If you want to become a strong person, you have to communicate with the immortal souls on the fairy gang, get the inheritance of the immortal souls, and cultivate the supreme way!
Every three years, Xiangang comes to this world.

Every time you come to this world, countless dazzling geniuses will be born!


The sunset is burning west, and it is evening.

Yi Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged, with pain on his face, his eyes closed, and mudras in his hands.

A beautiful girl in a snow-white long dress was sitting cross-legged opposite Yi Xiaoyao, also closing her eyes and making seals like this.

"Ruoxue, tonight is the day when Immortal Gang comes into the world, so you must succeed!"

Yi Xiaoyao's head was covered with sweat, and he did not forget to encourage the girl in front of him softly.

The next moment, a strong joy suddenly appeared on the girl's fat face.

"Brother Xiaoyao, I succeeded!"

"Ruoxue, congratulations."

Yi Xiaoyao dotingly wiped the sweat from the girl's forehead, and said with a faint smile.

The girl's name was Tang Ruoxue. She had extremely poor soul aptitude since she was a child, and she could communicate with second-grade immortal souls at most.

But with Yi Xiaoyao's help over the years, her soul has been raised to a level where she can communicate with seventh-rank immortal souls.

Now in the entire Tangjiabao, apart from Yi Xiaoyao, the one with the best soul aptitude is Tang Ruoxue.

"Brother Xiaoyao, if you fuse your soul to me, will your aptitude deteriorate?" Tang Ruoxue asked suddenly.

"No, you don't have to worry."

Yi Xiaoyao's soul aptitude is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he is recognized as a peerless genius.

Others may not be able to afford the soul consumed to help Tang Ruoxue improve, but to him it is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

It's just that the process of melting one's soul into others is very painful. He has been used to it for so many years, and he is willing to do this for the girl he loves.

"Then... Brother Xiaoyao, when you inherit the castle master, how about we get married?"

A blush appeared on Tang Ruoxue's face, and she bowed her head to Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled at him, and said, "Ruoxue, I have planned this for a long time. When I get the inheritance of the immortal soul tonight, I can inherit the castle master! The first thing after inheriting the castle master is to marry you!"

As he spoke, he took out a jade bracelet from his bosom, took Tang Ruoxue's hand, and put the jade bracelet in her hand.

"Brother Xiaoyao, this is?"

"This bracelet is the only thing my mother left me to miss, and it is also the most precious thing to me. Today I will take this as a gift for you as a engagement token."

Tang Ruoxue's face was full of happiness, and she said softly, "Brother Xiaoyao, you are so kind to me."

"Since my grandfather left, I have nothing to rely on in Tangjiabao. Thanks to you and your father for taking care of me these years. So don't worry, I will treat you well!"

While the two were talking, a smiling middle-aged man walked up to him.

"Happy, Ruoxue!"

The middle-aged man shouted to the two from a distance.

Yi Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and quickly responded, "Uncle Long."

"Father! Why are you here?"

Tang Ruoxue trotted to Tang Long's side, pulled his arm and asked.

Tang Long laughed and said, "I came to see if Ruoxue's soul promotion was successful. Seeing that you are so happy, I don't need to ask."

Then, he said again: "In this case, you two will go to the altar with me and wait for the immortal gang to come!"


That night, countless people on the Xiangang Continent were looking up at the sky.

First, the sky was swallowed, and the world fell into darkness, and then a circle of colorful light re-illuminated the earth.

Then, the rays of light spread bigger and brighter in the sky, and finally covered the entire sky.

Immortal Gang is coming to this world!

The sky is full of light clusters of different colors and sizes, like countless stars.

These light clusters are fairy souls!
The fairy soul is said to be the soul of a fairy who fell during the ancient war.

These immortals are divided into strong and weak, and their souls are naturally divided into different levels.

Immortal souls are divided into nine grades, the first grade is the worst, and the ninth grade is the ultimate.

As long as they are approved by the immortal soul, they can get the inheritance of the immortal's previous skills.

The higher the quality of the immortal soul, the better the skills that can be passed on.

In addition, the immortal soul can also help the inheritors improve their cultivation.

Similarly, this is also necessarily related to the quality of the immortal soul.

For example, if you get the inheritance of a third-rank immortal soul, you can directly become a monk at the third-level Qi Condensation Realm; and a ninth-rank immortal soul can even be promoted to the ninth-level Qi Condensation Realm!

