Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1047 Breaking into the Forbidden Mountain

Chapter 1047 Breaking into the Forbidden Mountain
Just the moment before, Yi Xiaoyao broke through with domineering power, and his arrow pierced through the weakness of more than a dozen second-robber beasts, killed them in an instant, and saved Yunmengling who was in crisis.

Such a scene undoubtedly shocked everyone once again.

However, before they could react too much in the future, they saw that after Yi Xiaoyao had killed more than ten Second Tribulation Wild Beasts, he actually drew the Man-Slaying Bow again.

But this time, the target he aimed at was Chilin!
The killing intent that Yi Xiaoyao had been touched by Chi Lin time and time again, after seeing him intentionally lure wild beasts around Yun Mengling and almost killing Yun Mengling, he couldn't suppress it completely.

Once a person's bottom line is touched, he will not care about any constraints.

Yi Xiaoyao wanted to kill Chilin at this time, so naturally he wouldn't care that this was a monster clan, and the other party's father was Qingjiao, the leader of the monster clan.

The barbarian bow was full in an instant, but it did not condense into the light arrows used to purify and kill barbaric beasts. Instead, a sharp black sword full of destructive aura appeared on the bowstring.

Yi Xiaoyao used the Immortal Extinguishing Sword as an arrow to show his determination to kill Chi Lin completely.

The next moment, the tense bowstring was loosened, and the Miexian sword turned into a black awn that pierced the sky, piercing the void in an instant, and shooting straight at the red scale.

"Boy! How dare you!"

Qingjiao, not far away, instantly reacted from the terrifying sword light, and suddenly his face changed greatly, and he let out a roar. At the same time, he quickly pulled the Zhuman Bow, and shot a powerful arrow, chasing after the Immortal Immortal Sword. go.

Qing Jiao's cultivation level is higher than Yi Xiaoyao's, and the power that can be erupted from a powerful demon body is also extremely terrifying. In addition, with the eagerness to save his son, this powerful arrow actually catches up with the Immortal Extinguishing Sword in an instant. To destroy it.

However, when Yi Xiaoyao had the intention to kill, he naturally thought that he would be stopped by Qing Jiao.

That's why he used the Immortal Extinguishing Sword as an arrow, in order to prevent being easily stopped by Qing Jiao.

The light arrow and the black sword collided in the midair of the Grand Canyon, and a shocking explosion erupted.

But the former was shot by Qingjiao with all his strength. Although powerful, it is still just a light arrow condensed by energy.

And Yi Xiaoyao's Immortal Immortal Sword is the weapon that Mie Tian used back then, and it is condensed by the Soul of Destruction. How can it be defeated by ordinary energy?
Therefore, after the explosive sound, the arrow shot by Qingjiao exploded directly.

As for Yi Xiaoyao's Immortal Extinguishing Sword, not only was it not damaged at all, but it was still powerful. In the blink of an eye, it had already appeared above Chi Lin's head, intending to pierce his head from top to bottom.

At the same time, Chilin was laughing and came to the foot of the Forbidden Mountain, ready to open the sealing array to seal the space gap around the Forbidden Mountain.

But after hearing the violent breaking wind behind him, he immediately felt a terrible breath of death.

Chi Lin suddenly turned his head, the black sword came out of the box, in his line of sight, and even magnified infinitely in his pupils.

The endless killing intent and the irresistible destructive aura made him let out a desperate roar.

"Father, save me quickly!!"

Under this sound, Qingjiao almost went crazy, but it was too late, even if he used his ultimate move, he couldn't save Chilin.

Immediately, he could only roar violently at Yi Xiaoyao, his body turned into a jellyfish, and he was about to charge out.

"Di Che! If you dare to kill my son, I will kill you!"

But the next moment, a voice interrupted Qing Jiao's roar in vain.

"and many more!"

It was Bi Jing who appeared in front of Qing Jiao out of thin air, and motioned towards Chi Lin's direction.

There, the Mieshi Sword descended from the sky, and when it was only a hundred feet away from Chilin, a flame feather shot out from nowhere, and intercepted the Shishijian across the sky.

This flame feather is like a piece of divine feather, not only extremely hard, but also extremely sharp, colliding with the Mieshijian in an instant.

The crisp and piercing symphony of gold and iron made everyone's eardrums tear.

And after this sound, the terrifying edge of the Mieshi Sword cut the flame feather in half, and it fell down powerlessly.

But correspondingly, Mieshijian was finally forcibly changed its trajectory due to the impact of a strong external force. The blade deflected, and the lingering sword energy brushed the corner of Chilin's clothes, and shot straight in front of him for several seconds. Husband.

