Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1007 Soul of Destruction

Chapter 1007 Soul of Destruction
Listening to Mie Tian's words, Yi Xiaoyao's heart felt like a turbulent sea.

At this time, he looked at Mie Tian's more transparent figure than before with complicated eyes, and when he heard him sighing up to the sky, he was not only a little sad and regretful.

"Senior, is there any way to save me?"

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but said that he didn't want to see Mie Tian, ​​who was respected as the most powerful man in the world, perish full of unwillingness, and he didn't want Xue You to lose his father again.

Mie Tian slowly withdrew his gaze from looking at the sky, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao kindly.

"Let's talk about it after you prove yourself as a true immortal."

Then, he raised his hand and made a downward move, and the Miexian sword rose from the ground and floated in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

"I don't need the Immortal Sword anymore, so I leave it to you."

Looking at the black sharp sword floating in front of him, Yi Xiaoyao froze for a moment, then nodded silently, and without being too pretentious, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

The moment his fingers touched the Immortal Sword, the entire body of the sword seemed to wake up, and a black light shone.

At the same time, the devouring soul in Yi Xiaoyao's body also produced a familiar resonance.

"This is... the Soul of Heaven and Earth?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Mie Tian in astonishment, because that kind of resonance is the connection between the souls of heaven and earth.

Mie Tian glanced at Yi Xiaoyao in surprise, then smiled and said, "That's right, this Immortal Mie Sword is actually the Soul of Destruction."

"Thousands of years ago, when false immortals appeared, I obtained the Immortal Extinguishing Sword formed from the Soul of Destruction in the ancestral land of the Yi Clan, and at the same time I also obtained the Extinguishing Immortal Sword Art, as if it was destined, let me stop it That conspiracy."

Saying that, Mie Tian looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "And now, the Mie Immortal Sword belongs to its original owner, so you don't have to thank me."

"The Mie Immortal Sword and Mie Immortal Sword Art actually come from the ancestral land of the Yi Clan?"

Yi Xiaoyao was a little surprised, because from the very beginning, he felt that the Miexian Sword was very similar to his own Mieshijian.

And the Mieshijian is condensed by practicing the Devouring Sword God Art.

Now it seems that there is a great possibility that the Miexian Sword and Miexian Sword Art are left by the Sword God.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could think too much, Mie Tian's transparent body began to shrink rapidly.

In the end, a light spot formed and shot towards Yi Xiaoyao's eyebrows.

"Now, I will use my last spiritual knowledge to help you master the domineering technique."

When the faint voice sounded, it was already in Yi Xiaoyao's mind.

In addition to the reverberation of Mie Tian's voice, it was also accompanied by an incomparably mysterious message that flooded into his heart.

That is the domineering seed of Shu Dao, Mie Tian condensed his domineering Qi of Shu Dao into a domineering seed, and planted it in Yi Xiaoyao's body.

That is to say, the next Yi Xiaoyao will directly master the domineering technique without practicing at all.

"Senior, then you..."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the place where Mie Tian disappeared in front of him, and spoke more sadly in his heart. He thought that Mie Tian could not hear his words, so he didn't continue to speak.

But then, his gloomy eyes lit up.

Because Mietian's voice actually sounded from the tyrant in his body.

"The last trace of my soul will be temporarily stored in this tyrant, falling into a long sleep and dissipating."

Mie Tian sighed lightly, and said, "It's just that there is one thing that I'm still worried about."

"Did senior mean Xueyou?"

Yi Xiaoyao understood instantly, and said, "Xueyou is my friend and partner, and I will protect her for senior!"

"So, then I can finally rest assured..."

After another ethereal voice sounded, Mie Tian's voice completely disappeared.

This time, Mie Tian really won't respond anymore.

But Yi Xiaoyao knew that Mie Tian hadn't completely died, and he still had a chance to save Mie Tian.

Therefore, he didn't feel too much sadness in his heart, but raised his arms, trying to release the domineering technique that Mie Tian bestowed on him.

However, as soon as the domineering silver light of Shu Dao appeared on his arm, it disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, that feeling of exhaustion once again hit Yi Xiaoyao's whole body.

"It seems that we can only recover one or two here first, and then make plans to go out."

After feeling his state, he frowned slightly and murmured.

Although Yi Xiaoyao is very worried about the safety of the other companions and wants to go out to reconcile with everyone as soon as possible, but he understands that although the current crisis has been resolved, it is still unknown how much danger there is outside.

Only by recovering your strength first can you go out and face everything with your companions.

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao didn't think too much, sat down cross-legged and began to recover.

And while he was meditating and recovering like this, most of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

In the space inside Kunyu's body, the huge canyon experienced the battle, and the bottom of the canyon became deeper and wider.

Yi Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the center of the canyon, faintly, there was a wave of majestic and strong fluctuations, which continuously spread from his body, and directly shattered the gravel on the surrounding ground.

Just when he opened those eyes that were deeper than before, the whole space was shocked.

"It seems that there has been a lot of improvement."

Yi Xiaoyao felt the recovered spiritual power in his body, as well as the layer of silver light on his palm, and grinned quite satisfied.

Now he has mastered the domineering technique, and has mastered the four major arrogance.

Moreover, he obtained the real method of the Miexian Sword Art and the Mieshijian formed from the soul of destruction. His combat power is obviously no longer comparable to when he first came in.

Even the powerhouses of the second catastrophe are fully capable of attempting a battle.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao can also leave here and go out to reconcile with his companions.

"I don't know yet, what kind of troubles will the seven ancient clans outside make?"

With the opening of the Mietian Secret Treasure this time, people from the seven ancient clans can say that they returned empty-handed, obviously it is impossible to be reconciled.

In addition, they saw with their own eyes that Mie Tian accepted Yi Xiaoyao as his heir, so how could they leave without giving up.

No need to think about it, those guys are waiting outside for Yi Xiaoyao to go out and snatch his fortune.

Of course, since Yi Xiaoyao dared to come in, he had already thought about this situation.

Not to mention his promotion now, even if the ancient seven clans slapped his attention, he would not have any fear.

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao stood up resolutely.

The Immortal Extinguishing Sword danced in his hand for a moment, and directly cut out a sword beam full of destructive aura, smashing the immortal skeleton on the ground to pieces.

In this way, he put away the Immortal Extinguishing Sword, and shot towards a nearby space vortex as soon as he moved.

But then, as if he noticed something, Yi Xiaoyao's leaving figure turned back in vain and landed on the spot where he was standing just now.

At this time, his eyes were looking at the area of ​​the chopped up fairy bones in surprise.


(End of this chapter)

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