Chapter 1097
Azure Dragon Fury, the ultimate move of the Azure Dragon Palace, under this move, Qingjiao's huge body is covered and armed by the phantom of the Azure Dragon, and it really has the power of the Azure Dragon, which makes the souls of countless monsters tremble.

This move looks quite similar to the Spiritual Clan's True Spirit Guide, but its essence is different, and it's impossible to say which one is stronger or weaker.

However, Qingjiao is originally a monster clan, and is even more qualified to evolve into a green dragon. Using this move, it can exert greater power, as if it really advanced into a green dragon in a short period of time.

Qinglong's fury endowed Qingjiao not only with terrifying power, but also inherited part of Qinglong's terrifying defense.

Therefore, even though he had just seen that Yi Xiaoyao had the ability to awaken the soul of destruction, Qing Jiao still didn't have any fears, and the dragon's shadow shot directly at Yi Xiaoyao and went away.

Seeing the roaring dragon that covered the sky and covered the sun, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes finally became solemn, but the indifferent expression on his face remained unchanged.

"It's just in time, I'm going to kill you!"

A faint voice came from between Yi Xiaoyao's slightly parted lips, making everyone who heard it feel a chill in their hearts.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand again, the black light gathered in the palm of his hand, and with a sudden jerk, he pulled out a sharp black sword from the void in front of him.

"Mie Shijian, Mie Xian He!"

A strange black glow spread out from his palm, instantly coating the Mieshi Sword with a layer of faint light.

Now Mie Immortal Sword has turned into Soul of Destruction and has been completely fused with Yi Xiaoyao's body. He can condense any weapon as powerful as Immortal Mie Sword at any time, and he can also form the Soul of Destruction and the accumulation in his body to form Mie The swords of the world are fused to exert stronger power.

The Sword of Extermination and the Soul of Destruction have the same origin, and the fusion of the two not only does not have any repulsion, but it seems to have obtained endless energy of destruction, and the blade of the sword immediately exudes a monstrous aura of destruction!
After that, Yi Xiaoyao looked towards Qingjiao who was getting closer and closer, his eyes turned cold.

The blade of the sword groaned softly, the light of the sword flashed, and the sword slashed out.

A black sword light that seemed to be tangible broke the space where it passed.

The sword energy emitted, like cutting tofu, directly divided the ground below into two halves, forming a bottomless abyss that is rapidly expanding forward!
Qing Jiao wants to kill Yi Xiaoyao, so he naturally disdains to dodge this sword, what's more, if he dodges this sword, wouldn't it be a joke?
Therefore, even though he felt the power of the sword light, the body of the covering dragon covered by the phantom of the green dragon still charged towards the sword light with the indestructible horns on its head.

The next moment, the horn of the flood dragon and the sword light of Mieshi instantly converged.

However, such a collision did not show any earth-shattering signs as imagined.

The sword light that Yi Xiaoyao slashed out was as powerful as a broken bamboo along the way, and it looked extremely powerful, but after it actually collided with the horn on the top of Qingjiao's head, it turned out to be like an invisible phantom, directly from Qingjiao's body. Penetrating through the dragon's body.

On the contrary, Qingjiao, who was equally imposing, continued to charge towards Yi Xiaoyao with unabated momentum at this moment.

In contrast, Yi Xiaoyao's sword qi that split mountains and ground seemed thunderous and rainy, with a feeling of bluffing.

This couldn't help but make everyone even more amazed, how amazing the power of Qinglong's Fury that Qingjiao displayed.

However, such thoughts were instantly shattered by what happened next.

I saw that the sword light Yi Xiaoyao slashed passed Qingjiao's body, still splitting the ground and space, and finally sank into the cliff on the side of the Great Rift Valley.


All of a sudden, the cliff trembled for a while, and it was cut into two halves, slowly slanting towards the sides.

At the same time, the sword energy that broke through the cliff was still unstoppable, and it continued to spread and explode towards other areas of the Yaozu with the terrifying cracks formed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three remaining capitals on the cliff changed, and expressions of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

Naturally, they couldn't let the aftermath of the battle here spread to other places, and the three of them moved in unison, trying to block that sword energy.

However, the moment the three chiefs came into contact with the sword energy, their complexions all changed drastically and they exclaimed.

"not good!!"

As the leader, the three of them are so powerful, but with their joint efforts, they still couldn't stop the sword qi from going down, and they were forced to retreat violently by the terrifying edge above the sword qi.

The remaining 20 or so monsters suddenly reacted, and shot out one after another, catching up with the three chiefs, falling behind them, and bursting out more than 20 terrifying beams of light.

These more than 20 beams of light converged in one place, intersected with the rays of light erupting from the three major heads, and all bombarded on the black sword glow, which was able to stop the castration of the sword glow, and even more so when most of the beams of light were captured. When it was nearly half destroyed, the sword glow completely dissipated.

The cracks cut by the sword light on the ground spread from the Forbidden Mountain of Death to their feet. Looking at this magnificent and terrifying bottomless abyss, everyone couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

Even the three chiefs and more than 20 monsters were sweating from their foreheads.

Not only was it because of the damage caused by that sword qi, but they also thought that just now Qingjiao had received this terrifying sword light forcefully.

"Qingjiao, he..."

The faces of the three capitals were all fixed, and they looked at each other, and they could all see the look of worry in each other's eyes, obviously they all had the same idea.

Not only the three of them, but everyone else also thought of this, Qi Qi looked at Qing Jiao who was still charging towards Yi Xiaoyao.

After seeing that the three chiefs were forced to retreat just now, and the 27 monsters blocked that sword attack together, everyone already understood that Yi Xiaoyao's sword was not a bluff at all.

At this moment they were wondering, why did Qingjiao, who took such a terrifying sword forcefully, showed no sign of being invincible?

Could it be that the power of Azure Dragon's Fury is really so powerful?
As soon as the guesses in the hearts of the people of the Yaozu came out, the next moment they had already got the answer.

In their line of sight, the dragon shadow with the blue-horned dragon body was only a few hundred feet away from Yi Xiaoyao, and the strong wind made Yi Xiaoyao and Yunmengling's long hair flutter and their clothes flutter.

But at this moment, the most indestructible horn on top of his body broke in response to the sound!
Then, starting from Qingjiao's head, a black crack stretched out from the dragon's body in vain, directly vertically and horizontally across the entire dragon's body, reaching the tail of the dragon.

Because of the existence of this crack, the body of the dragon that covered the sky and the sun was instantly divided into two halves, and was quickly decomposed and destroyed by the black glow that erupted from the crack.

In the end, when Yi Xiaoyao was only a hundred feet away, the entire green dragon that had transformed into a green dragon disappeared into the void without a sound!

It turned out that Yi Xiaoyao's sword had already instantly killed Qing Jiao!

(End of this chapter)

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