Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1031 Going to the Monster Race

Chapter 1031 Going to the Monster Race
At this time, everyone was feeling weird about the disappearance of the giant kun, but Xue You seemed to understand something, and his beautiful eyes flickered.

"I once heard from my father that the Kunyu, as an ancient beast, can also grow through cultivation. The fish body is only its first form, and the second form is the bird body, which is the legendary Kunpeng."

Xueyou murmured: "The kun fish that my father suppressed back then was just a young beast. It must have gone through thousands of years of suppression. It is already close to entering its second form, so it will use space as a cocoon to sleep and advance. .”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Such a powerful Kunyu is actually just a cub?
So how scary will it be when it grows into adulthood?
Moreover, Kunpeng has always been a great supernatural beast spread by the world, but who would have thought that it was actually transformed by Kunyu!
"That's right. It is said that the ancient fierce beast Kunyu's natal supernatural power is the power of space, just like the space conceived in its body."

Sparrow Wing nodded and said: "So it can disappear without a sound, most likely it used this powerful power of space to transfer itself to the space in the body."

In this way, everyone understood now, and secretly sighed at the magic of Kunyu.

And Yi Xiaoyao was even more pleasantly surprised, he knew that the Kunyu was now occupied by Fei Chou, it seems that Fei Chou took a big advantage.

"It's just a pity, in this way, sister Xueyou won't be able to see her father again."

Yunmengling sighed softly, they all thought that Mietian was still in Kunyu's internal space.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes dimmed slightly, and he didn't know whether to tell Xue You the truth.

After pondering for a moment, he still gave a general account of what happened in the space inside Kunyu's body, and specifically told Xue You that Mie Tian did not completely perish.

Of course, with people from the Yao clan present, Yi Xiaoyao naturally wouldn't say anything about the Yi clan.

"Father, is he in your body?"

Hearing the words, Xue You's face changed slightly, and he looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a complicated look.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded: "It can be said that, but he has fallen into a long sleep, and I will find a way to help him recover."

"Thank you!"

Xue You didn't say much, but just thanked Yi Xiaoyao.

She was not only thanking Yi Xiaoyao for his kindness, but also thanking Yi Xiaoyao for not letting her father's inheritance fall into the hands of others.

"What happened after that? How did you and Sister Sparrow Wing get to know each other?"

Yun Mengling opened her eyes and asked curiously, not only her, everyone was curious about why Que Yi would stand by their side.

"What? Is the little girl jealous?"

Sparrow Wing smiled and said, her winking eyes are quite enchanting.

"No way!"

Yun Mengling's cheeks flushed instantly, and she glanced at Queyi with some shame.

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing, and told what happened afterwards.

Everyone was amazed that such a thing still existed.

No wonder the Spirit Race instigated the Celestial Race to attack them as soon as they came out, no wonder Yi Xiaoyao came out so late, no wonder the Yaozu would help them.

"That is to say, the current Kunyu is not the previous Kunyu, but my fat and ugly?"

Yunmengling exclaimed even more, her little face was full of surprise.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded and said with a smile: "It should be. The soul of the Kunyu was swallowed by the fat and ugly. It must be no different from the human being's seizure."

Hearing this, even Queyi was shocked. If it was true what Yi Xiaoyao said, when Kunyu advanced to Kunpeng in the future, he would obey the orders of Yi Xiaoyao and others.

However, at this moment, Queyi had other thoughts in her heart, and soon her expression calmed down, and she looked at Yi Xiaoyao.

"Earlier, I heard from Little Brother Dizhu that what you are going to do next has something to do with our monster race. From this point of view, you didn't just help us when Kunyu dealt with the spirit race in the body before?"

Speaking of this, Que Yi smiled strangely at Yi Xiaoyao. She was not dissatisfied with Yi Xiaoyao's purpose, but curious about what the purpose was.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he smiled a little embarrassedly, but he didn't deny it.

"That's right. I want to go to Yaozu. I wonder if Sister Queyi can help me with this matter?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Que Yi, he never forgot his purpose of leaving the land of Kyushu to kill Hai.

Go to the Yaozu and rescue the sealed Xiao Hei and the main body!

"So you didn't go to Tianyu with that gray-robed man, but you wanted to go to our Yaozu?"

Queyi's eyes showed surprise, and then he smiled indifferently: "Although I don't know whether your purpose of going to our Yaozu is good or bad, but you have saved our lives, how can such a small favor be done?" Do not help?"

Hearing Queyi's agreement, Yi Xiaoyao smiled gratefully.

It is also as Queyi said, the purpose is always accompanied by good and bad.

And the reason why Yi Xiaoyao didn't say his purpose of going to Yaozu is because he doesn't know whether his purpose is a good thing or a bad thing for Yaozu.

Because, besides rescuing Xiao Hei and the main body, he also has another great purpose.

This purpose, besides Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling, was also aware of this purpose.

When the two of them got Xiao Hei, they already knew that Xiao Hei was the son of the Demon Emperor. The old Demon Emperor was killed, and the big demon fled with Xiao Hei, and was sealed for thousands of years in the turbulent space of the big demon's ancient tomb. .

At that time, the Great Demon Will entrusted Xiao Hei to Yi Xiaoyao and the two, and entrusted them to help Xiao Hei succeed the Demon Emperor in the future!
Although the contract made by that great demon back then has no binding effect on Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling today.

But Yi Xiaoyao, who has already regarded Xiao Hei as his close relative, will do his best to help Xiao Hei get what should belong to him, even if there is no such constraint.

So going to the Yaozu next, Yi Xiaoyao will help Xiao Hei become the Demon Emperor!
It's just that I don't know if the current demon clan still welcomes the appearance of the new demon emperor.

After all, according to Queyi, the current Yaozu already has the Demon Emperor.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, there is a great possibility that Yi Xiaoyao's purpose is a bad thing for the Yaozu.

Therefore, he will not tell anyone about Xiao Hei's secret until he understands the Yaozu's attitude.

"Xiaoyao, are you going to Yaozu?"

At this moment, Zhan Bao and the others stepped forward in astonishment and asked.

Zhan Wushuang said: "Then we will go too!"

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head, rejecting their kindness. He didn't want everyone to accompany him in danger after the Yaozu couldn't tolerate Xiao Hei.

"I have a few fairy objects left by the golden-robed fairy here. You can use them to study the fairy art, sacrifice this fairy artifact, and stay in the sea of ​​​​killing for a while to practice in seclusion. When I need it in the future, please give me a helping hand." .”

Saying that, Yi Xiaoyao took out the three fairy objects that he had obtained before.

The tiger tooth engraved with immortal art was given to Zhan Wushuang and the others, the fairy whip was left to Xue You, and the animal-shaped jade talisman was given to Yun Mengling.

He intends to take all the risks and go to Yaozu alone.


(End of this chapter)

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