Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1083 Sensation

Chapter 1083 Sensation
The Lingzu psychic mountain is as high as the sky, and you can even see this symbolic holy mountain anywhere in Nuoda's spiritual realm.

But at this moment, on this heaven-reaching holy mountain, the dragon's shadow shakes the world, and the dragon's might shakes the sky, and the whole spiritual realm can witness this scene.

At the same time, outside the mountain gate of the Spirit Race.

Several figures in silver robes were standing in the void with Tiansu volleying in the air, and among them was a figure in gold robes, even Tiansu respected him incomparably.

They were the strong men of the Celestial Clan who came to the Spirit Clan to besiege and kill Yi Xiaoyao after learning about Tiansu and Yi Xiaoyao!
"what is that?"

"Could it be that someone from the Spirit Race has awakened the blood of the ancient true spirit?"

"And it's still of the blood of a real dragon. It seems that our Celestial Race will pay more attention to the Spirit Race in the future!"

At this time, Tiansu and the others also noticed the movement on the Tongling Mountain, and they all exclaimed.

They naturally know what the true dragon bloodline means, and this kind of bloodline is much more terrifying than the true spirit bloodline passed down by the Spirit Race.

Moreover, thousands of years ago, when the lineage of the real dragon was not exhausted, those who dared to confront the Celestials and Humans were willing to live under the Celestials because of the exhaustion of the lineage of the real dragons.

Now that the true dragon's bloodline is showing signs of recovery, and it looks like it is still the ancient true dragon's bloodline, the human race will naturally have to pay special attention to this race that day.

"No, if I'm not mistaken, it's the blood of the ancient true dragon!"

But at this moment, the only man in the golden robe was looking at the dragon shadow on the top of the psychic mountain, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect that after thousands of years, the lineage of the true dragon of the spirit clan has not yet died out, but it can still awaken a bloodline of this level..."


As soon as these words came out, Tiansha and the others all exclaimed in shock.

But before they could speak, the man in the golden robe snorted coldly and said, "I will report this matter to the clan when I get back, but this time, the purpose of my coming is to kill Emperor Chu!"

Speaking of this, the man in the golden robe squinted his eyes slightly behind the mountain gate of the Spirit Clan, and a stern look was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth to Tiansu and said: "Go and spread the word that I am a Celestial Race, and I am here to congratulate the Spirit Race."

"Yes, Lord Tiangang!"

Hearing this, Tiansu immediately nodded and cupped his fists, and shot towards the Spirit Clan Mountain Gate below.

In this way, the man in the golden robe smiled coldly: "No matter what bloodline he has awakened from the spirit race, it can't save the life of that emperor!"

And just when the Celestial Clan planned to enter the Spirit Clan to kill Yi Xiaoyao on the grounds of congratulations, there was a burst of shouts from the various mountain gates of the Spirit Clan below.

All the people of the Spirit Race heard "Congratulations to Master Uncle" from Ling Zhan and the other eight Spiritual Marquis, so they all thought that the ancestor who had been hidden in the Tongling Mountain for many years had awakened the blood of the ancient real dragon.

So at this moment, the eight spirit clan mountain gates are all filled with excitement and cheers.

"Congratulations to Master Uncle! Congratulations to Master Uncle! Congratulations to Master Uncle..."

All the people of the spirit clan bowed down to the top of the psychic mountain, shouting loudly, and swept towards the psychic mountain like a wave.

And such a voice naturally reached the ears of Yi Xiaoyao in the Zhenlongzu Temple.

Yi Xiaoyao, who was sitting cross-legged under the ancient temple, also opened his eyes suddenly because of the waves of sound.


The look in his eyes was already quite different from three days ago, but now it was more of a look of confusion.

"what's the situation?"

Facing the fanatical cheers, Yi Xiaoyao looked puzzled: "Uncle Master? Could it be that some old monster from the Spirit Race has left the customs?"

With this kind of guessing, he couldn't help feeling tense.

Because according to this guess, if the spirit race old monster leaves the level at this time, it is very likely to deal with him.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaoyao stood up suddenly, frowning and looked at the real dragon statue in front of him.

"Senior, although I promised you that I will help the Spirit Race in the future, if the Spirit Race takes action against me, then I can't take care of both!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the real dragon statue heard the sound of cracking.

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!
The entire statue, after thousands of years of honing, collapsed instantly at this moment, and even turned into dust.


Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao was not surprised, but sighed with regret.

"Senior True Dragon is gone, if the old monster of the Spirit Race comes to me, I really don't know what to do..."

As he said, in the current True Dragon Ancestral Temple, apart from a drop of statue powder just splashed, there is no trace of the old dragon anywhere.

It turned out that for the past three days, the old dragon was helping Yi Xiaoyao awaken the true dragon blood at the cost of consuming his own remnant soul.

Yi Xiaoyao made up his mind to awaken the blood of the ancient real dragon. Not to mention how painful and difficult the process was, the remnant soul of the old dragon was completely exhausted during the process.

Logically speaking, helping Yi Xiaoyao awaken the blood of the ancient real dragon is not enough to exhaust the remnant soul of the old dragon.

The real reason for the old dragon's disappearance is that after Yi Xiaoyao awakened the blood of the ancient real dragon, he broke through to the blood of the ancient real dragon as a matter of course!
In order to stabilize his bloodline, the old dragon exhausted the power of the remaining soul.

That is to say, the vision of the dragon shadow that caused the sensation in the entire spirit realm and set off the entire spirit clan just now was not caused by the spirit clan master's uncle, but Yi Xiaoyao!

But right now, Yi Xiaoyao didn't know how much commotion he had caused, and what was the reason for those voices outside.

He was just worried, without the protection of the old dragon, how would he face the old monster of the spirit race that would inevitably be alarmed.

After all, on this psychic mountain alone, there is an existence of at least the third kalpa.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't have the slightest confidence to face such a super strong man.

"Don't worry, since Longzu chose you, then we descendants will naturally not treat you like that."

Just as Yi Xiaoyao was sighing worriedly, an old and hoarse voice sounded from behind him in vain.

Yi Xiaoyao was shocked and turned around suddenly.

At some point, behind him stood a stooped old man with dry hair, and Yi Xiaoyao didn't notice the existence of him at all.

Don't need to think too much, this person is the super strong man on the Tongling Mountain!
Because the aura from this old man was exactly the same as the aura of a strong man above the third calamity that Yi Xiaoyao felt when he first entered the psychic mountain.

"Senior, you..."

Looking at the unfathomable old man, Yi Xiaoyao swallowed involuntarily.

The closer he was, the more he had a clear intuition that even if he had awakened the blood of the ancient true dragon, he was by no means a match for this old man.

If it hadn't been for what the other party said just now, he wouldn't have treated Yi Xiaoyao, and Yi Xiaoyao would have run away long ago.


(End of this chapter)

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