Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1015 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1015 Fierce Battle
The Celestial Human Race began to slaughter the powerful people in the Slaughter Sea, and Zhan Wushuang and others also saw it.

They understood that the Celestial Human Race didn't attack them immediately, just to force Yi Xiaoyao to appear.

After these killing sea powerhouses are cleaned up, it will be their turn.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Zhan Wushuang anxiously asked Zhan Bao, Zhan Bao was the strongest among them, and they all hoped that Zhan Bao could come up with some ideas.

"We can only join hands with these powerful people of the Slaughtering Sea to resist."

Zhan Bao frowned, although he had predicted this situation three years ago, the reality was more serious than he expected.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xueyou. After all, Xueyou is his junior uncle, and his decision needs Xueyou's approval.

Feeling the violence of the war and the eyes of everyone around him, Xue You frowned slightly, then nodded.

She had already heard that Yi Xiaoyao obtained the inheritance of Mietian, and his strength must have been greatly improved.

Therefore, the best way right now is to join hands with the Slaughter Sea powerhouses according to Zhan Yue's intention, and persist until Yi Xiaoyao's arrival, maybe there will be a turning point.

The next moment, Xueyou glanced at those powerful Slaughtering Sea experts who were full of horror and despair, and at the same time with a trace of disgust in his eyes, he spoke in a cold voice.

"Although I really don't want to be with you fools, but right now, we can only join forces!"

Hearing this sound, those powerful people who killed the sea all showed embarrassment.

But they had no choice but to nod with a glimmer of hope.

Instead of giving up resistance in the face of death, it is better to fight desperately in the face of despair.

In the next moment, all the strong men gathered towards Xue You and the others, and while hugging into a ball, they looked at the celestial and human strong men who came to kill them with great fear.

"Crying that day, let me stop it."

Zhan Yue spoke in a deep voice, staring at Tiankui who was rushing to the front, took a deep breath and said.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. The one who cried that day was the strong man of the second catastrophe. Although the war violence was infinitely close to this level, there was still a big gap between him and the second catastrophe.

"Eldest brother, I'm with you!"

Zhan Wushuang said with worry in his eyes, he didn't want to lose his elder brother after losing his master.

"The manpower on our side does not allow your decision."

Zhan Bao smiled wryly, and shook his head helplessly.

Others also smiled wryly.

Yes, although they were originally not as powerful as the Celestials, their numbers were no less than the Celestials.

But after the few grasshoppers were killed just now, they were even at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

In this way, everyone had no choice but to choose a strong man from the Celestial Race as their opponent, regardless of the opponent's strength, and went directly to meet him.

"Oh? Have you started joining forces?"

While Tiankui was looting violently, seeing the actions of Zhan Bao and others, he sneered suddenly: "The weak always like to make some futile resistance!"

The other Celestial-Human powerhouses looked at the figures rushing towards them, and also had a mocking smile on the corners of their mouths.

"Just because you, a group of untouchables, want to survive in our hands, then you look down on our Celestial Race too!"

Then, before they started, they raised their hands to create a mirage light mirror, intending to spread the next scene to the world through the mirage.

"The following killings should be regarded as our Celestial Clan's warning to the people of the world, and let the world know the fate of disobeying our Celestial Clan!"

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two sides rushed towards each other.

And under these top powerhouses, the Celestial Human Army also gathered together with many people from the sea of ​​killing like a tide.

With the first collision of the figures of the two sides, the tense atmosphere in the world was broken instantly, and the strong intention of killing and the sound of fighting rose into the sky in an instant.

The people of the major ancient clans around are all indifferent onlookers who roared out of the two torrents.

The next moment, the torrents collided directly in their eyes.

boom! !

At the moment of impact, monstrous slaughter spread out.

Then the majestic energy swept wildly, one after another powerful moves, almost all of them bloomed at this moment.

The first thing that erupted with terrifying fluctuations was the confrontation between Heaven's Cry and Zhan Huang.