And the more superior the immortal soul, the more difficult it is to communicate, which has to test the so-called soul qualification.

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao is called a peerless genius is because after testing before that, his soul aptitude far exceeds other peers in the mansion, and he has even reached the condition of being able to communicate with ninth-grade immortal souls.

The inheritor of the Ninth Grade Immortal Soul is a dazzling genius in any place!

In a short while, beams of light shot down from the fairy gang in all directions, which is the phenomenon that people from other places have obtained the inheritance of immortal souls.

"Brother Xiaoyao, let's start too!"

Tang Ruoxue said in Yi Xiaoyao's ear.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, lightly closed his eyes and began to gather his soul, trying to communicate with the immortal soul.

A moment later, Yi Xiaoyao's soul had already reached the Immortal Gang, wandering among countless imposing immortal souls, looking for the ninth-grade immortal soul that suits him.

Communicating with the immortal soul is not necessarily successful. Everyone only has three chances in a lifetime. Once they fail three times, they will not be able to obtain the inheritance of the immortal soul for the rest of their lives.

After a stick of incense passed, there were cries of surprise from around.

"I succeeded! I got the inheritance of the third-grade immortal soul!"

"I succeeded too! It is the inheritance of the fourth-grade immortal soul!"

"I failed to communicate with the seventh-rank immortal soul, so I had to choose the sixth-rank immortal soul, but it succeeded."

"What? You actually got the sixth-grade immortal soul inheritance?"


Gradually, everyone's eyes turned to Yi Xiaoyao, this peerless genius!
Yi Xiaoyao's grandfather was the old castle owner of Tangjiabao. Ten years ago, he was taken to Tangjiabao by his grandfather. Before his grandfather passed away, he left a will for Yi Xiaoyao to inherit the position of castle owner.

However, Yi Xiaoyao's surname is not Tang, and no one in the Tang family recognizes his status and excludes him everywhere.

Therefore, he is just a young castle master with an empty name.

But as long as Yi Xiaoyao obtains the inheritance of the immortal soul tonight, it means that he is qualified to take over the position of castle master, and no one will dare to disrespect him anymore.

At this moment, most of the people present had rejected Yi Xiaoyao, so these people had complicated expressions, and began to think about how to continue to stay in the Tang family in the future.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, Yi Xiaoyao still quietly closed his eyes without any movement.

On Tang Ruoxue's side, drops of sweat ooze from her forehead, soaking the long hair on her cheeks, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

Suddenly, a silver light shot down from the sky and poured into Tang Ruoxue's body. She opened her eyes suddenly, a silver light flashed in her eyes, and the next moment her face was full of surprise!
"Seventh Grade Immortal Soul! Ruoxue, you have actually obtained the Seventh Grade Immortal Soul inheritance! That's great!"

Tang Long laughed and walked towards Tang Ruoxue.

Tang Ruoxue also hugged Tang Long excitedly: "Father! My daughter has succeeded!"

The surrounding clansmen started talking about it one after another.

"It's actually the inheritance of the seventh-rank immortal soul. This is the best achievement the Tang family has seen in the past few years!"

"That's right, my Tang family has finally produced a genius."

"But I remember that Tang Ruoxue's soul aptitude was extremely poor before, why did she suddenly become a genius?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone said yes one after another, with doubts and puzzles on their faces.

How did they know that Tang Ruoxue was able to obtain the seventh-rank immortal soul inheritance, which was actually thanks to Yi Xiaoyao.

Tang Long also smiled when he heard everyone's admiration, and suddenly looked at Yi Xiaoyao with some doubts.

"Why everyone has succeeded, but Xiaoyao has not moved yet?"

"Father, brother Xiaoyao's soul aptitude is even higher than mine. If I can get the inheritance of the seventh-rank immortal soul, he will definitely get the inheritance of the ninth-rank immortal soul!"

Tang Ruoxue smiled very reassuringly.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Tang family youths who had acquired third- and fourth-rank immortal souls just now were filled with bitterness. They didn't even dare to think about ninth-rank immortal souls.

Compared with Yi Xiaoyao, they felt ashamed and extremely unwilling.

At this moment, under the attention of everyone, Yi Xiaoyao finally made a movement.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and at the same time, there was a furious shout from above!


(ps: The author is a veteran, and his writing skills are sufficient. You must read at least 30 chapters to be sure that you will not miss this good book.)
(End of this chapter)

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