Ka Ka Ka!
The Mieshi Sword still failed to kill Chi Lin, but split the dark red earth with a terrible crack, and inserted it in front of Chi Lin.

Seeing such a result, Qing Jiao, who was originally furious, finally calmed down.

"Thank you brother Bi Jing for saving my son!"

Qing Jiao thanked Bi Jing, and at the same time looked at Yi Xiaoyao with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You don't have to thank me, I just don't want you to go back on your word, and I don't want this big hunt to cause trouble."

Bi Jing spoke in a deep voice, looking at the flame feather cut off by the Mieshi Sword, he couldn't help showing a look of flesh pain.

It was a terrible hidden weapon that he spent a lot of effort refining, but he ignored the distance and took the enemy's life in an instant, but he never thought that he would spend it on saving people at this moment, let alone Yi Xiaoyao's sword. The power of this sword is so powerful Terrible, directly destroying his hidden weapon.

After Bi Jing finished speaking to Qing Jiao, at the same time, he secretly transmitted a sentence to Yi Xiaoyao, who was still intent on killing.

"Di Chu, don't be impulsive!"

Hearing this sound, Yi Xiaoyao's expression softened a little, he understood that Bi Jing stopped him from killing Chi Lin, in fact, it was to prevent Qing Jiao from doing anything to him.

Although Yi Xiaoyao was already determined to fight Qingjiao when he was planning to kill Chilin.

But since things had changed like this, although he was unwilling, seeing that Yun Mengling was fine, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress his killing intent and nodded to Bi Jing.

But right now, on Chilin's side, after experiencing all kinds of dangers, he stood there dumbfounded as if out of his body, looking at the World-Exterminating Sword that was stuck in front of him that almost took his life, and he didn't know what he was thinking. What.

At the same time, although Yun Mengling was shocked by Yi Xiaoyao's behavior, but at the same time, she seized the right time. With a single movement, Qianying surpassed Chilin who was standing there, and came to a gap in space under the Forbidden Mountain In front of him, he took out the sealing array disk in his hand, intending to seal it.

At this moment, the dull red scaled eyes finally recovered their spirits, he naturally noticed Yun Mengling's movements, and a sinister and ferocious look appeared in his eyes in vain.

"The woman I can't get, no one else can get it!"

A crazy roar came from Chilin's mouth, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards Yunmengling who was sealing the gap in the space, and slapped out with huge dragon claws.

Yun Mengling turned her head in shock, but how could she, who was already seriously injured, have time to resist this sudden sneak attack, so she could only deploy a defensive formation outside her body.

"And if you kill you, then Di Chu will definitely be in pain!"

Chi Lin grinned ferociously at Yun Mengling: "This is the price he needs to pay for wanting to kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, the scarlet flood claws had already slapped on the defensive formation around Yunmengling.

Under the humming of the formation, Yunmengling's tender body shook wildly, and together with the formation, she was blasted into the gap in space that she hadn't had time to seal.

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed.

They all knew that the reason why this dark red forbidden mountain was called the forbidden zone of death was precisely because even the demon emperor could not enter this mountain, and those who entered would definitely die.

But Yunmengling fell into the gap in the Forbidden Mountain of Death, and one can imagine the fate.


Yi Xiaoyao watched Yun Mengling disappear from sight with his own eyes, his eyes were red again for a moment, and he let out a roar that was almost insane.

He had learned about this forbidden mountain of death from Queyi, so he didn't even think about it, and he didn't have any room for thinking. He shot directly towards the great rift valley below.

And the moment Yi Xiaoyao fell into the Great Rift Valley, a large number of wild beasts rushed towards him.

But at the moment when his imperial arrogance exploded, all the wild beasts rushing towards him were knocked down like wooden piles in an instant.

Yi Xiaoyao, who was not hindered by anything, appeared in front of Chi Lin in an instant, and the moment he pulled out the Mie Shi Sword, Chi Lin's head rolled down!

The whole process was as smooth as flowing clouds.

Chilin, the son of Qingjiao, finally died under Yi Xiaoyao's sword.

The head that was still rolling on the ground stared incredulously, as if it was hard to imagine that anyone would dare to kill him in front of his father.

At the same time, before the consciousness completely disappeared, Chi Lin finally understood what Yunmengling had warned him before, "In the future, you will not even know how to die".

And in Chilin's dimming eyes, he finally saw that after Yi Xiaoyao beheaded him, his figure flashed, directly following Yunmengling, and rushing into the gap in the Forbidden Death Mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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