Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1196 Nothingness Sword Technique

Chapter 1196 Nothingness Sword Technique
If Yi Xiaoyao really makes a move, even if the sword inscription in front of him is the number one genius of the Sword Clan, even if he has the cultivation base of the third calamity, and is known as the strongest among the young generation in the world, he will be sure to defeat him, or even kill him !

But Yi Xiaoyao didn't do this. Instead, under the pressure of the other party, he just avoided and didn't fight back, so that his whole body was covered with blood, showing a distressed appearance. The purpose was to see if his mother would be hurt by him. Appeared to be bullied.

And now, when the sword of nothingness fell, Yi Xiaoyao had achieved this goal, and he finally waited for his mother to show up.

"It seems that mother still has me in her heart."

With this thought in mind, Yi Xiaoyao's loss in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he was filled with warmth and emotion.

At the same time, his eyes were a little eager to look towards the direction where the sword of nothingness fell in front of him.

A whole body white figure, with a wisp of ethereal state, then landed on the sword of nothingness.

While the veil fluttered, people couldn't see her face clearly, but her identity was already ready to be revealed.


The group of female disciples who were originally attracted by the sword inscription saluted this plain white figure one after another.

Jian Xue'er also had a happy face, since the master is here, then everything that follows can be settled.

"Nine Sword Masters!"

As for the sword inscription, after being slightly startled, it didn't mean to give up because of it.

On the contrary, there was a desire to win in his eyes. After the offensive was blocked by the sword of nothingness, the golden sword with the inscription in his hand shone even brighter, as if he wanted to compete with the master of nine swords.


The Nine Sword Master let out a cold snort, and the sword of nothingness rose from the ground, and crossed an arc of light, directly intersecting with the inscribed golden sword horizontally and vertically, making an astonishing sword cry.

The violent and chaotic fluctuations suddenly swept away, and the sound of the two sharp swords competing with each other became more piercing.

That sword inscription is worthy of being the youngest reincarnation that Jian Xueer called, who has the opportunity to become the sword master.

With the countless ancient inscriptions on the golden sword in his hand continuously rushing towards the sword of nothingness with dazzling light, the sword of nothingness, the master of nine swords, was actually at a disadvantage under such a confrontation!

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao frowned suddenly, ready to stand up and make a move.

But the next moment, his movements stopped again.

Because of the following scene, Yi Xiaoyao realized that his worries were purely superfluous.

After all, my mother is one of the nine sword masters of the sword clan. No matter how talented that sword inscription is, no matter how powerful it is beyond its peers, it is impossible to challenge authority so easily.

Sure enough, when Jianming saw that his sword power had the upper hand, and couldn't help showing a look of excitement on his face, the next moment a deep shock replaced all the expressions on his face.

Because at this moment, a wave that did not belong to him came out of Jian Ming's body in vain, and a sword shadow of nothingness emerged from his chest out of thin air, and passed through it!

The nothingness sword shadow seemed to have taken everything away, Jian Ming's body was shaken, and the sword moves in his hand also wilted instantly.

The Nine Sword Masters slapped out with a palm, and the sword inscription flew up, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ahem... As expected of the Master of the Nine Swords, nothingness swordsmanship is really unpredictable!"

Jian Ming was lifted up from the ground by several followers, coughed out a mouthful of blood and said to the Nine Sword Master: "It's just that the Sword Master is blocking me like this because of a lowly person with mixed blood, so you have to give me a piece of cake anyway." Can you tell me?"

There was no respect in his tone, even though everyone present respected or even feared the Nine Swords Master, he was not afraid at all.

In Jian Ming's eyes, his status is no different from that of the Sword Master, which is why he continued to attack knowing that the Nine Sword Masters would stop him.

"Jianming, even though you are favored by the heavens and are highly valued by the clan, before you become the sword master, don't act presumptuously in front of me!"

Hearing Jianming call Yi Xiaoyao a lowly person, the Nine Swords Master's whole body became cold, and he spoke to him indifferently.

She knew that this sword inscription would have a high status in the sword clan in the future, but she still didn't give it any face, and said coldly: "This place is my Void Sword Palace. If you make trouble here, I will be merciful if you take action again. Next time, I don’t need to explain to anyone if I kill you at that time!”


Jianming's tone froze. He had always heard that Lord Nine Swords had a weird temper and never gave anyone face, but he didn't expect that he didn't even give him face, and even made him unable to go down the steps.

On the side, Jian Ji didn't expect this kind of situation to happen, and he was afraid that he would be hurt by the trouble, so he hurried forward to persuade Jian Ming.

"Cousin Jianming, three days later it will be the day of the sword clan's election for the new sword master. You are the one who will compete with those reincarnated ancestors on the same stage. How can you be as knowledgeable as that kind of lowly person? Has he hurt the peace with the Nine Swords Master?"

Jian Ji put Jian Ming's sword into the scabbard, and at the same time gave Yi Xiaoyao a cold look, as if to say: You are lucky this time.

Hearing this, Jian Ming's expression softened a little, and he walked down the steps of Jian Ji, nodded his head, and at the same time gave Yi Xiaoyao a serious look.

As long as he becomes the sword master, no one can stop him from doing what he wants to do.

In this way, amidst the still infatuated gazes of the surrounding female disciples, Jian Ming led Jian Ji to leave angrily.

And Yi Xiaoyao, who was considered to be a lowly person of the collateral lineage, naturally saw the eyes of Jian Ji and Jian Ming, and even heard Jian Ji's words.

"Sword Clan Grand Competition?"

Yi Xiaoyao's heart skipped a beat, his eyes thoughtful.

Because his purpose of coming to the Sword Clan was to participate in the Sword Clan Grand Competition and run for the position of Sword Master, so he naturally wanted to participate.

Since this sword inscription will also participate, there will inevitably be some friction with Yi Xiaoyao again.

It's just that when that time comes, Yi Xiaoyao will no longer be like today, deliberately not taking action in order to let his mother show up.

And because of what happened today, if this sword inscription is really an enemy of Yi Xiaoyao, then there is no need to talk about his fate.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao's mouth curled into a slight smile, and he withdrew his thoughts after a slight smile.

After that, he looked at the Nine Swords Master in everyone's eyes, his own mother, with some anxiety in his heart.

But the latter didn't look at him, but looked directly at the group of female disciples who were chattering, asked if anyone was injured, and cleared them away.

When such a thing happened, the mother's first reaction was not to care about her son, but to care about other people, which immediately hurt Yi Xiaoyao's heart.

But the next moment, after everyone else had left, Nine Sword Masters finally turned around and gave instructions to Jian Xueer.

"Xue'er, heal your senior brother and bring him to my place."

After finishing speaking, she was as ethereal as when she came, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

Although from the beginning to the end, the mother did not look at herself, and even deliberately avoided her gaze.

But Yi Xiaoyao, because of this sentence, his heart is full of elation.

Because of my mother, I finally got to see him!

At the same time, Jian Xueer, who was extremely complicated and depressed because of Jian Ming, looked at Yi Xiaoyao with surprise because of this title.


(End of this chapter)

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