Chapter 1198
After more than twenty years, Yi Xiaoyao finally met his mother and got the kind of pride and recognition from his mother for his son. This is nothing more than a great happiness and blessing.

Originally, he was worried that his mother would have an insoluble barrier to him because of his father and grandfather.

At the same time, the mother was also worried that Yi Xiaoyao would feel resentment and blame towards her for so many years.

However, when the two met, they realized that these worries were completely unnecessary.

At this time, after hearing what his mother said, Yi Xiaoyao calmed down a little.

Because his mother talked about the business of his coming to the Sword Clan.

Now that he met his mother and achieved his first goal of coming to the Sword Clan, his other goal naturally needs to be prepared and faced.

"Mother knows the purpose of my coming to the Sword Clan?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the Nine Swordsmen in front of him, and asked slightly surprised.

He also thought that his father just asked his mother to take him to his side, and did not tell his mother the secret about his plan to take back the Sword Clan.

Now from the mother's tone, it is obvious that she already knows everything.

"Don't think that I'm helping your father."

The Nine Swords Master also calmed down, and said with a slightly resentful look in his eyes: "If it were someone else, I would definitely never agree to this matter."

As she said that, her eyes softened again, she looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "I agreed to this matter because of you, you are my child, and you are considered a member of the Sword Clan, so of course you are qualified to win over the Sword Clan." everything!"

"As a mother, I haven't been able to give you the care and love since I was a child, but I will definitely give you this opportunity, because I don't want to lose the responsibility of being a mother anymore."

Speaking of this, the Nine Swords Master's face once again showed a strong sense of guilt.

Noticing the change in his mother's mood, Yi Xiaoyao knew that his mother's heart was very contradictory.

Or, his existence is the mother's greatest contradiction.

On the one hand, it contains resentment towards the grandfather and father, and on the other hand, it contains the mother's guilt and love for the child.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao also understood that he was not qualified to give any attitude towards the matter between mother and father.

But he will do his best to let neither mother nor father be disappointed!
"Well! Mother, I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded heavily and grinned at his mother.

The Lord of Nine Swords also caressed Yi Xiaoyao's cheek in relief, but her brows were slightly furrowed, as if something was on her mind.

"Could it be that the mother doesn't believe in the child?"

Yi Xiaoyao caught this subtle expression and smiled.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but...the competitor you will face is too powerful!"

Nine Sword Masters sighed and shook their heads, and said helplessly, "I think you also know that the Sword Clan will hold a competition in three days to compete for the position of Sword Master."

"Anyone who has the ability to participate in this big competition is the existence of the third catastrophe, and these people are all reincarnated from the ancestors of my sword clan who still exist. They have lived far longer than you, whether it is Experience, background, or state of mind are far beyond what you can compare when you are still young."

These words are from a mother's most sincere concern for her son.

Yi Xiaoyao felt this kind of care that he hadn't had for many years, and his heart was warm for a while, and he didn't have the slightest worry like his mother.

"Mother, you underestimate your son too!"

Yi Xiaoyao chuckled, seeing that his mother still looked worried, and said, "What's more, isn't that sword inscription also young, so he wants to compete with those old monsters for the position of sword master? People have extremely high expectations of him, so I can do better than him!"

"Jianming is different. The reason why everyone expects so much from him, even thinking that some reincarnated ancestors cannot compete with him, is because of a special reason."

The Nine Sword Master still shook his head lightly and said: "Although this sword inscription is indeed extremely talented, the reason why he was able to step into the third calamity, and even succeed in reincarnation, is because he obtained the inheritance from the previous great sword master!"

"The last great sword master?"

Yi Xiaoyao was slightly startled, and seemed to recall some information at the same time, his eyes became more and more suspicious.

"Yes, it is my father, your grandfather."

The Lord of Nine Swords smiled wryly and nodded, "Because of my matter, your grandfather hated your father and grandfather extremely, and vowed to kill them. However, he later sought to fight your grandfather, but he was defeated miserably."

"After the law of heaven was broken, your grandfather knew that if he waited any longer, he would never be able to defeat your grandfather again, so he chose to directly break through the level of the third catastrophe that day."

Hearing this and seeing his mother's wry smile, Yi Xiaoyao already guessed that grandpa must not have escaped the end of the fake immortal.

"Although your grandfather failed to defeat the immortal soul in his body, he has always been arrogant all his life, and he would not be willing to be manipulated by the immortal soul, so he chose to use the thunder calamity to perish with the immortal soul."

The Lord of Nine Swords continued: "Because your grandfather always thought that I would hurt his face, and the nihilistic swordsmanship I practiced was inconsistent with it, so before he died, he left all his inheritance to the family at that time. My first genius, Jianming."

"It turns out that the sword inscription was inherited by a strong man, so that he can have such strength at such a young age!"

Yi Xiaoyao finally understood, and at the same time, he was not unfamiliar with this situation, because Zhan Wushuang and Yun Mengling beside him both reached the third calamity in a very short time because of the inheritance of the strong.

Immediately, he frowned again and said, "It's just that, since the sword inscription has been inherited by grandpa, it's really ungrateful to be so rude to you, mother!"

"Jianming has always been proud and arrogant. Now that he has acquired the inheritance and strength, he is already defiant. What's more, I will step down as the sword master in three days. How can he respect me?"

Nine Swords Master replied in a cold voice, and then reminded Yi Xiaoyao with more concern: "So child, don't underestimate that sword inscription, let alone think that he was defeated by me today, and underestimate his strength. If there is a real battle, I may not be able to defeat him."

Yi Xiaoyao's complexion also became slightly dignified.

After all, how could the inheritance of the Great Sword Master of the Sword Clan be weak?That is a stronger power than Gai Dao Kuang's inheritance!
But in the next moment, the seriousness on his face was replaced by a confident smile.

Because, Yi Xiaoyao's confidence in himself will never be erased by anything.

At the same time, he also knew that his mother would retire from the position of sword master in three days. If he missed this opportunity, he would no longer be able to establish himself as a sword clan under the protection of his mother, let alone take back the sword clan in this relatively simple way. up.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao took a deep breath, smiled at his mother, and said, "Mom, I will definitely make you proud again in the Sword Clan Competition in three days' time!"


(End of this chapter)

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