Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1225 Yes!brother

Chapter 1225 Yes!brother
"So now, do you approve of me?"

Looking at the sword inscription in front of him, and noticing the fear of this person, Yi Xiaoyao asked with a faint smile.


Jian Ming's expression froze suddenly. Faced with such a question, he naturally wanted to give a negative response, but he didn't have the courage to speak at all when the words were in his mouth, so he could only stammer a few times in embarrassment.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

How high-spirited Jianming used to be in the Sword Clan. As the strongest and youngest reincarnation of the younger generation of the Sword Clan, he should be praised, admired, and looked up to by countless people in the world.

Even before that, everyone thought that even the young master of the Dead Gate who stirred up the world three years ago could hardly compare to Jian Ming!

But now, when Jian Ming really stood in front of this equally young Young Master of the Dead Gate, he was so embarrassed and disrespectful.

It's like, no matter how precious something is, once compared, it can instantly become the most mediocre thing at any time.

Jian Yi and the others who also saw this scene seemed a little hard to accept Jian Ming's embarrassment, and suddenly frowned and took a deep breath.

Immediately, I saw Jianyi's complexion turned gloomy to the extreme, and said in a deep voice: "Yi Xiaoyao, don't be presumptuous! Even if you become the temporary great sword master, according to the ranking sword inscription, you will also be the second sword master, how can you be tolerated?" Treat like this!"

This sentence seemed to make Jianming react suddenly, and quickly put away the fear, and let out a cold snort at Yi Xiaoyao.

"Oh? Did I do something?"

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly smiled and said, "I just asked a question."

Everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao, felt the aura he had at this moment, and couldn't help but secretly move.

That's right, just one question made Jianming, who will become the second sword master, so embarrassed, there is such a person in the world!

"All right!"

Before Jian Yi and the others could continue to compete with Yi Xiaoyao, the Great Sword Master stopped the conflict that was about to expand again.

He also realized something, and after his eyes flickered, he said to Yi Xiaoyao: "Three days later, the Sword Clan will hold the Sword Master Enthronement Ceremony, but before that, you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"

Yi Xiaoyao asked.

The great sword master glanced at Jianming Yimai and others, and replied: "From now on, you must not take revenge on Jianming Yimai because of what happened today!"

In any case, the sword inscription lineage is a powerful force of the sword clan, and naturally it cannot be lost.

Of course, the great sword master's request was not artificial. In this sword clan, even if Yi Xiaoyao took the temporary position of great sword master, what would he do to Jian Ming's lineage?

He was worried that Yi Xiaoyao would use the power of the dead door to erase the thorns in the eyes of the sword inscription.

Yi Xiaoyao frowned slightly when he heard the words, he naturally knew what the other party meant.

"The Great Sword Master underestimates my strength too. Some people are not worthy of my initiative to include them in the enemy list."

He shook his head and smiled at the Great Sword Master and the others, as if feeling the anger some people exuded because of these words, his voice suddenly turned cold: "Of course, if those people take the initiative to provoke me, I will not I will show no mercy for any scruples!"

Hearing these words, the Great Sword Master's expression also changed slightly.

Why didn't he understand that what Yi Xiaoyao meant was that if people from the lineage of Jian Ming took the initiative to provoke him next time, even the Sword Clan would not be able to protect them!

"Naturally, we just hope that the sword clan will be harmonious."

The great sword master finally nodded, and warned the people of Jianming's lineage with his eyes.

Although the strong men of Jianming's lineage are simmering endless anger and resentment in their hearts, but the matter has come to this point, they can only bear it in the bottom of their hearts.

Because they are also very afraid of the dead door behind Yi Xiaoyao, even if they want to get rid of this thorn in their side, it is not a head-on encounter on this occasion.

"Since the result of the big competition has been decided, let's stop here for today!"

In the end, Jian Yun, as the person of the highest generation, regained control of the situation and spoke up.

Many members of the Sword Clan gathered on the shore of the lake in the distance scattered away in all directions with endless discussions and shock still rippling in their hearts.

The people of Jian Ming's lineage obviously didn't want to stay here any longer, and before leaving, they all gave Yi Xiaoyao a cold look.

Yi Xiaoyao could clearly feel this chilling gaze.

He knew that it was impossible for these people to just let it go.

However, this just fulfilled Yi Xiaoyao's wish, and he was worried that those guys would not dare to look for him.

Therefore, after a satisfied smile, Yi Xiaoyao no longer cared about other people, but cast his eyes on his mother.

Nine Sword Masters had been looking at Yi Xiaoyao for a long time, and when their eyes met, they both smiled and nodded.

She sent a voice transmission to Yi Xiaoyao: "You go back first, I have to discuss other matters with the Great Sword Master and the others."

Yi Xiaoyao agreed, got up and flew away, disappearing into the crowd scattered around.

At the same time, under an ancient tree by the lake shore, a delicate and beautiful figure was standing under the tree, with green fingers absently clasping the dry and cracked bark of the tree, in a state of trance.

"What are you thinking, so absent-minded?"

A soft laughing voice came from behind her, causing her delicate body to tremble slightly, and she turned around in a little panic.

It was Jian Xueer.

And it was Yi Xiaoyao who appeared in front of her at this moment.

" actually..."

Facing Yi Xiaoyao, Jian Xueer became inexplicably flustered, more because of the kind of bewilderment in her heart, and the kind of information that she hadn't accepted until now.

Obviously, what she wanted to say was that Yi Xiaoyao actually defeated Jian Ji, Jian Ming, and Jian Yi, and even caused such an astonishing vision when the bloodline awakened, and finally became a temporary master with a special identity. Sword Master!
Because there were so many incredible things, Jian Xueer couldn't express them for a while. In short, in her heart, everything that happened to Yi Xiaoyao today made her feel like a dream.

"I actually didn't lie to you?"

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head with a smile. He had already told the other party all this, but the other party didn't take it seriously at all, which made him very helpless.

Immediately, he patted Jian Xue'er on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "What are you doing in a daze, I'm tired and hungry now, why don't you take senior brother back to rest and cook for senior brother?"

"Yes! Senior Brother!"

Jian Xueer nodded again and again, now that she knew that Yi Xiaoyao was the son of the master, naturally she would no longer be reluctant to admit this senior brother as before.

What's more, before the sword clan competition started, Yi Xiaoyao said that he would teach Jian Ming a lesson for her.

Now that the senior brother helped her, the junior sister, to vent her anger, the junior sister will naturally take good care of the senior brother in return.


(End of this chapter)

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