Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1081 True Dragon Bloodline

Chapter 1081 True Dragon Bloodline

Feeling the state of his physical body, Yi Xiaoyao was pleasantly surprised, but also had an unreal feeling.

He couldn't imagine that a human being could turn into a dragon.

But at this moment, the extra power on his body, as well as the dragon blood flowing in his body, are telling him with certainty that this incredible transformation is real.

At that moment, Yi Xiaoyao communicated with Arakawa through soul. This body is usually controlled by him, but when it is a dragon, it is controlled by Arakawa.

"It's not over yet, it's only half done right now."

At this time, the old dragon suddenly spoke, interrupting Yi Xiaoyao's communication with Arakawa.

In addition to a trace of gratification in his eyes, there is also a trace of surprise.

Because this kind of soul melting and dragon transformation is the first time even the old dragon who is a true spirit has encountered it.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao calm down and look at himself again, the old dragon continued: "Next, I will awaken the true dragon blood for you!"

With the dragon body and dragon blood, awakening the true dragon blood is naturally no longer a problem.

"The dragon's blood in my body can hardly be compared to those of the Spirit Race who are born with the blood of the true spirit. Is it true that the blood of the real dragon awakened is of a higher order?"

Yi Xiaoyao was faintly excited, and asked the old dragon.

"Yes and no."

The old dragon nodded first, but shook his head again.

Seeing doubts in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, he continued to explain: "The people of the Spirit Race are the descendants of the true spirits and humans, and the blood in their bodies is, in a sense, the blood of the real true spirits. "

"But you are different. The Dragon Soul born in Heaven is not the true spirit, and the dragon blood flowing in your body is not the blood of the true spirit either."

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao finally understood, and couldn't help laughing wryly: "So, no matter how rich the dragon blood in my body is, it can't compare to the thin true spirit blood that has been passed down for countless years in the spirit clan?"

"Yes and no."

The old dragon still gave such an answer.

"Owning dragon blood is equivalent to obtaining the qualification to awaken the bloodline. As for not being the blood of the true spirit, it just means that your lower limit is low, but the upper limit is infinite!"

The old dragon's eyes showed a bright glow and continued: "Whether you can reach the upper limit still depends on your own good luck."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded thoughtfully.

From the words of the old dragon, it can be understood in this way.

If the blood of the true spirit is compared to a piece of precious jade, then the diluted blood in the body of the people of the Spirit Race due to inheritance is the fragment of that piece of precious jade.

Just wipe off the dust on the fragments, the unique color of precious jade can still bloom, but it can never reach the brilliance of complete precious jade.

But Yi Xiaoyao at this moment is equivalent to a piece of rough jade.

Before he was carved, he was just an ordinary stone, but once he was carved, he could turn into a complete jade.

As for what kind of brilliance his jade can emit and what value it can create, it depends on how far he can carve it next.

Perhaps, he can become a piece of precious jade that is unparalleled in the world!

This is the meaning of "the lower limit is low and the upper limit is infinite" in the old dragon's mouth.

"In that case, senior, let's begin!"

Yi Xiaoyao finally nodded heavily, and changed his address to the old dragon as senior.

"In the thousands of years in the spirit race, even geniuses can only awaken the middle and lower bloodlines, and there are not many awakened high-level true spirit bloodlines, and there are even very few ancient true spirit bloodlines. The difficulty of spiritual blood is far beyond your imagination."

The old dragon was not in a hurry to start, he reminded one last thing, and said: "Besides, your awakening is different from that of the spirit clan. If I awaken for you, it will cost a lot of money. I hope you will not let me down."

As the old dragon said, Yi Xiaoyao's awakening came from scratch. Not only was Yi Xiaoyao himself facing great difficulties, but it was also extremely difficult for the old dragon who carved his rough jade.

"I still have this confidence. Since my predecessors said that I am different from the world, how can I compare the world with me?"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled confidently at the old dragon, but his heart was still unavoidably nervous.

"Well, that's the best."

The old dragon nodded, and said solemnly: "What level of true dragon blood can you awaken next, and what level of true spirit can the Tiansheng Dragon Soul become in the future? If I help you like this, you must at least awaken With the blood of a high-grade true dragon, I don’t want a low-grade true spirit to come to me in the future and make a fool of myself!”

Yi Xiaoyao's heart trembled. It turned out that this was also related to Arakawa's future achievements. It seemed that he had to go all out.

"let's start!"

The next moment, the old dragon let out a low shout, and the illusory remnant soul directly transformed into a purple-gold dragon, which suddenly rushed in from Yi Xiaoyao's heavenly spirit, and got into his body.

The huge dragon soul almost squeezed Yi Xiaoyao's body, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

The remnant soul of the real dragon that could have occupied the entire ancient temple, now submerged into Yi Xiaoyao's body, directly condensed into a purple gold dragon as thick as a thumb.

The little dragon let out a dragon roar, and frantically ran through the major meridians in Yi Xiaoyao's body, as if forcibly helping Yi Xiaoyao to perform some kind of kung fu.

And under this process, apart from feeling the unbearable pain, Yi Xiaoyao could also vaguely sense that the dragon blood in Zijin Xiaolong's meridians would change a little every time he circulated a cycle.

"Can't you hold on? Your dragon blood doesn't even reach the bloodline of an inferior real dragon!"

Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's trembling roar, Lao Long let out a cold snort from inside him.


Yi Xiaoyao let out a low growl, his eyes shone with determination, and he stopped making a sound.

Time, in this ancient temple, passed slowly and boringly, and several hours had already passed before one knew it.

During these few hours, Yi Xiaoyao's body was in a state of convulsions all the time. The severe pain even made his body slightly numb. On the skin, the veins were throbbing, as if he was about to burst out. generally.

A mouthful of blood suddenly spat out from his mouth.

In this blood, there is a little bit of golden glow, and the dragon power contained in it is many times stronger than the dragon blood at the beginning.

"The dragon blood in your body now has reached the level of a real dragon's blood, which is already very good..."

The voice of the old dragon also came out at this time, and he felt that Yi Xiaoyao was in a state where it was difficult to persist, and stopped that unique operation.

"Is it the blood of a real dragon... how can this be enough!"

Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes slightly, and in the black pupils, there was a flash of golden light, surging with fanatical ambition.

"You want... the blood of the ancient true dragon?"

The old dragon was slightly startled, and said in astonishment.

Yi Xiaoyao forced a smile, gritted his teeth and said, "Since we've reached this point, I naturally want the best!"

"Go on! Senior!"

Before the old dragon could speak, Yi Xiaoyao growled again.

At the same time, he could also feel that the Zijin little dragon that had penetrated into his body had been condensed from the beginning to become more transparent after these few hours of helping him awaken the true dragon blood.

You don't need to think about it, you can know that this process has cost the old dragon a huge price.

Yi Xiaoyao was grateful in his heart, but he didn't say it out, he just said: "I will never let senior down!"


(End of this chapter)

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