Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1025 Immortal Token and Tiger Talisman

Chapter 1025 Immortal Token and Tiger Talisman
In the space, the heaven and the earth are solemn.

All eyes were attracted by those two figures.

Yi Xiaoyao stood above the void, surrounded by various auras, replacing the mighty Heavenly Cry before.

On the contrary, it was Heaven Crying, who rushed out of the sea at this time, disheveled and disheveled, where there is no demeanor of the Celestial Human Race, or the arrogance of the strong man of the second calamity.

I saw that Tiankui was full of dismay and anger, all the Celestials and Humans he brought were killed, and he was even defeated by a mere pariah whose cultivation level was lower than his. Even if Yi Xiaoyao didn't kill him, he would have no face to survive in the world.

The last thing is, Tiankui has already seen Yi Xiaoyao's evildoer against the sky, if he is allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will become a big problem for the Celestial Clan!
Therefore, Tiankui, who had these thoughts in his heart, was even more determined on his face.

"The Book of Heaven and Man, the Immortal Immortal Forbidden Art"

After a low growl, his originally sluggish body erupted again with strong blood-colored aura, roaring like weeping blood.

"With my body, sacrifice to the soul of the immortal, my soul will disappear, and the immortal will come out!"

The stern roar made the faces of all the people present change in shock.

Because Tiankui at this time actually exuded wisps of golden light from his body, that is a fairy energy that does not belong to this world!
And above his head, a black thundercloud gathered, and even the golden lightning that flashed within it exuded this immortal energy.

Seeing this scene, the people of the major ancient clans all exclaimed.

"Is he going through the third Heavenly Tribulation?"

"No, this is the unique forbidden technique of the Celestial Race, and only a very small number of Celestial Race powerhouses are qualified to master it!"

"It is said that this technique can force people to cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, but it will lose their self-awareness and become another person, so it is listed as a forbidden technique by the Celestial Race!"

"Of course, the premise is that he can survive this immortal calamity, which is obviously impossible."

The second calamity powerhouses of several ancient clans explained solemnly, and at the same time they could understand why Tiankui was so decisive.

Because whether he lost himself or was unable to survive the thunder disaster, Tiankui would definitely die if he performed this technique.

"In this case, why did he take the initiative to seek death?"

Zhan Wushuang and the others listened to the arguments of these strong men, and said to Queyi in front of them in a little puzzled way.

Queyi frowned at this time, and said: "Even if you can't cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, at the moment of descending to the immortal, Tiankui can use the power of the immortal to kill Di Chu, this is Tiankui's determination to die together!"

Hearing this, Yun Mengling and the others all changed countenance, and finally began to worry about Yi Xiaoyao's safety.

And when everyone was shocked, the movement on Tiankui's side had become extremely shocking, and there was a shrill scream.

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the strange crying sky at this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was also aware of the aura of danger, and immediately his body flashed, and he rushed to the sky crying.

No matter what Tiankui wants to do, he can't give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

The blade of Miexian Sword was extremely sharp, it pierced through the void in the blink of an eye, and appeared above Tiankui's head, the puffing and puffing sword light instantly pierced Tiankui's eyebrows, and there was a trace of golden blood dripping out.

At this moment, Tiankui's shrill screams stopped abruptly, and the scarlet eyes that were originally full of anger and determination, after a flash of golden light, returned to normal color, which contained a touch of bewilderment and endless indifference .

A palm glowing with golden light directly grabbed the Miexian sword that had just pierced into Tiankui's brow, and even the all-destroying sword energy gushed out, it couldn't damage this palm in the slightest.

Astonishingly, it was Tiankui's hand that blocked Yi Xiaoyao's decisive blow, and at the same time, those indifferent eyes suddenly stared at Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao only felt that the Immortal Extinguishing Sword was no longer under his control, let alone piercing the opponent's brow.

Sensing Tiankui's indifferent gaze, Yi Xiaoyao felt a sudden chill all over, and his complexion couldn't help but change.