The two of them split apart as soon as they touched each other. What was a little surprising was that it wasn't Zhan Yue who was forcibly repulsed alone, Tiankui was also shocked back by Zhan Yu's offensive.

"It's interesting, it has already reached the second catastrophe, it seems that it has already experienced the second heaven-reaching catastrophe."

After Tiankui took the lead in stabilizing his figure, he looked at Zhan Bao and let out a surprise, but his tone was more of contempt.

"But even so, I want to see how many tricks you can hold against me!"

Before he finished speaking, Tiankui charged towards Zhan Yue who hadn't stopped retreating yet again.

Immediately afterwards, there were another earth-shattering collision and roar, which sounded continuously within a few short breaths.

Under such a collision, Zhan Bao's retreating figure had no chance to stop at all.

At the same time, an unbearable pain gradually appeared on his face.

In contrast, Tiankui, who frequently launched attacks, was extremely calm in every move, and didn't use all his strength at all.

Zhan Bao understood that if Tiankui wanted to kill him, he would be dead now.

Now the other party is playing with him blindly, just to force Yi Xiaoyao to show up.

Compared with Zhanhuang here, other places where they fought each other also showed a one-sided situation.

The strong ones of the Celestial Clan are all cultivating domineering skills, and their combat power is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people in the same situation.

Soon there was a Slaughter Sea powerhouse who was defeated and chased and fled around.

Zhan Wushuang and the others, after three years of painstaking training, can barely handle it, but it is obviously impossible to defeat their opponents in a short time.

"Huh? You fellows of Emperor Chu are quite capable."

Among the Celestials, Tianyue, who was once defeated by Yi Xiaoyao, looked at Zhan Wushuang and the others in surprise.

At this time, the opponent he faced was Yun Mengling.

It's not that Yunmengling took the initiative to find Tianyue, but Tianyue knew about Yunmengling's relationship with Yi Xiaoyao, and because of the shame of being defeated by Yi Xiaoyao in her heart, she wanted to kill Yunmengling to take revenge on Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, after Tianyue was surprised, she looked at Yunmengling with a playful look on her face, and smiled coldly.

"It's just that you seem to be the weakest among these accomplices of Di Chu!"

As he said, although Yun Mengling has improved a lot in the past three years, because of his low starting point, he is still much weaker than Zhan Wushuang and others.

Under Tianyue's offensive, Yunmengling was even more violently retreated, and could only hastily set up defensive formations one by one, desperately resisting the opponent's merciless killing intent.

Tianyue integrated all the resentment towards Yi Xiaoyao in her heart into the attack on Yunmengling, and under the roar of another silver thunder dragon, it directly shattered the formation around Yunmengling in an instant.

A mouthful of blood sprayed out from Yunmengling's mouth, and her charming body was like a withered flower, falling powerlessly downward.

Zhan Wushuang and the others exclaimed in unison, but they couldn't separate themselves to rescue them.

"Hmph! She is indeed beautiful, but with such weak strength, she is nothing more than a useless vase!"

Tianyue looked at Yunmengling sarcastically, and said with a sneer, "If I break this vase of yours, would Dizhu feel distressed?"

As soon as the words fell, he directly transformed into a thunderbolt, darting towards the falling Yunmengling, with the intention of killing him.

"Sister Mengling!!"

"Sister Mengling!!!"

Seeing this scene, Zhan Wushuang and the others had red eyes.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

Yun Mengling suddenly raised her head and shouted towards the sky, her desperate voice seemed hoarse and exhausted.

At this time, she was not blaming Yi Xiaoyao for not showing up, but was thinking that if she could see Yi Xiaoyao before she died, she would have no regrets.

It seemed to be responding to Yunmengling's cry, just when Yunmengling's eyes turned dark in despair, an extremely ear-piercing sound of sonic boom resounded in vain from the giant kun's mouth not far away!


(End of this chapter)

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