Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1029 Tianyu is waiting for you

Chapter 1029 Tianyu is waiting for you
Originally, when the powerhouses of the ancient clans left reluctantly, seeing the soul owl being killed at this moment, everyone felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the spine, and they did not dare to stay any longer, and fled one after another. Like, leave quickly.

In just a short time, all the major ancient clans that came here, except for the monster clan that stood on the side with Yi Xiaoyao, have disappeared completely.

The crisis that was worrisome a moment ago was completely eliminated in an instant because of the appearance of one person.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao and the others, as well as the experts from Killing Sea, breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes turned to the gray-robed man.

None of them noticed when the gray-robed man came, and with the strength of the gray-robed man, no one would have noticed even if he was here from the beginning.

At the same time, everyone was very curious, why would the gray-robed man help Yi Xiaoyao?

Could it be that Yi Xiaoyao is not as simple as everyone thinks, and also has a strong backer behind him?
After all, there is a long-lost domineering spirit between the two of them.

Thinking this way in Que Yi's heart, she looked at Yi Xiaoyao in amazement, as if she wanted to get his response.

Yi Xiaoyao felt the other party's gaze, and also sensed what she meant, and shook his head with the same ignorant gaze.

"Thank you for your help, senior!"

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao cupped his fists to thank the gray-robed man in front of him.

Perhaps from the fact that the gray-robed man scattered all the powerful ancient clans before, it could not be seen that he was helping Yi Xiaoyao.

But killing Hun Xiao because of Hun Xiao's words just now is enough to prove that the man in gray robe is definitely on Yi Xiaoyao's side.

Moreover, Yi Xiaoyao already had some guesses in his mind at this moment, looking at the gray-robed man who was turning around, he asked in a low voice: "Dare to ask about the form of the senior?"

Whether it's Jia Yu's domineering aura or lack of cultivation aura, it fits the characteristics of the Yi people very well.

Yi Xiaoyao guessed that maybe the Yi clan was not completely wiped out back then.

"I haven't seen you for many years, you have grown up."

The man in gray robe didn't answer Yi Xiaoyao's question, but just looked at him quietly, with a sigh of relief in his mouth.

Yi Xiaoyao was taken aback when he heard the words: "Senior, have you seen me?"

"I went to see you when you were just born, and it's normal for you not to recognize me."

The gray-robed man chuckled, with a hint of peace in his tone.

He saw the doubt in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, and continued: "I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart now, if you want to know, just follow me to Tianyu, and you will understand everything by then."


Yi Xiaoyao's eyes narrowed slightly. Now he has understood that Tianyu is the top area of ​​this world. Apart from the Yaozu, the Tianren and other ancient tribes all exist in Tianyu.

"Little brother Di Chu has completely offended the Celestial Clan, and other ancient Clans are also eyeing him. If you let him go to Tianyu, wouldn't it be tantamount to death?"

At this moment, Sparrow Wing frowned and reminded.

The gray-robed man was not angry when he heard the words, but smiled lightly and said: "I dare to kill those members of the ancient clan, so I am not afraid of the power of the ancient clan. Why do you want to die?"

Indeed, he dared to dismiss all the ancient clans just now, and killed Hun Xiao in front of so many people, obviously he was not afraid of revenge from the Hun clan.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly. He really wanted to go to Tianyu with the gray-robed man, especially after he guessed or even concluded that the other party was a member of the Yi clan, he wanted to clarify some things.

However, compared to these doubts, he has other things to do now.

"Senior, forgive me for not being able to go to Tianyu with the senior."

Yi Xiaoyao was silent for a moment, and apologized to the man in black.

Sensing the suspicious gaze from behind the other party's black gauze, he continued: "This junior still has some important things to do. After finishing those things, he will definitely go to Tianyu to visit senior!"

The gray-robed man didn't respond for a moment when he heard the words. He looked at Yi Xiaoyao and finally nodded.

"Forget it, then I will wait for you in Tianyu."

After sighing softly, the man in gray robe walked up to Yi Xiaoyao, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "There is still your belonging and responsibility."

After saying this, the gray-robed man backed away before Yi Xiaoyao could speak.

He raised his hand behind him and pressed it, and suddenly the space was as if a piece of tofu had been squeezed by some kind of terrible force. While it was deformed rapidly, a channel was sunken in the middle.

The gray-robed man walked into the passage, and the squeezed space rebounded suddenly, shaking the entire space.

When everyone focused their eyes again, there was no trace of the gray-robed man, and even the space squeezed by him just now returned to its original state.

"What a terrifying power! Just relying on the physical body, raising one's hand can induce the power of heaven and earth, and use this most primitive method to move."

Seeing the direction in which the gray-robed man disappeared, Que Yi murmured in shock.

Yi Xiaoyao was equally horrified, the domineering energy he possessed was immature like a child in front of this gray-robed man.

But what he cared more about was the words left by the other party when he left.

"My responsibility and attribution?"

After muttering a word, Yi Xiaoyao suppressed this matter in his heart.

When he finishes what he is going to do next, he must go to Tianyu to see what his responsibilities and affiliation are.

"Little brother Di Chu, that person is so powerful, maybe he can really protect you, why didn't you leave with him?"

At this moment, Queyi regained his composure and said to Yi Xiaoyao in doubt.

If it were a normal person, they would choose to leave with the gray-robed people, not to mention that Yi Xiaoyao offended the Celestial Clan and needed powerful protection.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, looked at Queyi and said, "Speaking of which, what I'm going to do next has something to do with your monster clan."

"It's about us?"

Sparrow Wing suddenly frowned, showing a puzzled expression.

"I'll talk about this in detail later, let's clean up the current mess first."

Yi Xiaoyao was not in a hurry to explain, but looked at his companions behind him, and then at the powerful Slaughter Sea who were looking at him with hot faces.

A ray of worry instantly appeared between his brows.

Because Yi Xiaoyao knew that when such a big battle happened, not only would the Celestial Human Race not let him go, but they would not let go of all the people present who followed him.

However, he didn't deal with these immediately, but turned his eyes again, and looked at the distant void, a piece of brilliant light mirror floating there.

This is the mirage mirror created by the Celestials before attacking Yi Xiaoyao and others.

They originally wanted to spread the picture of this massacre to the world, to deter the world, and let the world know that the heavenly power of the Celestial Human Race cannot be violated.

It's just that those celestial beings did not expect that the mirage mirror they created recorded a shame that they could not erase, and would spread it to the world through the mirage.

At that time, not only will the Celestials and Humans lose their face, but Yi Xiaoyao's prestige will be even more resounding!


(End of this chapter)

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