Devouring Sword God

Chapter 12 Soul Forbidden Art

Chapter 12 Soul Forbidden Art
"With my current Qi Condensation Level [-], coupled with my strong spiritual power, it is easy to defeat the monks in the same realm. Even if I fight against the Qi Condensation Level [-], it is not a problem! But just in case, I have to let myself have some cards."

Thinking of the trump card, Yi Xiaoyao naturally has it, and that is the two supernatural powers related to the art of the soul that the sword god gave him.

Soul Burning Forbidden Technique!Soul Devouring Forbidden Technique!
These two forbidden techniques come from the hands of the sword god, so they must be extremely powerful!
It's just that it is called a forbidden technique, and there is a reason for it.

Especially the Soul Burning Forbidden Art, at the cost of burning one's own soul, develops explosive potential in a short period of time.

If you want to learn this forbidden technique, you must first overcome the pain of burning your soul!

But the pain of burning the soul is far more than the pain of the body.

"Over the years, I have integrated Tang Ruoxue's soul every day to help her improve her aptitude. Although this insidious woman is merciless and merciless, she has made me used to the pain of my soul."

Yi Xiaoyao murmured: "What is lost is the east corner, what is harvested is mulberry elm, what is lost must be gained. In this way, it is not difficult for me to practice the burning soul forbidden technique."

With this in mind, he closed his eyes and began to look at the cultivation method in his mind.

It wasn't until evening that Yi Xiaoyao finally showed his comprehension and found the secret.

"Let's try it once."

He took a deep breath, and began to try to perform the Soul Burning Forbidden Technique according to the method he had comprehended.

Because this technique has repeatedly emphasized that it will cause great damage to the user, so he was extremely careful in the process of performing it.

"Burning Soul Forbidden Technique!"

In an instant, a layer of ethereal black flames enveloped Yi Xiaoyao's entire body.

This kind of fire is soul fire, which can also burn other people's souls when fighting with opponents!
At the same time, he felt that his potential was being developed, and his thinking, senses, agility, and strength were all rapidly improving.

Most importantly, Yi Xiaoyao's cultivation also skyrocketed instantly!

With just one breath, he reached the peak of the seventh level of Qi Condensation, and then easily broke through the eighth level of Qi Condensation, and is still climbing rapidly towards the ninth level of Qi Condensation!
At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao instantly terminated the technique.

At the same time, the skyrocketing cultivation stopped quickly, and he returned to his original seventh level of Qi Condensation, and his other thinking and senses also completely returned to their original state.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's lips trembled slightly, and beads of sweat rolled down his pale face.

The pain that burned his soul was far beyond his imagination.

If he hadn't been used to the pain of his soul for so many years, he might have fainted to death.

"I finally know why Senior Sword God gave me these two forbidden techniques because he found out that my soul is strong."

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao said this was because he found that his soul had been consumed by the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique.

"If the soul is not strong enough, I'm afraid that if you can't breathe, you will burn yourself to death..."

You know, Yi Xiaoyao is known as a peerless genius in terms of soul qualifications. The soul that has been melted into Tang Ruoxue over the years has not been burnt as much as just now.

If Tang Ruoxue were to perform this technique, with her soul aptitude, she would indeed die without breathing.

Yi Xiaoyao calculated in his mind that he could perform the Burning Soul Forbidden Art for ten breaths at most.

Moreover, the spiritual power can be recovered after being consumed, but it is too difficult to recover the soul.

This difficulty can be easily solved by another forbidden technique of his.

Soul Devouring Forbidden Technique!

This technique can not only devour other people's souls to supplement one's own soul, but also strengthen one's own soul endlessly!
The stronger the soul, the longer the duration of the Soul Burning Forbidden Art.

The two forbidden techniques complement each other, so Yi Xiaoyao must learn this technique.

At this time the night was getting dark, Yi Xiaoyao had no intention of resting at all, and began to meditate on the Soul Eater Forbidden Art again.

The night passed in a flash, and the sky turned pale.

Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes and glanced out of the window, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"The tenth day is finally here!"


In a restaurant outside Tangjiabao, a rather glamorous woman was sitting at a table by the window.

This beautiful woman is Mei Han, an elder of Huayun Sect.

Behind Mei Han stood three young girls of seventeen or eighteen years old, all of whom were of the best purple.

"Oh? Mei Han?"

