Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1009 Dare to Eat Anything

Chapter 1009 Dare to Eat Anything
The huge heart, where the spirit of the giant kun is stored, is the deadliest place for the giant kun.

Although it is big but not refined, the bigger the kun fish is, the bigger its weakness will be.

But how could the giant kun allow people to easily approach such an important part?
At this time, every time this huge heart beats, there will be some kind of resonance.

This kind of resonance is the means by which the giant kun resists the invasion of outsiders.

It can directly affect the blood vessels of the people around. Even Yi Xiaoyao, who is not really close to the heart, feels that the blood in his body is out of control, and there is a feeling of qi and blood rushing to the meridians.

Not to mention, the two teams of Spirit Race and Yao Race who are fighting near the heart at this moment.

Especially the people of the monster clan, all of them were affected by that terrible resonance at this moment, unable to maintain their human form, and all of them showed their monster bodies.

Just relying on the tyranny of the demon body, it didn't explode and die under the resonance.

But obviously, under such terrible interference, the combat effectiveness of these monster clan members is naturally greatly reduced.

But compared to them, the people of the Spirit Race on the other side seem to feel much better.

Although the people of the spirit clan did not have such powerful monster bodies as the monster clan, but at this moment, a layer of blood mist appeared on each of them.

In the blood mist, there are phantoms of giant black tortoises.

It is these phantoms of giant tortoises that allow the people of the Spirit Race to have the ability to resist the resonance of the heart.

As a result, when the two sides fought against each other, it was the Spirit Clan who had the upper hand.

Because the battle was fierce, no one noticed Yi Xiaoyao's arrival.

Yi Xiaoyao stood in the dark, watching the fluctuation of the fight inside, his eyes moved slightly, and he had no intention of making a move.

At this moment, he was staring at the phantom of the giant tortoise outside the human body of the Spirit Race, thinking deeply.

Because Yi Xiaoyao discovered that these giant tortoise phantoms of the Spirit Race have a similar feeling to the Kunling they are fighting for.

Sure enough, when he first realized this, the next behavior of the people of the Spirit Race completely confirmed his conjecture.

I saw the leader of the Spirit Clan speaking loudly towards Kun Ling while fighting the Yao Clan.

"Senior, I'm from the lineage of the Black Water Turtle of the Spirit Race, Ling Zhan! I came here with no malice!"

Ling Zhan spoke hastily, his tone was full of respect, and continued to communicate with Kun Ling: "Our Lingzu has always had the blood of the ancient true spirit, but there has never been a clansman with the blood of Kun, so we want to get a trace of the blood of our predecessors. Inheritance, revitalize the spirit race!"

Through these exquisite words, Yi Xiaoyao has already heard that the giant tortoise phantom outside the bodies of these spirit clansmen is the tortoise spirit formed by the blood of the black water black tortoise.

And their purpose is to obtain the blood of Kunyu.

Although the kun fish in front of him has not yet reached the level of a true spirit, its bloodline is stronger than the bloodline of the black water turtle in his body.

This is undoubtedly a great temptation for the spirit race.

But when Kun Ling heard Ling Zhan's words, there was still a look of indifference in those bright eyes, as if he had no interest.

Seeing this, Ling Zhan continued to speak: "Senior, our Spirit Clan inherits the blood of eight ancient true spirits, and regards these eight ancient true spirits as the Eight Patriarchs. If you agree to my request, the Spirit Clan is willing to regard you as the ninth ancestor. Ancestor, protect you from generation to generation, and help you advance to the Realm of True Spirit!"

As soon as these words came out, Kun Ling's indifferent gaze finally showed a touch of emotion, and he looked towards Ling Zhan.

The next moment, blood-colored tubular tentacles separated from the huge heart and shot towards the people of the spirit clan.

The people of the spirit clan were overjoyed, they drove back the people of the monster clan with all their strength, and let the bloody tentacles touch them without any resistance.

Immediately afterwards, that terrifying resonance completely failed for the people of the Spirit Race at this moment.

At the same time, Kun Ling suddenly roared at the Yaozu people on the other side, as if sending some message to the people of the Spirit clan.

People from the Spirit Race clasped their fists at Kun Ling, and immediately looked directly at the Monster Race people opposite, with a murderous intent erupting from their bodies.

"Although we don't want to fight against your monster clan, but the Ninth Patriarch said that as long as you are killed, he promises to pass on the blood to our spirit clan."

Ling Zhan said sternly: "Since that's the case, then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Not good! Hurry up!"

Seeing this scene, the people of Yaozu suddenly turned pale with fright, and then retreated violently.

If they were outside, they would naturally not be afraid of the Spirit Race.

But now, under the sympathy of that heart, the monster race and the spirit race would suffer a bit when they fought against each other. Now that even Kun Ling is helping the people of the spirit race, they are no longer opponents.

However, at the next moment, everyone from the Spirit Clan flashed their figures, directly blocking the retreat of the Monster Clan.

Moreover, after connecting with the tentacles of the huge heart, they seemed to have become more powerful in combat. With the terrifying resonance, they directly seriously injured and sent the monsters flying.

Looking at those members of the Yao clan who were getting more and more sluggish under the resonance, Ling Zhan and the others all showed cruel smiles, and approached them step by step.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao, who was witnessing this scene, was in the dark, frowning slightly.

After all, Sparrow Wing of the Yaozu had helped him before, and he still didn't want to just watch the members of the Yaozu being killed here.

But if he makes a move now, not to mention whether he can save the people of the Yaozu, just facing the terrible resonance, and the people of the Lingzu who have become stronger with the help of Kunling, he doesn't have much to protect himself grasp.

And just as Yi Xiaoyao was hesitating, a thought full of excitement resounded in his heart in vain, making him frown.

Immediately, a strange smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! As long as we kill you monster clansmen, my spirit clan will have another line of combat power. At that time, even the celestial and human race will have to let my spirit clan get three points!"

At this time, Ling Zhan, who had no idea that there were outsiders, had already walked in front of the monster clan.

Under the connection with the bloody tentacles, the phantoms of giant turtles around him are changing rapidly, forming phantoms of giant kuns.

Immediately, after Ling Zhan gave an order, all the spirit clan members who had transformed into phantom images of giant kuns raised their hands and blasted out towards the monster clan members.

Although the Yaozu people were full of unwillingness, the power of resonance and the injuries on their bodies had already made them lose all ability to face the people of the Spirit Race, and could only feel the approach of death.

But at this moment, a black sword light suddenly flashed out, and it actually slashed directly on the huge heart.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao's figure, like a ghost, appeared in the sight of the two parties.

Before they could react, they saw that the long sword in Yi Xiaoyao's hand had pierced a huge gap in the huge heart!

Kun Ling in the heart let out an angry roar, and the gap in the heart healed up in an instant, without any blood flowing out.

But immediately after, the angry roar of the Kunling turned into a terrified scream and a miserable scream.

Because at this moment, in that huge heart, unexpectedly at some point, a fat black fish appeared, chasing Kun Ling and biting it everywhere!
"Fat ugly guy, he really dares to eat anything..."

Looking at the fat fish, which was hundreds or thousands of times larger than Kun Ling, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help grinning.


(End of this chapter)

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