Chapter 1062
The thunder and calamity dispersed, and Yi Xiaoyao stood in the void, his eyes slightly hazy.

He is reminiscing about the battle just now, or in other words, he is re-feeling this body that has been dusted for several years.

Although the avatar cultivated by the Nirvana Immortal Body shares the soul of the main body, Yi Xiaoyao's mind has been immersed in the avatar of Emperor Chu all these years, and he suddenly regained control of the main body, which still gave him a very strange feeling at this time.

This feeling is both strange and familiar.

Yi Xiaoyao closed his eyes and looked inside at the surging cultivation power in his dantian, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The astonishing breakthrough just now did not make him feel unstable in the realm caused by the rapid improvement of his cultivation base.

On the contrary, the source of spiritual power flowing in the meridians is orderly and orderly, even more stable than those who have just broken through to the sky.

This is not because of Yi Xiaoyao's natural talent, but because his avatar has the same divine sense as his main body.

As we all know, the most important thing for a cultivator to improve is not his spiritual strength, but his level of realm.

Just like a jug of fine wine, as long as the jug is big and strong enough, it can be filled with wine at any time.

And the improvement of practice is like the process of pouring wine into the flagon. The realm level is the flagon, and the level of spiritual power is the wine.

Although Yi Xiaoyao's main body is sealed here and his cultivation has stagnated, his Emperor Biting avatar has already reached the sky-reaching state.

Because the avatar has the same divine sense as the main body, the realm level of his main body is naturally no different from that of the avatar.

It can be said that Yi Xiaoyao's body level has been improving along with the emperor's avatar all the time in these years.

Therefore, after his main body was born, he only needed to absorb enough cultivation power to fill the container that had already been built.

Then, he can do what he did just now, instantly fill the gap between cultivation base and realm, and be on par with the emperor's avatar!
"At first, I was still distressed. I couldn't get the source of my body, and I couldn't break through the shackles of Nirvana, but I didn't expect that the Heavenly Human Race would come to my door and solve this problem for me."

As Yi Xiaoyao said, his body has not broken through for so many years, not because he has not cultivated in these years, but because the origin of the land of Kyushu is cut off, and he cannot break through the Nirvana state.

And just now, he absorbed everything in Tianxin's body with the technique of obscenity. In addition to the huge power of cultivation, there is naturally the origin he needs.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no matter how evil a person is, it is impossible for a person to kill the Tongtian Realm with the Nirvana Realm and seize his cultivation base.

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao was able to do this was because apart from his cultivation, everything else he had was the ability of a strong person in the Heaven-reaching Realm.

For example, the experience of his Emperor Biting avatar fighting against the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm, his understanding of the level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and his various domineering auras that can be used without cultivation, and even the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm may not be able to do it. The second awakening of the soul!
These kinds of precious abilities, even without the blessing of cultivation, can still allow Yi Xiaoyao, who only has the nirvana state, to exert his fighting power against the sky-reaching state!
Of course, these abilities were still not enough for him to kill Tianxin who was at the Heaven-reaching Realm.

And Yi Xiaoyao's real means of killing Tianxin this time is actually the kind of withered power he used in the end, temporarily lowering the opponent's cultivation level to the life and death realm, and only then did he achieve the final ending of crossing the border and killing him.

The power to temporarily silence the opponent's cultivation is obviously endowed by the tree of time conceived by the main body.

Back then, when Yi Xiaoyao first got the Tree of Time, Shang only had one flower bloom.

But now, when he used the Time Tree against Tianxin, he bloomed nine Time Flowers!
These are the fruits of Yi Xiaoyao's hard work over the years.

Nine time flowers can temporarily dry up 90 years of time. If all this power is exerted on Tianxin, it may be possible to directly turn him into a mortal without any power.

However, with Yi Xiaoyao's cultivation level just after Nirvana, he only exhausted the power of Tianxin for less than ten years.

This was because he intentionally used the invisible and indestructible appearance of the Heaven and Earth Fire Soul to feign defeat, so that the opponent could take it lightly before he could make a move.

Otherwise, even if Yi Xiaoyao had this means of temporarily weakening his opponent's cultivation, he might never have the chance to use it, and he would have been killed by Tianxin to the brink of death.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao slowly raised his arm, his palm turned into a ball of flames burning, lighting up his eyes.

"The awakening of the soul of heaven and earth is divided into two stages. Now I am invisible like fire and inextinguishable like fire. I must have barely entered the second stage."

He looked at the fire in front of him and muttered, a satisfied arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the past year, Yunmengling followed the ancient demon queen to learn the second awakening of the sealed soul in the demon clan's death forbidden mountain.

As for Yi Xiaoyao's avatar of the emperor, in the process of Yunmengling's cultivation, he has been concentrating on comprehending the method of awakening the soul of heaven and earth that he possesses.

Obviously, the current him has successfully awakened.

"The first stage of the awakening of the fire soul of heaven and earth is to obtain the ability of flames, then the second stage is to become flames!"

This is what Yi Xiaoyao got when he was teaching Yun Mengling to the ancient demon queen, and he applied it to the Heaven, Earth and Fire Soul to successfully awaken it.

It's just that he has four kinds of souls of heaven and earth, and only awakened the soul of heaven, earth and fire.

As for the other three, Yi Xiaoyao is still unable to find the root cause.

Just as the ancient demon queen said, although the principle of the second awakening of the soul of heaven and earth is similar, but there is a difference of a thousand miles.

According to the principle of the second awakening of the soul of heaven and earth, Yi Xiaoyao didn't know how to turn himself into wood, into devouring, or into destruction like turning into flames.

This is the hardship of groping for oneself after losing the inheritance.

"My junior, Ji Shaodian, pay homage to the Holy Emperor Xiaoyao! Congratulations to the Holy Emperor Xiaoyao for killing the enemy!"

Just when Yi Xiaoyao was about to fall into the confusion of awakening the other three souls of heaven and earth, a respectful and excited voice came from a distance, pulling him to his senses.

Yi Xiaoyao, who was standing in the void, instantly regained the deep clarity in his eyes.

With his raised arm, the flame dissipated, and his eyes followed the direction of the sound, looking at the two figures directly below.

At this moment, Ji Shaodian and Ji Shaochuan were still extremely pale from the terrifying aura of the Thunder Tribulation just now, and they were also filled with horror at seeing Yi Xiaoyao kill Tianxin.

Especially Ji Shaochuan, at the moment when he felt Yi Xiaoyao's gaze, his whole body trembled violently.

He knew exactly what he said and what he did just now!


(End of this chapter)

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