A suspicious sound came from Mei Han's side, it was a rather elegant middle-aged man.

Mei Han looked at the middle-aged man, also quite surprised.

She recognized this person, this is an elder of Jin Hanzong.

"Xu Jin?"

"Haha, it seems Elder Mei still remembers me!"

Xu Jin smiled, and then looked at the young girls behind Mei Han, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

"It seems that Elder Mei has taken in a lot of apprentices with excellent qualifications this year?" Xu Jin said.

Mei Han also smiled and nodded when he heard the words: "That's right, these three female disciples all have seventh-rank immortal soul inheritance, and they are all geniuses."

Xu Jin sighed, every three years when Immortal Gang comes to this world, the elders of these sects will go to various families to accept apprentices, but it has been ten days, and he has not received a single satisfactory apprentice, looking at Mei Han's He was really envious of the three genius disciples.

Just when Xu Jin was sighing in his heart, Mei Han's eyes moved, and he said, "Why? Elder Xu appeared here today, is it because of that genius Tang Ruoxue in Tangjiabao?"

"That's true, but with you, Elder Mei, my trip is in vain." Xu Jin smiled wryly.

Mei Han smiled lightly and did not deny it.

As Xu Jin said, Huayun Sect is the first sect of the Great Shang Dynasty, and it is the place that all geniuses yearn for. Other sects who want to recruit disciples cannot compete with Mei Han who has the name of Huayun Sect .

Unexpectedly, another voice came from the side.

"Who said it was for nothing? Even if we can't grab Tang Ruoxue, as far as I know, there is another teenager in Tangjiabao who has obtained the inheritance of the sixth-grade immortal soul this year."

The owner of the voice came over, a strong man.

The strong man looked at Xu Jin and continued: "Elder Mei always only accepts female apprentices, so no one will snatch that boy from us?"

Xu Jin suddenly regained his spirits. A genius with a seventh rank or higher is a genius, and a sixth rank immortal soul can be regarded as a material that can be made.

He hurriedly said: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to Tangjiabao now! Until the end, I won't give up Tang Ruoxue, a genius!"

An hour later.

In the Tangjiabao, all clansmen gathered on the campus of the mansion, and even many people from other clans also came to congratulate.

Because today is the day when the new owner of Tangjiabao succeeds.

At this moment, there are huge crowds of people on the campus, and amidst the babble of voices, you can hear a name at random——Tang Ruoxue!

Obviously, the seventh-rank immortal soul inheritance is an extremely dazzling existence in the entire Shoucheng and even the Great Shang Dynasty.

Along with Tang Ruoxue's name, everyone will add the word "genius".

And there was a high platform on the top of the big school field, several elders of Tangjiabao were sitting on the high platform, nodding and chatting with three strangers who were also sitting beside them.

While everyone below was talking about Tang Ruoxue, they also pointed out doubts to the three people around the elders.

"Who are those three people? Why are they sitting with the elders?"

"You don't even know this? These three people are all big figures with huge backgrounds. They are Elder Mei of Huayun Sect, Elder Xu of Jin Han Sect, and Elder Ge of Fenglan Sect!"

"It is said that these three elders came here this time to rush to accept Tang Ruoxue as a disciple!"

"Oh my god, Tang Ruoxue has won glory for Tai Tangjiabao this time, even the first sect, Huayunzong, couldn't bear to rob her!"

Not long after, the Tangjiabao elders on the high platform raised their hands to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"Today is the day when my Tangjiabao elected the owner of the castle, but I didn't expect three distinguished guests to come to the door. It is really an honor for my Tangjiabao!"

Then, the presiding elder began to introduce the three people from various sects to everyone one by one.

Every time someone is introduced, everyone below will be in an uproar.

Especially when the Daohua Yunzong Meihan was introduced, everyone burst out with a strong roar.

Huayun Sect, the first sect of the Great Shang Dynasty, who doesn't know?Who does not yearn for?

The three elders of the sect nodded to everyone in the school field below, and Han Mei spoke as the representative.

"The three of us came here to accept disciples, and today happened to be taking advantage of Tangjiabao's happy day to invite Tang Ruoxue."

After Han Mei finished speaking, Tang Long, who was also on the high platform, waved to Tang Ruoxue with a red face.

Under the countless envious and jealous eyes of the crowd, Tang Ruoxue, who was wearing a long white dress, walked out slowly like a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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