Because he had a very clear feeling that the person in front of him was no longer crying for heaven!
"Who are you?"

While looking at Yi Xiaoyao, Tiankui let out a cold voice.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could open his mouth, he suddenly snorted coldly. The left hand that grabbed Mie Xianjian forcibly moved Mie Xianjian away from the center of his eyebrows, and his right fist suddenly hit the tip of the sword.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth in an instant. The terrifying shock force from the Immortal Sword made him unable to grasp the blade anymore, and it was because of the opponent's punch that the Immortal Sword directly hit his chest. .

The invincible Jia Yu's domineering energy was directly disintegrated under the impact of this sword, making Yi Xiaoyao's body fly out of the air like a kite with a broken string.


The sound of sucking in cold air resounded through the entire space.

Everyone's eyes became astonished. Yi Xiaoyao, who had crushed Tiankui just now, was seriously injured by Tiankui's punch?

"That's not heaven crying anymore. In a sense, it's a fairy!"

Queyi spoke solemnly, although it was only a short-lived fairy, it was by no means something Yi Xiaoyao could compete with.

And the punch that knocked Yi Xiaoyao away just now contained powerful immortal power!
After Tian Chou flew away to Yi Xiaoyao, he still stood there dazedly, as if he was reading the memory of this body, and the daze in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and seeing the terrifying thunder calamity gathering rapidly above him, his complexion suddenly changed drastically, and he even became pale and frightened.

"No! How can this body survive the immortal calamity!!"

Tiankui roared in horror, as if he was angry at himself: "Why did you lead me out at this time!"

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to get the answer from the memory of this body, and his eyes suddenly looked over at Yi Xiaoyao, who was barely able to stabilize his figure.

This time, Tiankui's gaze was filled with violent killing intent.

"It's because of you!"

Before he finished speaking, Tiankui raised his hand and pointed at Yi Xiaoyao. A terrifying golden light gathered on the fingertips, as if a devastating attack would erupt at any moment.

Seeing the opponent's finger, Yi Xiaoyao's expression suddenly changed, and an endless crisis enveloped him. Even his domineering eyes could not see through the opponent's next blow.

And the moment he was knocked into the air by the opponent just now, he had already understood that Jia Yu's domineering power was also unable to defend against Tiankui's attack at this time.

"Who the hell is this guy!?"

Yi Xiaoyao growled in horror, he had a clear feeling that once the opponent's finger was shot, he would definitely die.

But at this moment, his eyes moved slightly, as if he had sensed something, a beast-shaped jade talisman appeared in his hand.

This animal-shaped jade talisman was obtained by him in the Kunyu space, under the bones of the golden-cloaked fairy, and he didn't find its use at that time, but at this time, it was emitting a faint golden light.

The aura above the golden awn is very similar to the aura on Tiankui's finger, it is also immortal power!
But Tiankui's golden light on his fingers had reached the extreme, and the moment he was about to shoot at Yi Xiaoyao, his expression changed suddenly after seeing the animal-shaped jade talisman floating in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

"Xianling Tiger Talisman!"

With an exclamation, Tiankui showed an extremely contradictory look on his face, as if he wanted to kill Yi Xiaoyao, but he couldn't do so because of some restrictions.

For a moment, he stood there blankly again.


Just when the Heavenly Cry was about to stand, a shocking thunder rang out, and in the thunderclouds above, the endless golden tribulation thunder finally landed at this moment, pouring on the body of the Heavenly Cry.

Immediately afterwards, a shrill scream came from the golden thunder pillar.

But the sound only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared completely, and then the thunderclouds in the sky quickly receded.

With the cessation of thunder and lightning, the place where Heavenly Cry was located before is now empty, and there is no half figure or even the slightest fairy energy, as if nothing has ever existed.

In the space, everyone stared blankly at this scene, the shock in their eyes could not be concealed.

As for Yi Xiaoyao, he looked at the animal-shaped jade talisman in front of him, feeling a little confused.


(End of this chapter)

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