Chapter 1060
After a lapse of one year, Yi Xiaoyao reappeared in the world.

This time, he was born with his own body, and even more so with the divine power of the second awakening of the soul of heaven and earth!
As Tianxin said, the second awakening of the soul of heaven and earth is extremely difficult, and only those who are above the heaven-reaching realm can achieve this step.

But Yi Xiaoyao's body only has the cultivation base of Nirvana, but he has done things that even some powerful people in the Heavenly Realm can't do.

Regarding this, although Tianxin was full of doubts and distressed because he knew the difficulty of awakening the soul of heaven and earth, he did not show the slightest worry.

"So what if your Heaven, Earth and Fire Soul is awakened?"

I saw Tianxin glanced at the sea of ​​fire filling the surrounding area, and smiled coldly.

"Perhaps your cultivation base is higher, and I will still be afraid of it, but it is a pity that at the level of Nirvana, even if you have the ability to master the sky, you can't make any waves in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, the silver light on Tianxin's body exploded, and with a wave of his sleeve, he immediately scattered the sea of ​​flames.

However, Yi Xiaoyao is like the source of all fires, the flames are endless, no matter how Tianxin is scattered, the next moment will give birth to continuous flames and surge up again.

Soon, the raging flames finally burned on Tianxin's body, but under the silver light of her body protection, she could only make a squeak, but it couldn't really hurt her clothes.

"Hmph! So what if the flames are endless? Did you see that? With your cultivation, the flames you activate can't hurt me at all!"

Tian Xin snorted coldly again, and then plundered directly towards Yi Xiaoyao, with the sword in his hand splitting the sea of ​​fire, and went straight to Yi Xiaoyao's vitals.

Yi Xiaoyao was in the flames, watching the opponent approaching, his eyes moved slightly but he did not avoid it.

Because as the other party said, his cultivation is still too low. With such a huge gap in cultivation, even if he wants to hide, he cannot avoid it.

In an instant, the silver long sword sank into Yi Xiaoyao's chest, and the puffing sword energy pierced out from his back.

However, there was no trace of blood on Yi Xiaoyao's body, only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"That won't kill me."

At the same time as a faint chuckle came out, his body pierced by the sharp sword quickly turned into a human-shaped flame.

This is the abnormality of the awakening of the fire soul of heaven and earth, invisible and immortal!

Seeing this scene, Tianxin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and it seemed that he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

"Hmph! You are invisible, and I will grab your form. If you are immortal, I will kill your life!"

With a cold snort, she raised her hand and shot out a series of hand moves in an instant, forming thousands of characters to bind the human-shaped flame formed by Yi Xiaoyao.

"The Way of Heaven and Man, the Soul Locking Art!"

As soon as the sound came out, the thousands of characters suddenly burst into dazzling silver light, which was obviously a powerful seal formed by the domineering technique of art.

Under these characters, Yi Xiaoyao's figure that was originally blurred into a flame could no longer be blurred, and was set between the intangible and the tangible.

"This spirit locking formula can imprison the spirits of heaven and earth. Even the true spirits summoned by the spirit race can be locked when you reach the peak of cultivation, let alone your half-baked soul of heaven and earth!"

Tianxin looked at Yi Xiaoyao who could no longer blend into the sea of ​​flames and fled with a proud sneer. Although she couldn't see the expression of Yi Xiaoyao who turned into a human flame at this time, she concluded that Yi Xiaoyao's face must be full of despair.

However, she didn't dare to underestimate it, and she also knew that ordinary power could not destroy the so-called immortal awakened fire soul, so she let out a coquettish shout immediately, and all the domineering power in her body surged towards the sword in her hand.

The sharp sword that was still stuck in the flame of Yi Xiaoyao's human form erupted with endless silver sword energy at this moment, frantically strangling Yi Xiaoyao who was imprisoned by the spirit lock formula.

In the end, the sword in Tianxin's hand suddenly pierced through the flames of human nature, so that the human figures formed by the flames would not bow backwards, and their bodies would look as if they had been severely injured.

"Reveal me!"

Tian Xin yelled angrily. She deliberately didn't kill Yi Xiaoyao directly, but severely injured him and beat him into a tangible state.

In this way, she can capture Yi Xiaoyao alive and claim credit.

Tianxin felt excited when he thought that the Heavenly Human Clan had sent countless strong men and failed to catch Yi Xiaoyao after a year, but finally fell into her hands.

Sure enough, after Tianxin's violent sword passed through, the crooked human-shaped flame began to extinguish quickly.

The black robe creaked in the heat wave, and the long falling hair covered his lowered face, revealing Yi Xiaoyao's real body.

Seeing this scene, Tianxin's expression brightened immediately, and he raised his hand to grab Yi Xiaoyao.


The crisp sound of body collision sounded, and Tianxin's outstretched palm was also frozen in front of Yi Xiaoyao at this moment, unable to move any more.

It was a slender palm that firmly grasped her arm.


Tianxin's pretty face changed, and her eyes were filled with horror.

Because in front of her, Yi Xiaoyao's crooked body has straightened up at this moment, and the face buried in the long hair is also in Tianxin's sight.

He grabbed Tianxin's arm, and a faint sarcasm was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"I really don't have a long memory"

Yi Xiaoyao's body suddenly erupted with a golden aura, with red lights flickering in his eyes, black gold flowing on his body, and silver lights lingering in his spiritual power.

It is astonishingly four domineering spirits gathered together!
"I have killed so many people from the Celestial Race. Don't you know that your so-called Celestial Art has no effect on me at all?"

Yi Xiaoyao's black-gold right hand directly pulled the slender arm tightly held in the palm of his hand, pulled Tianxin closer, and grinned evilly: "Or, you really thought it was you who beat me out Original form?"

At this moment, although there was a huge gap in terms of cultivation and power between the two, it was Yi Xiaoyao, who had a lower cultivation level, and his aura was even more overwhelming.

At this moment, Tianxin was almost intimidated by Yi Xiaoyao, and stared blankly at the handsome face that was so close to him.

But the next moment, she suddenly came back to her senses, and wanted to withdraw her arm to attack.

However, for some reason, Yi Xiaoyao's arm seemed to contain unparalleled strength at this moment, no matter how much Tianxin pulled, he couldn't break free.

At the same time, Tian Xin only felt an extremely strange power emanating from the palm that was holding her arm tightly.

Her pupils contracted sharply, and she saw that on her arm, there were extremely coquettish flowers competing to bloom.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Facing that weird power, Tianxin began to show fear in his heart.

And the bewitching flower on her arm has already bloomed to the ninth.

"Let you watch a time when the time is gone."

The smile on Yi Xiaoyao's face became even more bewitching, and finally his lips parted slightly: "Ku!"

Following the drop of this word, the nine coquettish flowers withered instantly, just like the passing of time.

At the same time, Tian Xin, who was appreciating this strange scene, froze there at the moment when his whole body was falling apart.

Her beautiful face, plump and delicate body, are all at this moment, as if being forcibly deprived of endless years, she began to age violently and dry up!
"Do not!!!"

Tianxin let out a sharp scream, bursting out with all the strength in her body, trying to resist the power that plundered and drained everything in her body.

But she discovered that her cultivation was also passing away like crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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