Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1100 Bring Chapter My Husband

Chapter 1100 Bringing Back My Husband
At this time, the people of the Yaozu around were all silent.

They looked at the golden scale in Yunmengling's hand, all of them showed surprise on their faces.

Because among the monster clan, almost everyone has seen this golden scale.

On the Yaozu's imperial palace, there are three golden scale patterns engraved, one of which is exactly the same as the golden scale in front of you.

Those three golden scales are said to be the three anti-dragon scales of the ancient demon emperor.

"The ancient demon emperor is an ancient dragon ape. It has three scales against the dragon. When the three scales gather together, the nine dragons will add to the body, and the ape will fight against the world!"

"Thus these three reverse scales have been the totems of my monster clan since ancient times, and no one in the monster clan knows it."

"And these three reverse scales represent: relatives, brothers, and race. The current reverse scale is the one that symbolizes relatives!"

After a short period of silence, everyone in the Yaozu was discussing and exclaiming. They had only seen the Nilong scale on the totem before, but they didn't expect to see the real thing today.

As a result, no one dared to question Yun Mengling's words, let alone stop them.

Because if someone stops it, it will be violating the orders of the ancient demon emperor and ancient demon empress!

"In that case, let them go?"

Bi Jing discussed with the two elders beside him: "After all, they were entrusted by the ancient demon queen, and they should be true."

Bai Cha raised his brows, "So what? We can fulfill the entrustment of the ancient demon queen. What's more, the inheritance of the ancient demon queen should belong to our demon clan, how can it fall into the hands of outsiders!"

The head of Xuanwu also nodded and said: "Yes, and such an important matter must not be entrusted to two foreigners."

Hearing these words, Bi Jing also frowned, because for the Yaozu, what the two Bai Cha said was indeed reasonable.

If it were Yaozu people holding Nilong scales, then they would never dare to say a word of objection, but now...

"It seems that you are going to go against the wishes of your ancient demon emperor and demon queen?"

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao asked with a sneer, "Or, seeing that the ancient Demon Emperor and Demon Empress are no longer around, you have lost respect for them?"

"Hmph! Di Chu, don't give us a big hat!"

Bai Sha snorted coldly, they really couldn't afford such a crime.

Xuanwu Sushou said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance. We need to wait until the current Demon Emperor is out of customs before making a decision. Before that, you can't go anywhere!"

"By the time the Demon Emperor leaves the customs today, the day lily will probably be cold!"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned suddenly, and shouted: "I finally understand, to you, the ancient demon emperor and queen are not as important as a present demon emperor!"

"The ancient demon emperor and demon queen sacrificed themselves to protect the demon clan. How could they have thought that they actually protected such a group of white-eyed wolves."

Yun Mengling also spoke angrily, and said with a sneer: "If the current Demon Emperor is worried that the ancient Demon Emperor's son returning to the Demon Race will threaten his status, he may be a white-eyed wolf!"

"A group of white-eyed wolves negotiated with the white-eyed wolf emperor, most likely to get rid of the son of the ancient demon emperor. Since that's the case, we have nothing to say to them."

Yi Xiaoyao immediately said to Yunmengling: "Since this is the case, then we don't have to worry about anything because of the ancient demon queen, Linger, let's kill it!"

As soon as the words fell, the two nodded and looked at each other, with terrifying and strange auras erupting from their bodies.

The awn of the seal spread out, and all the people of the monster clan tried to resist.

As soon as the Sword of Destruction came out, many monster powerhouses retreated in panic.

The two teamed up and fought among the powerful monster clans, and they were unstoppable!

"I also ask the masters of the palace to help me kill this thief, get back the inheritance of the ancient demon queen, and inherit the legacy of the ancient demon queen!"

Bai Sha turned into a giant black and white tiger, tearing the seal with sharp claws, avoiding the sword glow like the wind, and roaring in all directions of the monster clan.

At that time, four terrifying auras suddenly emanated from the four directions of the monster clan.

"The white-eyed wolf of the third calamity, is he finally going to show his face?"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled coldly, but his heart trembled.

Since the Yaozu has the Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four palaces, there are naturally four palace masters. From Baisha's cry for help just now, it is not difficult to guess that the breath of the four third catastrophe must be these four palace lord.

"It seems that it is not easy to leave today."

Yi Xiaoyao secretly frowned, and at the same time said to Yunmengling beside him: "This will make Ling'er suffer for you as well."

He was blaming himself. If he had known earlier, he would not have been brave in front of his father and grandfather. He thought that the demon queen's token would have an absolute deterrent effect on these demon clansmen.

"Being able to be with Brother Xiaoyao, even a dead soul, would be extremely happy."

Yun Mengling responded with Yi Xiaoyao's beautiful smile, as if she was not afraid of anything when she was by Yi Xiaoyao's side.

Yi Xiaoyao sighed softly, but he knew that even if he couldn't leave today, the Yaozu would not be able to kill them if they didn't get what was on them. When father and grandpa came forward, they would naturally be saved.

It's just that Xiao Hei has been waiting for them in Kyushu for a long time. If he waits any longer, Yi Xiaoyao is worried that there will be other accidents.

Just when the two were sighing, the aura of the four strong men of the third tribulation had descended in the four directions around them.

I saw four soaring beams of light erupting from four directions, and gathered towards this place.

Among the beams of light, there are four huge monsters: Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu!
However, Yi Xiaoyao, who has the blood of the ancient true dragon, can feel from the green dragon that the blood of these four legendary monsters is not so pure, and they are not the real green dragon, white tiger, and Suzaku Xuanwu.

But even so, it was quite astonishing, not to mention that the four third tribulation powerhouses came forward to deal with them together.

Under the pressure of those four powerful forces, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly felt a little helpless, and it seemed that he could only catch him with nothing...

"You step back!"

Suddenly, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in this space.

And as the voice fell, the four great monsters of the third catastrophe actually paused, and retreated in unison, the original terrifying aura dissipated completely.

Such a scene made Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling look at each other in astonishment, not knowing why.

But at the direction where the crisp voice came from just now, there is a petite figure appearing at this moment, it is a little girl who looks like seven or eight years old.

"What a cute little sister!"

Seeing that figure, Yun Mengling couldn't help admiring with bright eyes.

Yi Xiaoyao also showed amazement in his eyes, not the astonishment of seeing some peerless beauty, but the little girl in front of him was indeed the cutest he had ever seen before.

But the next moment, their admiration and astonishment turned into astonishment.

Because after the little girl appeared, the surrounding 27 monsters and all the people from the monster clan all knelt down in the same direction and shouted loudly.

"I'll wait, meet the Demon Emperor!"

Hearing the voice of the Yaozu people and seeing this cute little girl, Yi Xiaoyao and the two were even more surprised.

Today's demon emperor is actually a cute little girl?
But when I think about it, besides the current Demon Emperor, who else can make the four third-tribulation powerhouses of the Yaozu obediently retreat with a single sentence?
Afterwards, the little girl floated down, waved her hands casually towards all the monsters, and then came to Yi Xiaoyao's side.

And what she said next surprised Yi Xiaoyao even more.

"I invite the two of you to come here, and I will definitely bring back my husband!"


(End of this chapter)

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