Chapter 1187 Eternal Enmity

Seeing the reaction of the three elders, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback.


Yi Xiaoyao murmured, in fact, just now, he had already had a guess in his heart, and now hearing Yi Xiu's words, the idea in his heart inexplicably solidified a bit.

"It looks like you already have some ideas."

Yi Xiu's eyes fell on Yi Xiaoyao, and then he turned and walked towards the shrine. Under the tablet of the ancestors of the Yi clan, he looked up at the tablet of the first-generation ancestors on the highest floor, and sighed softly.

"Actually, it's not really a secret. It's just that after a long time, people in the world no longer know about it. Even those who know these things may have forgotten it long ago."

After Yi Xiu sighed for a while, he narrated it as if telling a story.

And his first sentence made Yi Xiaoyao's complexion change.

"You're right, the first ancestor of my Yi Clan does have a great relationship with the Sword Clan, because he was the eldest son of the Sword Clan back then, and he was destined to inherit the Sword Clan!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiu looked straight at Yi Xiaoyao, and said with a strange smile: "That is to say, I, the Yi Clan, are actually of the same bloodline as the Sword Clan, and are the purest bloodline!"


Yi Xiaoyao finally couldn't help exclaiming, what he originally thought was indeed the same as what Yi Xiu said, and he really thought that the ancestors of the Yi clan came from the sword clan, otherwise, how could the blood of the sword clan in his body be different? What's going on?

However, what he did not expect was that the Yi Clan was actually the direct descendant of the Sword Clan!

You must know that for all races, only the bloodline of the person in charge will be called the direct lineage.

In other words, only direct bloodlines are qualified to rule a race!
But now, the Sword Clan is still the Sword Clan, but the direct blood of the Sword Clan has become the Yi Clan. There must be some secrets that the world doesn't know.

This point can be seen from Yi Xiu's telling Yi Xiaoyao that the Sword Clan is the greatest shame of the Yi Clan.

"It's a long story..."

Today's Yi Xiaoyao obviously has the ability and qualifications to take over the Yi family, so Yi Xiu doesn't intend to hide anything, and tells everything he knows under Yi Xiaoyao's surprised expression throughout the whole process.

It turned out that the first ancestor of the Yi clan did not have the real name Yi Wuming, but the surname and title of the Sword clan.

As for the three characters of Yi Wuming, the surname of "Yi" in it actually means to change the name of Yi.

As for the meaning of the word "nameless", it is even more obvious. It is the wish of the first generation ancestor to abandon his name in the Sword Clan and to separate himself from the Sword Clan.

In this way, the first generation of ancestors took Yi Wuming as their name, and passed down from generation to generation, and there was the Yi clan.

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao had the question just now was because of the name of the first generation ancestor, he guessed some of the secrets.

And he didn't expect that the Yi clan is the direct blood of the Sword clan, and there is another tortuous and ancient accident.

According to Yi Xiu's narration, in the Sword Clan long long ago, the mother of each generation's direct line would give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

And in each generation, among the twins of the direct line, the son must be born unable to practice, but the daughter is born with a very high talent for swordsmanship!
In this world where the strong are respected, it is self-evident what a person cannot cultivate, let alone in a race like the sword clan that has been extremely powerful since ancient times.

But for some reason, only the offspring left by the legitimate sons of each generation will have more and more powerful swordsmanship talents.

Therefore, the sword clan has always been dominated by the waste sons of each generation, thus continuing to expand the race, making the sword clan more and more powerful.

But this kind of inheritance was cut off in vain when the Sword Clan reached its peak.

Because the offspring left by each generation of useless prostitutes are no longer twins, but only sons who cannot cultivate!
Perhaps, the Sword Clan, who is eager to continue to grow stronger, can tolerate this phenomenon continuing for one or two generations, but if this continues, the decline of the Sword Clan's lineage is inevitable, and the status is getting lower and lower.

In the generation when Yi Wuming was born, a powerful sideline of the Sword Clan planned to assassinate all the bloodlines of the direct line, and wanted to seize the opportunity to seize the power of the Yi Clan!

Only Yi Wuming, the legitimate son at that time, managed to escape from the Sword Clan with a bloody path under the protection of several strong descendants.

However, the only one who survived was the young Yi Wuming, who was taken in by a small sect.

From then on, although the direct lineage of the Sword Clan changed, although it was in decline, the foundation was strong and has continued to this day.

Later, Yi Wuming's descendants gradually discovered the unique arrogance in their bodies, and each generation was stronger than the next until they became the peak of the overbearing Yi clan.

Not only that, the Overlord Yi Clan never forgets their ancestral hatred, in order to accumulate revenge power, they support the small sect that took Yi Wuming in the beginning to continue to grow.

After generations of hard work, that small sect finally subdued one hundred and eight sects in the world, becoming the number one sect in the world!
And that small sect back then was surprisingly the Qiankun Sect that was later passed down through the ages!
In this way, the Yi Clan already has the strength to compete with the Sword Clan, so it is natural to settle the humiliation and blood feud suffered by their ancestors back then.

Under the power of Qiankunzong, the declining sword clan had no choice but to agree to abolish the current sword master and submit to the Yi clan.

But later, due to the accumulation and explosion of a series of conspiracies, the powerful Celestial Clan was born out of nowhere. The Sword Clan turned to the Celestial Clan, and together with the Celestial Clan, they overthrew the Qiankun Sect, destroyed the Yi Clan, and overturned the world!

This is the innumerable origins and unforgetable grievances between the Yi Clan and the Sword Clan.

Yi Xiu would say that the Sword Clan was the biggest shame of the Yi Clan, and it was also the later betrayal of the Sword Clan.

When Yi Xiaoyao listened to these secrets, his heart was extremely complicated, and at the same time, his heart was like a mirror.

Because all of this was caused by the inheritance of the sword god in his body!
And the inheritance of the sword god was awakened in Yi Xiaoyao, so the grievances between the sword clan and the Yi clan should naturally be ended by him.

"Since we have come to this point, I will tell you the plan that your father and I have already thought up."

At this moment, Yi Wutian also looked at Yi Xiaoyao who was still in a complicated mood and said something.

Yi Xiaoyao reacted suddenly, looked at his grandfather and father with a serious expression, and asked, "Grandpa wants to start a war against the Sword Clan?"

"No, some grievances can never be washed away with blood, because you and I have the same blood as the sword clan after all!"

Yi Tianming shook his head, not to mention how many people would bleed if they fought against the Sword Clan. Even if Zhamen has enough strength to face the Sword Clan now, they must not ignore the undeniable fact that they are of the same ancestor.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao's doubts, Yi Tianming continued: "Next, we plan to let you join the Sword Clan and become the Great Sword Master of the Sword Clan!"


(End of this chapter)

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