Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1068 Teleportation

Chapter 1068 Teleportation

In a virtual formation space, there are nine formation gates with different attributes, and there seems to be an endless passage behind each formation gate.

At this moment, the gates of the nine formations are all wide open, and a large amount of black mist gushes out from each passage. These black mist seem to be attracted by something, and they continue to gather towards the center of the formation space, turning into a huge mass of black light ball.

In the black ball of light, there is a strong figure, surrounded by a golden dragon shadow, the dragon chant, the dragon's head opens and closes, and it is constantly devouring the mist in the black light ball.

But at this moment, a flame suddenly flashed in this space, and then condensed into a figure.

This figure was Yi Xiaoyao.

And after he appeared, he didn't feel any surprise at the picture in front of him, but just looked at the strong black shadow in the black light ball with gentle eyes.

Needless to say, this burly black shadow is naturally Xiao Hei who is digesting the real devil's energy.

After hearing Ji Shaodian say that the Celestials and Humans left a teleportation array in the palace, Yi Xiaoyao had already decided to use that teleportation array to go to Tianyu.

But before leaving, it is natural to come and say hello to Xiao Hei, so as to avoid any accidents to Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, I'm going to a place next, you don't have to leave here, my avatar will come to pick you up and go to Yaozu."

Yi Xiaoyao asked Xiao Hei to speak, and after saying this, he took a last look at Xiao Hei in the black light ball, and then turned into flames again and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Yi Xiaoyao had already reached the sky above the Kyushu Imperial Palace.

Falling into the palace, the high-level officials of the major forces in Kyushu who gathered before are already located around a silver light array in the palace.

When they saw Yi Xiaoyao coming, they knelt down and saluted.

Yi Xiaoyao waved his hand casually, and walked straight to the silver light array in front of him.

There were bursts of spatial fluctuations above the light array, and it was indeed a teleportation array.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the dense and complex patterns on the teleportation array that the teleportation range of this teleportation array is extremely far, and it is obviously used by the Celestials and Humans to return to and from the land of Kyushu and the Celestials.

"Please ask the Holy Emperor to think twice!"

An old man stepped forward and said: "This teleportation formation is left by the Celestials. If the Holy Emperor enters the important place guarded by the Celestials through this formation, it will be bad!"

The rest of the people agreed and said yes, all of them showed worry.

They know that Yi Xiaoyao is very strong, but they also know that Yi Xiaoyao is still unable to compete head-on with the Celestial Human Race.

However, in the face of this voice of persuasion, Yi Xiaoyao's face remained calm, and his steps did not stop at all.

"This teleportation array can teleport in both directions. Even if the formation here is destroyed, the Celestials can also teleport over."

As Yi Xiaoyao walked towards the teleportation array, he spoke calmly.

When everyone heard the words, their faces changed, and they understood what Yi Xiaoyao meant.

If the human race teleports over and finds that all the people of the Tian-human race who were stationed in the land of Kyushu have been killed, then the land of Kyushu will surely encounter a disaster that will never be restored.

"Since I promised you to expel the Celestials and Humans from Kyushu, it is natural to destroy the other end of the teleportation array to prevent the Celestials and Humans from entering Kyushu again."

As Yi Xiaoyao said, he had already walked to the central area of ​​the teleportation array.

Of course, he also thought about the situation that everyone was worried about, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because even if the other end of the teleportation array is the lair of the Celestial Clan, it is impossible to be guarded by a strong man with transcendent strength.

At least, those who are stronger than Yi Xiaoyao probably have a very high status in the Celestial Race, and they are not arranged to go to the gate.

After thinking about this, Yi Xiaoyao stopped talking, and directly raised his hand to inject majestic spiritual power into the formation under his feet.

However, the teleportation array didn't work as he imagined, and it was still dead silent, as if the large array had been destroyed.


Yi Xiaoyao raised his brows lightly, carefully looking at the formation under his feet.

After a while, a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he already knew what was going on.

"As expected of the Celestial Human Race, they are really cautious."

Yi Xiaoyao murmured as his eyes moved slightly, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If it were someone else, even if they found this teleportation array, they wouldn't be able to shake it, but this kind of trick has no effect on me!"

As he said that, a dazzling silver light suddenly flashed on his body, and he raised his hand and shot into the formation under his feet.

This silver light is exactly the arrogance of the art of art, and under the infusion of the arrogance of the art of art, the teleportation array is no longer as dead and silent as before, and it actually makes a buzzing sound and starts to operate quickly.

Just as Yi Xiaoyao guessed, the teleportation array of the Celestial Human Race can only be driven by the domineering technique of art as the energy source!

And this setting is obviously used by the Celestials to prevent invasion by outsiders, and almost cut off all foreigners' right to use the Celestials' teleportation array.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao was even more sure that there was no danger at the other end of the teleportation array.

The silver light of the teleportation array exploded, engulfing Yi Xiaoyao in an instant, and calm again in the next instant.

It's just that in the formation, Yi Xiaoyao's figure has disappeared.

Only the surrounding group of people from the land of Kyushu who were moved to tears by Yi Xiaoyao's words before he left silently prayed in their hearts for Yi Xiaoyao's safe journey.


Yi Xiaoyao, who was teleported away, only felt dizzy for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, everything in front of him had changed.

Obviously, he has successfully teleported to the other end of the teleportation array.

After Yi Xiaoyao came to this new space, he first felt an incomparably rich and pure source of spiritual power rushing towards his face.

The purity of the spiritual power contained in the surrounding air has already surpassed his imagination.

For monks, this place is simply a living paradise!
"Could it be that this is the Heavenly Territory where the Celestial Human Race and other major ancient clans reside?"

Yi Xiaoyao took a deep breath of the air in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Celestial Human Race and the other major ancient clans called the Sea of ​​Killing and the land of Kyushu a barren land.

Compared with this place, the land of Kyushu, where the origin is exhausted, is no exaggeration to say that it is a hell for monks.

Of course, this is just a material comparison. In Yi Xiaoyao's heart, no matter how beautiful this place is, it is impossible to occupy the position of the land of Kyushu in his heart.

"Huh? Why is there a movement of teleportation in the eighth teleportation hall?"

"The eighth teleportation hall? There are hundreds of teleportation arrays that are sent to the wild and bad lands. Generally, they will not be used easily. Is there something wrong?"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Just as Yi Xiaoyao was beginning to adapt to this world, there were suddenly a few suspicious voices not far away, accompanied by the sound of footsteps approaching.

These voices brought Yi Xiaoyao back to sobriety in an instant, and at the same time, there was a hint of astonishment in his eyes looking around, and at the same time, there was a hint of a smirk.

"Since we have come here, how can we leave without leaving some thoughts for the Celestial Human Race?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the countless teleportation arrays emitting silver light around him, and murmured a chuckle with a playful arc on his mouth.

It seems that after seeing so many teleportation arrays, he has already thought of some plan in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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