Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1223 Whispering

Chapter 1223 Whispering
Regarding Jian Yi's identification, Yi Xiaoyao did not deny it, but personally admitted what the other party said.

Now that his identity has been exposed, he will not continue to hide it, even if it will hinder his actions in the Sword Clan.

Because if he forcibly conceals it, it will only bring greater obstacles to Yi Xiaoyao himself, as well as an unmanageable situation.

And when everyone heard Yi Xiaoyao's response to Jian Yi's words, the uproar swept away like a wave again.

Surprise and disbelief appeared on everyone's faces. Unexpectedly, Jian Xiaoyao was really Yi Xiaoyao!

This made all the members of the Sword Clan feel a kind of deception. Their awe from the vision induced by Yi Xiaoyao made this sense of deceit infinitely expand in their hearts, forming waves of anger.

Especially Jian Yun, who was about to let Yi Xiaoyao take over the sword clan just now, and those sword masters burst into anger and shouted violently.


"You are Yi Xiaoyao!"

"Well, you Yi Xiaoyao, you dare to cheat and cheat in my sword clan, and even want to deceive the entire sword clan, trying to steal the position of great sword master of my sword clan!"

Jian Yun suddenly pointed at Yi Xiaoyao angrily, and the killing intent surged out of his body like a giant beast.

It seemed that if Yi Xiaoyao didn't give a satisfactory explanation, he would directly kill him here.

Seeing such a scene, Jian Yi and other people of Jian Ming's lineage finally couldn't help showing a touch of ecstasy.

However, under the anger from the entire sword clan, Yi Xiaoyao remained calm and did not panic at all.

I saw him looking at Jian Yun who was yelling at him, and smiled lightly: "Although the younger generation is indeed the Yi Xiaoyao you say, but has he ever deceived you? Let alone deceive the sword clan and steal the big sword The seat of the Lord?"

Such a response made Jian Yun and the others even more angry.

But before they could open their mouths, Yi Xiaoyao continued to speak: "People have parents, and their surnames follow their parents. If I follow my father's surname, I will be Yi Xiaoyao, but if I follow my mother's surname, I will be Jian Xiaoyao. If I change Name, it’s fine if you say I cheated, but I just took my mother’s surname, how could I be charged with such a big crime?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions froze, and they were speechless for a moment.

However, people from the lineage of Jianming would not let this opportunity go, and immediately snorted coldly: "Yi Xiaoyao! Don't make excuses, no matter how eloquent you are, you can't change you, a foreigner. The fact that you defrauded me of being the Great Sword Master of the Sword Clan!"

Hearing this, the members of the Sword Clan nodded. Yi Xiaoyao is the young master of the dead family, and he wanted to covet the position of the Sword Master of the Sword Clan. How could the Sword Clan tolerate it!

"A foreigner?"

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly smiled, looked at the Nine Swordsmen, and asked with a smile: "Mother, am I from a foreign race?"

Nine Sword Masters had long been unable to bear the targeting of Jian Ming's lineage, and when they heard Yi Xiaoyao's words, they also let out a cold snort.

"If my son is from a foreign race, then what am I? Or, my son can't be the young master of the dead family?"

She looked at Jian Yi coldly, and said with a sneer: "Could it be that your son has his own influence outside the Sword Clan, so he can't be regarded as a member of the Sword Clan?"


Jian Yi and the others stopped talking for a while, but they also quickly turned their minds back, focusing on Jian Yun and the other sword masters: "I will praise Yi Xiaoyao's life experience, but he is a dead man." Young master, this is a fact known to everyone in the world, and the gate of death is no better than other forces. Even my sword clan can't match its sharpness. How can such a person with an unknown position become the great sword master of my sword clan? ?”

The rest of the people echoed one after another: "Yes! If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that my sword clan was handed over to the Zombie Gate and swallowed by the Zombie Gate?"

Seemingly also aware of the seriousness of the matter, Jianyun and all the sword masters all looked very dignified, obviously having some kind of great worry.

Their worries were not only because of Yi Xiaoyao's unclear identity and position, but also because of other things that caused them even more headaches.

"Senior Jian Yi is really joking. Even if I become the master of the great sword, or the master of the dead door, why would I let my power annex my other power?"

Yi Xiaoyao said calmly: "If that's the case, if the Sword Clan doesn't want to, they will definitely fight the Dead Gate. What good will it do for the Dead Gate, the Sword Clan, or me?"

Before Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, Jian Yi yelled angrily: "No matter how you explain, you are not qualified to be the Great Sword Master of the Sword Clan. You are delusional!"

"No qualifications? Since I have the blood of the Sword Clan, I am a member of the Sword Clan, so I am qualified to compete for the position of Sword Master!"

Yi Xiaoyao was still so indifferent, and opened his mouth to refute Jian Yi.

The Nine Sword Masters also shouted angrily: "My son has come to this step because he is the son of the Nine Sword Masters of our Sword Clan. He participated in the Sword Clan Grand Competition fairly and justly, and won the first place. What a delusion!"

Yi Xiaoyao had already prepared for this verbal battle, as long as he had a mother behind him, as long as he had the blood of the Sword Clan flowing in his body, then he would occupy all the truth.

Jian Yi was obviously aware of this, but he knew even better that even if Yi Xiaoyao took advantage, the members of the Sword Clan would no longer recognize him as before.

Therefore, he ignored Yi Xiaoyao and said to the Great Sword Master and the others: "I also invite all sword masters to deprive Yi Xiaoyao of his qualifications as a sword master and drive him out of the sword clan!"

Many people from the surrounding Sword Clan echoed their voices.

The Great Sword Master and the others looked at each other with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

In the end, they smiled wryly at Master Nine Swords: "Although Yi Xiaoyao is your son, Master Nine Swords, after all..."

"What? Are you going to go back on your word again and violate the rules of the sword master battle again?"

The Nine Sword Master didn't wait for the Great Sword Master and others to finish speaking, and sneered: "Or are you going to violate the will of the ancestors? Don't forget, my son is the one chosen by the ancestor Jianying!"


The helplessness on the faces of the Great Sword Master and others was even worse. What the Nine Sword Masters said was indeed part of the reason for their embarrassment. They still couldn't understand how Yi Xiaoyao was chosen by Zu Jianying, and it also caused a lot of trouble. Such a shocking vision.

And next, Yi Xiaoyao directly pointed out the real reason for the embarrassment of the Great Sword Master and others.

"Mother, how can the sword masters violate the rules, or even violate the will of the ancestors?"

I saw Yi Xiaoyao saw the right moment, and smiled with a flick of his eyes: "I think, the Sword Clan just look down on me as the Young Master of the Dead Gate, even if I am your son, I have a bloodline that far exceeds that of everyone in the Sword Clan, but I am contaminated with blood. In the eyes of the Sword Clan, he is a lowly person with the blood of the Yi Clan."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Great Sword Master and the others finally couldn't help twitching, this was their biggest fear of Yi Xiaoyao's identity.

Because the Zombie Gate is so powerful now, even the Sword Clan is hard to provoke. If this matter is not handled well, it is very likely that they will become enemies with the Zombie Gate!
And Yi Xiaoyao's self-deprecating meaning is actually to express this information to the Sword Clan, and it can also be understood as a threat!

Not only that, after Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, he didn't intend to give up.

Instead, he continued to look at the people of Jianming's lineage and said with a smile: "Didn't the seniors of Jianyi just say that the younger generation's blood is low? The injustice encountered, the sword clan's dishonesty, returned to the gate of death."


(End of this chapter)

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