Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1044 Calculating Weaknesses

Chapter 1044 Calculating Weaknesses
What Yun Mengling said was right, if Chi Lin continued to humiliate her like this, even if it was difficult for her to kill Chi Lin, it was impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to let him go.

However, if Yi Xiaoyao really killed Chilin, Qingjiao might run away immediately, and the situation would be difficult to control.

Thinking of this, Yunmengling looked back at Yi Xiaoyao as if feeling something, and shook his head at Yi Xiaoyao who had already aimed the arrow at the red scale.

"Hmph! If you don't answer me, you must be guilty! It seems that you are not clean, you can only be my slave!"

Chilin didn't know where his crisis was, he boasted that he was protected by Qingjiao, and he was still yelling at Yunmengling.

However, he also knew that since he had just entered the Heaven-reaching Realm, he might not be Yunmengling's opponent, and he did not dare to say anything more.

"If you want to be my servant, it depends on whether you have this life, and then you will fend for yourself!"

After Qinglin gave another cold drink, he turned around and threw Yunmengling away, heading towards the Forbidden Mountain.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao, who was shooting arrows continuously, once again suppressed the murderous intent gushing out of his heart after feeling Yun Mengling's signal.

He really doesn't want to make trouble in the Yaozu, but this red scale has completely aroused his killing intent, even if he doesn't kill him today, he will definitely kill this pair of evil dragon father and son in the future!

"The most important thing right now is to protect Linger's safety first, and let her be the first to arrive at the gap in the sealed space of the Forbidden Mountain."

Yi Xiaoyao was always awake in his mind, and while he was thinking secretly, his thoughts were also spinning.

He was thinking how to get rid of the disadvantage in front of him?

"Hmph! Human boy, it's just started now, and there will be a second robbery beast, even if I kill one, it will be a headache, I want to see how many second robbery beasts you can deal with!"

Not far away, Qing Jiao was still snorting and joking at Yi Xiaoyao.

Not only him, almost everyone present had this idea.

"This Emperor Chu is quite capable. His bait attracts several times more wild beasts than others, and he can still handle it."

"But judging by his strenuous appearance, it is obvious that he has reached his limit, and he must be at the bottom of the ranking next, let alone compete with the head of Qingjiao for the first place."

"That's right, the closer you get to the Forbidden Mountain, the stronger the savage beasts will be. It's impossible for Emperor Che to deal with those second savage beasts, let alone how many second savage beasts his bait will attract. !"

Everyone talked a lot, and gradually lost interest in Yi Xiaoyao who had no chance of winning.

But in the next moment, everyone couldn't help looking at Yi Xiaoyao again, with a deep sense of surprise.

Just when Qing Jiao's laughter just fell, Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but his thoughts flew for a moment, and then he shot an arrow as if he had entered a certain mysterious realm, trying again.

This arrow is quite different from the arrows he shot before.

The silver light covered the entire arrow, which multiplied the sharp aura on the arrow several times, and even the speed was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

The silver light of this arrow flashed, and it instantly fell into the huge scarlet eyes of a savage beast.

And at the moment when the body of this savage beast collapsed, not only did the arrow not dissipate, but its lingering power remained undiminished, and it hit the throat of another savage beast.

Although the power of this arrow weakened after killing a wild beast, it did not cause the beast to collapse together, but it also made it stiff suddenly. pass by.


"One arrow hit two savage beasts?"

"Even Lord Chief Su can't do this!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Even Qingjiao's eyes froze suddenly, because even he couldn't fully see the strangeness contained in this arrow.

"This kid should use the domineering technique to endow the Brutal Bow with the power and speed of the arrows, but even so, it is impossible for one arrow to hit two savage beasts!"

While guessing, Qingjiao secretly wondered: "How did he do it?"

Of course, it was impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to explain anything.

At this moment, seeing that his attempt was effective, his face showed ecstasy, and he immediately shot another arrow.

puff puff!

This time, two consecutive piercing sounds sounded, and the two wild beasts collapsed and perished at the same time, and the third wild beast was shot and stiffened.

This arrow is more effective than the previous one!
"It really works!"

Amidst the stunned eyes of the others, Yi Xiaoyao laughed heartily.

The reason why he was able to do this, apart from the arrogance of technique that Qing Jiao saw, the real core is the arrogance of the mind.

Before the two arrows that were effective just now, before each arrow was shot, Yi Xiaoyao predicted the movement of the beast with his eyes and arrogance, and even caught the weakness of the beast.

"These savage beasts have extremely strong defenses. Even if you use domineering techniques to bless the arrows, it is difficult to keep the arrows still powerful after killing them."

"But if it hits its weak point, it can be done, and if the arrow with residual power hits the second wild beast's weak point, it can still be killed!"

Yi Xiaoyao thought to himself, the arrows in his hand continued to burst out.

He is still trying, because the weakness of each of these wild beasts is not in the same position.

Just like the two savage beasts that were killed just now, the weak point of one is located in the eyes, and the weak point of the other is in the throat.

It is easy to hit the weak point of one wild beast, but it is simply impossible to hit two at the same time.

This impossibility, through Yi Xiaoyao's domineering foresight and precise calculation, turned into possibility and reality.

And at this moment, he still wants to try to hit the weakness of the three beasts with one arrow, or even more.

Only in this way can Yi Xiaoyao save Yunmengling from danger, catch up with or even exceed the speed of other baits, and be the first to reach the Forbidden Mountain.

And under his calculation and attempt, one arrow after another was shot, sometimes killing two wild beasts instantly, sometimes taking away three wild beasts, and occasionally even killing four wild beasts at the same time!

The savage beasts around Yunmengling were several times more obstructive than the other baits, but they were also rapidly disappearing. Her figure took advantage of the situation to keep getting closer to the other baits, and even began to overtake them.

There is only one word to describe the cooperation between the two, that is unstoppable!
On the contrary, everyone in the Yaozu who originally thought that Yi Xiaoyao would lose and Yunmengling would die, after seeing the inconceivable arrows, the space became silent.

Especially Qingjiao, who was still joking with Yi Xiaoyao just a moment ago, his laughter had already froze at this moment, seeing Yun Mengling who was approaching Chilin infinitely, the corners of his mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

It seemed that he had sensed an extremely bad breath.


(ps: There is one more chapter tonight, and the plot will start to climax after finishing writing.)
(End of this chapter)

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