Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1217 my son

Chapter 1217 my son
At this time, the battle of sword masters has ended, logically speaking, according to the ranking, it is logical that the final nine masters become the new nine sword masters.

However, because of Yi Xiaoyao, it was difficult to proceed with such a logical thing.

If Yi Xiaoyao hadn't accepted Jian Yi's challenge and defeated him to trigger the special rules, he would rank ninth and become the ninth sword master like his mother. Even if everyone minded that he was just a sidekick, but because of the rules, he wouldn't mind. will say anything.

But now, even with the established rules, people from the Sword Clan have all expressed their opposition.

It's just because Yi Xiaoyao is about to ascend to the position of temporary Great Sword Master!

Of course, for the objections of everyone, the final decision still needs to be made by the current nine sword masters.

After all, before the masters like Yi Xiaoyao took over from them, these nine sword masters were still in charge of the greatest power of the sword clan.

So at this time, while Jian Yun cast his eyes on the nine sword masters, the crowd below also looked towards the high platform.


Sensing everyone's gaze, the nine sword masters on the high platform frowned one after another, looking at each other, it seemed that it was difficult for them to speak.

Obviously, they were also unwilling to let a member of the Pangmai tribe become a temporary great sword master, but the rules had already been set, and if they broke the rules, they would inevitably be criticized.

"Cough cough!"

However, the sword masters finally had to make a decision, so after a while of embarrassment, the current great sword master coughed twice, making the audience quiet.

The great sword master glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Yi Xiaoyao.

"Do you know what the temporary Great Sword Master means?"

The Great Sword Master asked Yi Xiaoyao in a deep voice, as if his words meant something.

Yi Xiaoyao greeted him with eyes, and said, "It means that you can become a real great sword master like senior, and lead the entire sword clan!"

"That's right, but do you know what it takes to change from a temporary great sword master to a real great sword master?"

The great sword master nodded, and continued to ask Yi Xiaoyao, and the meaning of his words was gradually revealed.

"Could it be that you need to make some contribution to the Sword Clan?" Yi Xiaoyao asked with his eyes moving slightly, not only did he understand what the other party meant, but he was also deliberately pretending not to understand.

"Making a great contribution to the Sword Clan is naturally a necessary condition for becoming a Great Sword Master, but there is another prerequisite, which is to be recognized by the entire Sword Clan!"

The Great Sword Master frowned, as if he didn't want to go around with Yi Xiaoyao any more, and continued, "I think it's not only difficult for you to achieve this premise, but you may even be in danger of your life!"

So far, it is very clear.

Any struggle for rights requires a strong backing, and the ultimate succession of the Great Sword Master also agrees with this rule.

To gain the approval of the entire Sword Clan, it is natural to have enough powerful forces in the Sword Clan to deter or even conquer other pretenders. For example, those strong men from the lineage of Jian Ming, let Jian Ming become the backing force of the Great Sword Master.

Yi Xiaoyao obviously doesn't have this point, and if he really becomes the temporary Great Sword Master, he will inevitably have to compete with these various factions of the Sword Clan for the position of the real Great Sword Master. , and will indeed face various dangers.

So what the great sword master said was actually telling Yi Xiaoyao that he didn't have such a backing, and he was also persuading Yi Xiaoyao to give up his qualification as a temporary great sword master.

How clever is Yi Xiaoyao, how can he not understand the obvious meaning of the other party, but he still looks like he doesn't understand, and said with a smile: "This junior is confident that he can do this."

As soon as this remark came out, the Great Sword Master's expression suddenly froze, and everyone present smiled.

"Hmph! Whether you have confidence or not, we don't have that confidence in you, and we won't take all kinds of risks because of you!"

At this time, another sword master saw that Yi Xiaoyao was so ignorant of the matter, and finally couldn't help standing up, and let out a low drink impatiently.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and announced to everyone: "After our unanimous discussion and due to various helplessness, we have no choice but to disqualify Jian Xiaoyao as the temporary Great Sword Master!"

With these words, everyone was astonished. Although such a decision was not unexpected, breaking the rules of the sword master battle like this still made people sigh.

At the same time, the people of Jian Ming's lineage who were originally in a state of suffocating anger showed ecstasy on their faces.

Because once Yi Xiaoyao was disqualified from being the temporary Great Sword Master, Jian Ming, who was ranked second at the moment, would naturally take over this position.

Sure enough, after the sword master made the announcement, the great sword master looked at Yi Xiaoyao who had become a little ugly at that moment, sighed lightly, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Jian Xiaoyao, although our actions are somewhat unfair to you, it is also for your sake, and we all appreciate your aptitude and talent very much, so we decided to make an exception and let you become the second sword master, and Jian Ming will take over the temporary great sword host."

This sentence, in the eyes of these sword clan people, is already very benevolent and righteous.

After all, Yi Xiaoyao is only a member of the collateral clan, so being able to become the second sword master is indeed an exception as the great sword master said.

As soon as the words of the great sword master fell, Jian Ming, who had fallen to the ground, seemed to have gained some kind of power after hearing these words, and stood up suddenly, with an incredulous expression on his face, and even looked up to the sky Laughing, and cast a look of complacency and resentment towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay any attention to Jian Ming's gaze, but his heart was faintly filled with anger for the decision of the Great Sword Master.

Since this temporary Great Sword Master position was something he had already obtained, how could he allow it to be taken away for any reason!

Just as Yi Xiaoyao frowned and was about to refuse, a cold and majestic voice came from in front of him.

"I don't know where the unanimous decision of the great sword master came from. When did you discuss this decision with me?"

This voice was none other than the Nine Swords Master.

She looked at the Great Sword Master without any taboo, and said with a sneer, "Or, my position as the Nine Sword Master is useless?"

Hearing this sentence, while everyone was in an uproar, several other sword masters also stared blankly.

The great sword master also looked at the nine sword masters in astonishment, but had nothing to say for a moment.

Indeed, when they were discussing just now, Nine Swords Master kept frowning and remained silent, so they didn't ask Nine Swords Master what he meant.

"Could it be that the Nine Swords Master thinks that this little bastard is qualified to become the temporary Great Sword Master?"

At this moment, the strong men of the sword inscription sneered at the Nine Sword Masters one after another.

Nine Sword Master glanced at those strong men like knives, smiled coldly, and asked: "Then you old bastards, tell me why my son is not qualified to be a temporary great sword master!"


(End of this chapter)

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