Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1221 The Strongest Sword Art

Chapter 1221 The Strongest Sword Art

At this time, around Yi Xiaoyao, Wan Jian surrendered!
Such a vision made all the Sword Clan people present look horrified, and it was difficult to relieve their suffocation feeling even if they opened their mouths wide.

Even Jian Yun and the Nine Great Sword Masters were extremely moved.

Because they also felt the trembling of the blood in their bodies, and the uncontrollable surrender desire of their own sword intent!

However, the vision that occurred in Yi Xiaoyao's body reached such a huge movement, and there was still no intention of stopping.

I saw that the piece of crystal amber under his palm was covered with cracks at some point, under the groaning rhythm of the ancestral sword shadow in the amber, it finally made a broken sound and turned into an endlessly pure sword The air spreads towards the surroundings!

And at the moment when the crystal amber was shattered, the ancestor sword shadow that had been in it for many years also rushed out like light and electricity, and directly sank into the black sword shadow above Yi Xiaoyao's head.

"Zu Jianying!"

Everyone around exclaimed in unison, looking at the ancestor sword shadow that merged with Yi Xiaoyao's condensed black sword shadow, their faces were all pale.

Because they all know how important this ancestor Jianying is to the Sword Clan.

It can even be said that without this sword shadow, there would be no sword clan today!
Therefore, many people were furious in an instant, wanting to attack Yi Xiaoyao, who was closing his eyes tightly under the black sword shadow, to regain the ancestor sword shadow.

However, their movements were all interrupted by Jianyun's shout, and Jianyun and the nine sword masters looked at Yi Xiaoyao and the huge sword shadow above him with extremely serious expressions.

They have a hunch that something incredible will happen next.

Sure enough, at the moment when Zu Jianying merged with Yi Xiaoyao's black sword shadow, the countless sword shadows condensed with the purest sword energy all moved towards Yi Xiaoyao as if thousands of rivers entered the sea. The body surged away.

At the same time, under the irrigation of such a majestic sword energy, Yi Xiaoyao's aura seemed to have undergone a qualitative change, and a black sharp sword condensed out in his hand, it was the World Extinguishing Sword!

Lines of blood flowed down Yi Xiaoyao's arm and poured into the Mie Shi Sword in his hand, causing the Mie Shi Sword to burst out with a palpitating aura, which became more and more intense.

"He's... awakening his bloodline!"

Several sword masters exclaimed. They were sure that Yi Xiaoyao was awakening the blood in his body, but they had never seen anyone awakening the blood, which would cause such a shocking phenomenon.

This kind of bloodline awakening lasted for a while, and Yi Xiaoyao's whole body was covered by countless bloodlines, and the sword intent on his body had reached an extremely terrifying state.


In the end, a low growl suddenly came out from his face with his eyes closed tightly. At this time, his face was already red, as if there was a force in his body that was about to explode, and he had to release it.

Under this force, the Mieshi Sword in Yi Xiaoyao's hand seemed to be uncontrollable, and suddenly pointed directly at the sky, injecting a black glow towards the black sword shadow above.

At this moment, the black sword shadow seemed to come alive, and began to dance under the infusion of the black light.

A series of mysterious and profound sword moves appeared under the dancing of the sword shadow, as if there was an invisible figure, using this sword shadow to perform some kind of supreme swordsmanship!

And this level of swordsmanship shocked everyone present, because the speed at which the sword shadow danced was difficult for even the most powerful beings like Jian Yun to grasp clearly, let alone understand the profound meaning of the sword move.

They only had a feeling that the black sword shadow above Yi Xiaoyao's head was the ancestor sword shadow that had just merged into it!

And this mysterious sword move comes from Zu Jianying's supreme swordsmanship!

After the black sword shadow danced out the supreme swordsmanship, it was like a swimming dragon, directly submerged into the Shishijian in Yi Xiaoyao's hand.

But in the next moment, the black sword shadow rose to the sky again with the endless power in the sword!

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's whole body was shaken, and everything in his body surged crazily along with the sword in his hand.

All the power he had hidden in order not to reveal his identity before, all exploded at this moment!

The power of destruction!Devouring power!Domineering power!

This terrifying force turned into a palpitating edge on the Mieshijian, and the moment the black sword shadow rushed to the sky, the entire sky was covered with endless black cracks!
At this very moment, Yi Xiaoyao's sword, as well as the sword shadow above him, erupted with a majestic aura, which is impressively domineering!
The domineering aura of the emperor at this time has already merged with the endless black sword aura, and the moment it spread, everyone present finally couldn't help but kneel down together!

Only some strong men were forcibly supporting themselves, looking at Yi Xiaoyao under the ten thousand sword lights with horror on their faces.

"That black sword shadow is the sword soul! It is the sword soul transformed from the ancestor sword shadow!"

"This Jian Xiaoyao, could it be that he has been approved by Zu Jianying!?"

"Who the hell is he! Why did he get the Ancestral Sword Shadow and unleash such amazing power!"

The sound was shocking, and at the moment when the vision induced by Yi Xiaoyao finally ended, it exploded like a bomb.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao finally opened his eyes that had been pressing so hard, his eyes were like real sword lights, full of domineering intent.

At this moment, the corner of his mouth also outlined a satisfied arc and a surprised smile.

Because just now, he has confirmed that the ancestral sword shadow that Dao did was from the sword god!

And after Zu Jianying chose Yi Xiaoyao and became the sword soul in his World-Exterminating Sword, it seemed that all the inheritance he got from the sword god was completely fulfilled at this moment!
"I said, I'm different from you!"

Sensing the gazes around him, Yi Xiaoyao greeted them with sword-like gazes, and said lightly, "Since you insist on comparing the bloodlines of the Sword Clan, are you satisfied with this answer?"

After the scene just now, the final outcome is already obvious.

Whether it's the recognition of Zu Jianying's bloodline, or the way of swords that they have realized, in front of Yi Xiaoyao, there is nothing comparable to the performance of other people!
Therefore, everyone was silent, and they didn't know if they hadn't recovered from the shock just now, or they were speechless to Yi Xiaoyao's words.

After a long while, I saw Jian Yun suddenly trembling all over his body as if he knew it later.

He took a deep breath, and asked Yi Xiaoyao with a trembling voice: "What kind of swordsmanship did you realize just now?"

Yi Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said, "The strongest way of swordsmanship!"


(End of this chapter)

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